The Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down!

The Things You Can Only See When You Slow Down!

@Haemin Sunim , A much much recommended piece of reading! Read it twice, all set for the third read!

Some Excerpts Here! Life Changing words!

"Only when we slow down, we can finally see clearly our relationships, our thoughts, our pain! As we slow down we are no longer tangled in them. We can step out and appreciate them for what they are."

Let's pause, reflect , and slow down. I propose start journalling , helps a lot!

"Everything you experience is by the state of your mind, if the mind is joyful life is fun, when the mind is negative the world is negative; When the mind is overwhelmed and busy, you are not powerless! When your mind rests, the world also rests!"

Allow yourself breaks! Even from relationships ! Yes, it works!

"Don’t fight your negative emotions, observe them, and be friends with them. Unfortunately, the harder you try to forget it , the more it resurfaces. "

Practice Meditation, that helps!

Let's Welcome it!

"The person leading you towards spiritual awakening, is not the one who praises you or is nice to you. Your spirituality depends because of those who insult you and give you a hard time they are your spiritual teachers in disguise sent from above for your help in disguise. "

Feel that, welcome it!

"The person who made your life difficult today could be an undercover teacher sent from above task with your spiritual growth. "

Only hard times, bring the best of yourselves, be grateful to GOD for giving you these hard times.

Together is Better!

"It’s better to be happy together than to be right alone. Don’t try to conflict over anybody’s views , no one feels they are being heard or respected, what remains is mostly anger, confusion and hurt. "
"When you swallow your pride, real communication becomes possible! Do not try to control those around you , when you cannot control even your own mind, what makes you think you can control others? "

Yes Guys! Your win , will not buy you Happiness!

Don’t try to control others even if you are right because it makes the other person feel defeated. If you are right, they already knows you are right and there is no need to show them that they are wrong. It will make them feel defeated , and this feeling of defeat hurts the relationship. Eventually both of you in your heart know who is right. There’s no need of defeating anyone and winning over. Let it go.

Spot ON!

"If I want to convince someone I first listen them attentively and try to understand them even if I’m right, they won’t be convinced until they feel heard and respected."

How True ! Remember this, figure this out next time!

"When you ask a question, and there is no response, then that is the answer".

Bang on!

"Choose Happiness, not success for your life. If you become successful or aren’t happy, then what’s the point? "

My Daily dosage of Mantra from this Book!

"First, Honor your tears but then ask yourself ; “ Do I want to keep carrying this resentment in my heart? Do I want to live as a victim of my past forever?” Learn to forgive others, even if there is no apology coming, not for them, but for yourself. For your own inner peace, Set yourself free."

Will you keep crying forever? and will that help? Embrace the feeling but Do not be a victim of this forever. Free yourself from emotional bondage. You deserve all the happiness.

"Do not crowd your mind “ what ifs”. Only when you are happy, you can make a world happier place."

Learnt in CBT, Next time, when this thought arises change it to what if it does not happen? What if all goes right? See the change in prospective. Tried and tested guys! This works!

Be Realistic, Driven by Facts!

"A wise leader doesn’t assemble a team of those who agree with them. He needs someone who disagrees with with him, to allow him to see his blind spots. "
"Powerful person is often surrounded by yes-men helping their boss, feel important and exceptional. If the people around you always agree with you, they’re probably opportunist not loyalists."
"Dedication to one’s job should not be measured by how late when or how often when forges a vacation but by how effectively one works and what kind of contribution makes to the business. "
"Your freedom is more important than money. It is better to live the kind of life you want than to earn more and be constrained. Don’t sell your freedom. "

I wish people can differentiate between religion & Culture! Still something I cant embrace.

"The purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticize others."
"Love, not righteous words, can change peoples lives."

Do not mix up religion with culture and ritual guys! Some one wisely said, i read on some Social media, tradition defined as; "Peer pressure. from dead people" , funny but soooo true, I cant agree more. Wish, I can change this perspective of people pleasing & blind tradition following. Let's live and let live!

Only if we remember this!

"Everything is impermanent, including the world's most comfortable posture".

Don't over-over-overburden yourself with emotional bondage! Be it your home, family , career or relationships!


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