Things You Can Do About Human Trafficking
If you see something you believe to be the result of human trafficking there is a hotline you can use and still remain anonymous 1-888-373-7888. The hotline is the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.
There is an email address you can use as well, that email address is [email protected]. This email address can be used to report cyber crimes of sextortion and human trafficking.
Here are the signs you can use to determine if someone is being trafficked. This information can be found at the National Human Trafficking Resource Center website.
- Handler exerts complete control.
- Handler is the only one that speaks
- Handler hold all identification cards/documents/finances
- Victims are not free to leave or speak when spoken to.
- Victims live in squalid conditions controlled by the handler (and often with other victims).
- Victims don't make eye contact with the handler, law enforcement or service providers.
- Victims exhibit fear and have a very reserved demeanor.
- Victims show signs of abuse sexual/physical.
- Victims are uncompensated.
- Victims can be from out of state or from another nation.