Things you can do at home to help with bedwetting
Mrs Carole Astin
Dream Big & Follow Your Vision. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't!!!
Things you can do at home to help with bedwetting
1. Give your child enough water to drink during the day
2. Make sure your child goes to the toilet regularly, around 4 to 7 times a day, including just before bedtime
3. Agree with your child on rewards for positive actions, such as a sticker for every time they use the toilet before bed
4. Use waterproof covers on their mattress and duvet
5. Make sure they have easy access to a toilet at night
1. Do not punish your child – it is not their fault and can make bedwetting worse.
2. Do not give your child drinks containing caffeine, such as cola, tea, and coffee – this can make them pee more.
3. Do not regularly wake or carry your child in the night to use the toilet – this will not help in the long term.
Bedwetting in young children is normal
Many children under the age of 5 wet the bed.
It can take some time for a child to learn to stay dry throughout the night.
There are many reasons why a child might wet the bed.?
Wetting the bed can be very distressing to a child therefore if you have any reason for concern then see your local GP who may refer you to a Paediatric doctor for further analysis and assistance.
I hope this helps
|Mrs Carole Astin
Medical Professional and content writer/health blogger and founder member of Qatar Expat Women
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