Things that really matter in life
Gwinyai Masaka
Consultant (Training & Management) at Beacon Services+ 01582317660 / 07946363478
Imagine that you were drowning, unable to escape imposing torrents of unrelenting and unforgiving muddied waters, what are the things that come to your mind? What do you really think about? Does your life flash before your eyes as many scribes would make us believe. In those crucial moments, do you think of your aspirations and dreams, successes and failures? Your better half or bitter ex? Your children or your iguana? Your bank balance or your impending bills you are struggling to pay or keep under control? When drowning, being pulled deep. deep down under, by forces beyond your control, what really comes to your mind? Do you think of what you will do immediately after this ordeal is all over, like taking a long warm bath? or going on a long walk or vacation? When drowning, being pulled deep. deep down under, by forces beyond your control, what really comes to your mind?
When drowning, gasping for precious oxygen, what really comes to your mind is the desperate desire for more oxygen. Not our possessions, dreams, aspirations, nor our better half or bitter ex. No, none of that matters! What matters most is to breathe at all costs. Do we, as people take a moment to think about the pleasure and privilege of breathing? Do we really stop to count our blessings, while sucking and drawing in this precious commodity freely available in numbed oblivion? The above conjecture serves to illustrate how we take little but valuable things in our lives for granted yet they could be the most important of things until we don't have them or when under threat to lose them. I do not wish to spell everything out, but would rather open this up for discussion, hoping that we take a moment to appreciate little but valuable things in our lives that matter worth mentioning...