"Things Turn Out Best for the People that make the best out of the way things turn out"
This is a quote from legendary UCLA coach John Wooden. It is a quote that i have had hanging on my wall since 2008 when i first learned I had a hereditary predisposition to thyroid cancer. I went in, had it removed as i had a 100% chance of thyroid cancer in my lifetime. That was a certainty. I went in in 2008 and had it removed and did indeed have some cancer spots on the thyroid. I get annual tests and scans and all has been good now for 15 years. I adopted this John Wooden quote as it summed up my thoughts on life and business. Things happen, sometimes you have control, sometimes you dont. But the one and maybe last freedom you have is how you approach life, change and adversity. You control how you deal with it. Not anyone else. My approach to this day in life and business is You are where you are. You will be where you choose to go. I firmly believe in only you can make the best out of the way things turn out. Its a mindset, a paradigm of thought, a core belief and you need to rise above even your personal needs to do what needs being done as the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. . Making the best of things, to keep moving forward and to expect, plan and deliver positive change for yourself and all those around you. It really doesnt matter where you are, its where you choose to go thats important.
I choose change, I choose growth, I choose teamwork, I choose continous improvement. I choose always moving forward. The rear view mirror is history: life lives in the windshield and beyond. Doesnt mean ther arent curves, detours, and road construction on the path, but keeping your internal and organizational GPS set on the destination or long term goal will work you through all that. Staying adaptable and alway trying to find the best path forward is always the answer. As tennis great Arthur Ashe once said "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can"
Stay tuned, good times ahead.