Things you do not know about graphic design (My honest truth)
Graphic design is a dream job that is fun, flexible, and overflowing with creativity, but that doesn't always mean you get to create what you want all of the time; you won't always be working on exciting and fun projects.
It's actually very easy to become bored because your priority is usually the client's goals before your own, and when you're constantly trying to cater to your client, you feel like you're not growing. Creative block and creative burnout are real.
Clients want something that not only looks good, but also looks different, and when you've designed a hundred variations of a similar thing, it can be difficult to find inspiration and you can become exhausted.
Client "You're the expert, so let your creative juices flow."
What this really means is that you can read my mind, which puts a lot of pressure on graphic designers.
Yes, this gives me the freedom to create an interesting and effective design, but only you know what you want, so if you're hungry, I can give you a banana, but if you're looking for an apple, there's a problem.
Communication is crucial; it can be extremely frustrating to work on a project for hours only to find out that it is completely incorrect, even if your client only wants a few changes.
Making changes can be difficult. Graphic designers are frequently undervalued, and people believe we can quickly create a logo, but in reality, there is a lot involved in the design process, and we can spend hours, days, or even weeks on a single design.
This is one of the reasons I dislike graphic design, because it can sometimes lead to the feeling that you don't know what you're doing or that you didn't choose the right career path.
But here's why I also like graphic design: it's all around you. The pack of gum on your desk, the coffee mug on your desk, these are all examples of graphic design.
Graphic design allows you to solve a new and interesting problem because we have the tools and the ability to bring other people's ideas to life. As a graphic designer, you can learn a lot about business, communication, patients, and so much more.
So, despite the things I dislike about being a graphic designer, I have to consider why it is so important to the world.
I do it because I know that at the end of the day, if my design has helped even one person in this world, I've done a good job.
Seeing your artwork out in the world makes those less-than-glamorous days more bearable.