"As Things Now Stand - Please Pay Attention" Anna von Reitz
Paul LeBreton
Research Doctorate at Montessori N.A.S.A. Space Cadet Academy, Albuquerque
The assets of the bankrupt States of States (Territorial United States) and the liquidated STATES OF STATES (Municipal United States) have been claimed and rolled into the associated State Trusts doing business as, for example, the Maine State (Trust) and Wisconsin State (Trust) since 2016.
This was done by the Priority Creditors to protect the assets from the Secondary Creditors --- international banks.
Meantime, the guilty government of France has launched "The Republic for the United States of America" as a replacement Territorial Government and the guilty UK Government has launched THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as a replacement for the Municipal Government.
And they have both proposed, apparently with Mr. Trump's ignorant blessing, to continue paying themselves with our money, based on borrowing against our assets, without our permission and in fact against our actual instructions.
Therefore, as of yesterday, all the State Trusts were rolled over in-to the actual sovereign States and both The Republic for the United States of America and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA were hit with Agricultural Liens and seized upon.
Apparently, neither the UK nor France have learned that "No means no." and they have somehow convinced Mr. Trump that the Operation of Law related to Delegated Authorities doesn't work with the regularity of gravity. Even though it does.
Their attempt to continue the same old scam on a different day has been thwarted and our assets are now safely off their playing field. From here on in, it becomes a matter of head-to-head debate.
When the Donor and the Heir to an Estate held in trust are one-in-the-same, that person can act as the Donor to collapse or amend the trust, or as the Heir to receive benefit from it. The Trustees in the middle have nothing to say about the actions of the Donor and must obey.
In our case we were coerced and defrauded into unknowingly becoming Donors of our Estates and conveniently not told about all the actions taken by the Trustees acting "for" us. We were, as the saying goes, kept in the dark and fed horseshit for a very long time.
Emerging into the bright light of day, it appears that although our Donor status was engineered within a few days after we were born and were still helpless, and that this was accomplished via deliberate falsification of our public records, the equal presumption that we intended to be the Beneficiaries of our own Estates was not deduced by our brilliant Trustees.
So the Donors have "come back from the dead" and made our Will in the matter explicit and clear: yes, we are the Heirs of our own Estates. We didn't give them away to England nor to France nor to Donald Trump, for that matter. Sorry. There has been a mistake.
And this Ship of State is not headed where we want it to go.
So, Trustees, get your girdles on and prepare to do some honest work.
High above the squabbling of commercial corporations masquerading as the governments of nations when in fact they are merely "service providers", there exist actual sovereign States and Governments.
In this country, each actual State is sovereign and unincorporated.
Our actual Government in the international jurisdiction, The United States of America, is also unincorporated.
We bear the actual responsibility, and therefore, we are the Powerholders.
Since those who formerly held the Delegated Powers have plotted to vacate the constitutional agreements --apparently thinking that that would give them even more liberty to plunder on our shores--- we have called them on it.
The Federal States of States were disabled during the bogus "Civil War" and "held in abeyance" --- so color them gone, along with the original Constitution.
The Territorial Government went bankrupt this past year, as did the Municipal Government in 2015. Count both of them gone, along with whatever ragged claims they had to any constitutional authority at all.
The so-called "International Organizations" which have proposed to replace the Territorial and Municipal Governments owed to this country have been rebuffed and the actual government, The United States of America [Unincorporated] has accepted back the Delegated Powers, and has extended Donald Trump a month-by-month contract and bond, enabling him to get his ducks in order.
The Trustees, both the Queen of England and the Pope, have been given more than adequate Notice and Demand from the Donors that continued interference in our affairs and sequestration of our assets is not acceptable. They are under demand and so is the "Congress" in whatever capacity it pretends to continue to exist and operate -- to deliver our assets back to us and to our control without further obfuscation or delay.
Anything less will be considered a criminal Breach of Trust and will appear so before the entire world.
Delivery and funding of basic government services under Mr. Trump's direction is to continue, including the funding of public and military pensions, which includes Social Security.
Congress does not have access to our assets to borrow against, so we hope that wherever that $716 billion in war-making expenditures was going to come from, they are prepared to ante it up all by themselves. Perhaps they could use some of the over $20 trillion that has been embezzled.
Pope Francis, the Vatican Chancery Court, the Roman Curia, the Queen and Westminster are all under demand to make amends to The United States of America and to our States and People for the great wrongs which have been practiced against us. It is in keeping with the Double Golden Jubilee that all should be returned, free and clear of all debt or encumbrance. It is also in keeping with established Law that those who have been harmed by fraud and breach of trust are owed additional compensation for their innocent suffering and loss: we are thinking now of the many millions of Americans who have paid "federal income taxes" they never owed and "mortgages" they never owed and "utility bills" they never owed, either.
We have suggested full disclosure of the circumstance and facts, allowing individual Americans to choose whether they wish to be considered State Nationals or British Citizens, and following that election for there to be a full and permanent and internationally recognized severance of all other legal presumptions created by the purposeful falsification of our public records and the pernicious offering of adhesion contracts disguised as "government mandates".
We note that although the Queen's Territorial Government has widely described itself as being a "democracy" it has yet to establish a single public mandate for its existence, much less any of the actions which it has taken to cause so much pain, misery, disruption, theft, and war for profit.
Again, if there is any question on this point, we suggest that Americans be offered full disclosure of the history and the facts, and be allowed to participate in free elections to determine whether they wish to live in a "democracy" sans mandate or in their own State Republics.
There is no need for war, only a great need for new understandings and an honest foundation for going forward.
Our assets need to be returned by our Trustees, so that we can operate our own lawful government without any undo interference or financial manipulation. We are not proposing any great disruption of the world banking system nor are we proposing a lot of physical action moving or removing assets on deposit, but we do require the return of title and access to our assets.
While it was laughed at by everyone on Capitol Hill except its lonely sponsor, the original NESARA provisions should be accepted and passed by those few members of the "Congress" who are actually eligible to vote on the matter and the rest of the "Congress" should be ordered to fully fund every iota of it. "Ordered" we say, since every Bar Member currently sitting in the "US Congress" is under the command of the Queen and obligated to do exactly as she wishes.
Passing and fully funding the original un-amended NESARA legislation would at least be a token of repentance and renewed Good Faith between the UK and the American States.
We note that the Law supporting the originally proposed NESARA has already been enabled and that all that is necessary is a swift kick in the keisters of the American Bar Association members and our permission to fund it. Consider that permission granted.
Paul LeBreton / C.E.O. / Director of Operations
(Heru Paule LeBreton -Spiritual Name)
"HSBC Terra Christa BRICS Bank"
5-Star General, United States Air Force (SSP)
5-Star Admiral, United States Navy (SSP)
Mothership Captain, "Dances-with-Eagles"
Lord Aton Salvington's Lieutenant
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112-4300 U.S.A.
** I Have Made The Statement To Anna von Reitz and The Overseers
That No Matter I Appear Before You In A Buckingham Palace Guard's
Uniform: I Remain a Sovereign and a Private Natural Person__
People's Advocate at Harmony-Rose Healing Connection
5 年Von (nobility) has been on the side of the bloodline families who want it ALL. SO why should we believe Anna now ? She has no sovreighty Reitz.