Things that take away your precious energy!

Things that take away your precious energy!

??? 1. People.

Have you noticed how communication with certain people gives you more energy? They are usually very positive, with a relaxed attitude towards life. And there are people who drain the negative energy to anyone (so-called energy parasites). Their mere presence seems to take all the energy.?They are whiners, cynics and pessimists most often. It's not always possible to choose whom you spend your time with, but you can limit your interactions with those who drain your energy and focus on those who inspire and energize you. We become like the people we spend the most time with, so choose wisely.

What about you?

What kind of energy people receive from you? Do they feel good about your presence or do people avoid you and are extremely reluctant to communicate? Would you like to change this?How can you deal with this situation?

Clear boundaries need to be set. If you don't necessarily want to be with that person, just cut them out of your life. If communication cannot be avoided (for example, you work with him, this is your relative), it is important to determine the scope of what is permitted (for example, talk only on the phone with him, hire a person who will look after a relative).

?????? 2. Noise.

????? Some people play loud music to concentrate. For them, music is a source of energy that helps in the creative process. Someone cannot think clearly when music is playing, and the effort they make to think through the noise becomes very tiring. There is no right or wrong answer here, it is everyone's personal choice. If you need an energy boost, what kind of music do you prefer? What music invigorates you? Which one worsens your mood?

In addition, there is an ambient noise. If, for example, you are near an airport or there are construction works taking place, signal noise can have a very strong impact on you. You hear what you focus on. A solution is to learn to focus on something else. Put on headphones and play music that will help you tune out external noise properly.

3. Media, social networks and chatter.

Our energy is influenced not only by the people we communicate with, but also by the media we consume: newspapers, magazines, radio and TV, communication on social networks and even conversations on the phone. It is always useful to remember what effect this or that thing has on us, trying to determine whether it will energize us or not. For example, does reading the newspaper invigorate you or make you sad? Does hanging out on social media boost your mood and energy levels? Does talking on the phone for a long time put you in a positive and good mood?

Everything that spoils your mood also affects your energy. It couldn't be any other way.? Of course, it is useful to be aware of what is happening in the world, among acquaintances and friends, but it is not necessary to lose yourself in the negative side of things completely. People are designed in such a way that they pay more attention to negative events and rarely present a balanced point of view at the same time. After this, it is easy to find yourself on edge and de-energized.

?4. Radiations and stressors.

?????? Electromagnetic fields have a negative effect and cause lethargy, nervousness, headaches and poor health. If you have low energy levels and you don't understand why, try getting rid of electrical appliances, in the bedroom especially. This applies to laptops, televisions, mobile phones and electric alarm clocks.

Having a computer, TV or mobile phone in the bedroom will not benefit your rest, as all these objects stimulate brain activity and thus disrupt sleep, which is why you wake up tired in the morning. In the bedroom you need to relax, sleep, make love only.

David Hawkins, who spent 20 years studying the levels of human consciousness and data obtained by Hans Sele, the first scientist to conduct research into our state of stressors, confirms that any stressor with a value above 200 gives a feeling of calm, positive emotions and strengthens the immune system, while anything below 200? leads to stress and various diseases.


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