Things Never Slow Down
Brian Ford
Using personal development to fundraise for charity | Self-Improvement Podcaster (20+ million downloads) | Social Impact Leader (Nonprofit founder at For Purpose Foundation)
Tell me if you’ve ever been here… You have a ton of urgent deadlines, travel plans, people you already planning on seeing, and a bunch of other random commitments. That’s a lot on your plate and it might not sound too far away from how things are for your right now.
In the face of it all, maybe you’ve told yourself that when things calm down you can really settle in and prioritize doing what you’ve really been wanting to do. But has that ever worked?
Let’s be honest. Things never slow down. Life seems to constantly be going at a faster pace than before, and it can be hard to keep up with it.
If you’re always waiting for things to slow down to pursue something new, exciting, or important, that day will never come. You won’t start. Getting into that new routine or habit will always be two weeks away. The diet and exercise program you want to try will always be pushed off. If you want to live your best life you can’t let that happen.
The only day you can truly effectuate is today. The only decision you can make is in the now. The goal is not to postpone what’s important to you hoping that you can accommodate it later. Instead you need to make it a priority and integrate it in a manageable way immediately.
Reading this at the beginning of July, when we've just begun the second half of 2022, you’re at an inflection point. You can choose to start doing it and take the rest of this year to prove to yourself that you can build the life you always dreamed of, or you can keep waiting for the perfect day that will never come. If you’re ready to make that switch and step up to the next best chapter of your life, and you feel like you've been postponing making it a priority, you'll want to check this out :)