Things I have Learned from Living in Sweden ????
Hej alla,
in August 2020 I moved to Lule? which is on the coast of northern Sweden. I decided to participate in a Double-Degree Program that my home University (University of Applied Sciences Augsburg) is offering. It allows students to finalize their last year of studies abroad. I wanted to share my experience and what I have learned so far:
1. But first, fika.
Fika is one of the first words you learn when coming to Sweden after hej (hello) and tack (thank you).
Fika seems almost like a ritual which includes sharing a cup of coffee (or tea), some sort of sweet baked goods, and taking a moment to appreciate the good things in life.
2. Group Work
Working in groups is one of the main characteristics of the Swedish education system and one reason why I decided to come here. Every period which lasts for two-month students usually have
3. Drink Tap Water
Similar to the US you receive free water in restaurants. You just order:
ett glas vatten, tack!
The water right out of the tap tastes really good and has very high quality here in Sweden.
4. Swedish Nature
- More than half of the country is forest
- There are 30,000 Swedish islands
- Sweden has 95,700 lakes larger than 2 acres
The picture on the left is about 30 min from where I lived. Sweden has beautiful nature and a lot of mosquitoes in the summer :D.
Overall, I really enjoyed my time in Sweden. Especially the time at LTU was a great experience that I don't want to miss. I met inspiring and wonderful people that enriched my life. Right now I am driving back to Germany with my grandpa and his motorhome. The coast of Sweden has a lot of nice places to visit.
Thank you, Sweden. Maybe see you again in the future ??
Comment down below ???? Have you been to Sweden? Can you add things that you have learned? ??