Guruji Astro
Talk to Verified Astrologers At The Comfort Of Your Home with Guruji Astro. YOUR LIFE COACH
It's not every day that you get wedded for the first time. You may not have given much consideration to the torrent of inquiries coming your way because you've been so preoccupied with betrothal and honeymoon planning, and conceivably even quarters hunting.
1. How was the betrothal reception?
Even those who attended the wedding may want to know how it went for you after the fact. It will have been a different experience for you than for everyone else!
2. Are you disappointed that it has come to a close?
That was a great way to get your message across. Marriages can be a bit of a mixed bag. It's a once-in-a-lifetime occasion that will be forgotten in a flash. That's why you chartered an incredible photographer and heeded all of the advice about being present. Plus, while your wedding is done, your marriage is just beginning, so you can move forward to many more wonderful experiences together, the majority of which will take far less preparation.
3. Are you alleviated that you won't have to plan a wedding?
Even for the most laid-back brides, wedding planning can be stressful. Don't worry, asking this question doesn't mean you didn't do a good job... People are likely to be interested in what you're up to.
4. Do you have any photos for me to look at?
Even those who aren't linked to you on media enjoy seeing images from your wedding day (especially professional ones!). Don't be shy about taking out your phone (or, if you're at home, your album) and showing off your lovely day. They inquired!
5. How was your trip to the Bahamas?
Most people aren't asking for a one-word response, so feel free to revisit the experience a little. People will be interested to hear about the details of your honeymoon, such as where you took off and what you did, primarily the sentimental elements, such as sunset dinners on the beach and hot-air balloon excursions.
6. When you go on your honeymoon, where do you plan on going?
Everyone will expect to realize what you've prepared or are preparing if you haven't already done so. Some will provide excellent advice and suggestions, while others will be envious in a positive way!
7. How are things going in your marriage?
Good. Awesome. Amazing. It's amazing. I despise making jokes. You can be as general (or as specific) as you like with this question.
8. How is it going with your living situation?
While you may have had your fair number of (consecutive) sleepovers before your wedding, it can invade some getting used to if you didn't live together. Even if none of your colleague's daily routines surprises you, there's still the issue of what to do with all of your combined possessions.
9. Is it different to be married?
If you're not in the tone for intense, existential soul-searching, dismiss it with a breezy, "Not really!" or "Yes, I'm even more in love!" If you're not in the mood for deep, existential soul-searching, dismiss it with a breezy, "Not really!" or "Yes, I'm even more in love!"
10. When do you plan to start a family?
There are numerous variations of this question, some of which may catch you off guard, such as "Pregnant yet?!" posed with a squint the day after your honeymoon. Some are a little more covert about it and don't include a timeline, but they're after the exact information. When you're making babies, don't feel obligated to divulge any secrets!
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