Things I Don’t Understand
I don’t understand how pastors and leaders of the church can sit and listen to the vile language come out of the Presidents’ mouth and say it came from God. It might be good if they were to find out what God they serve if any. One Pastor, said we were having bad weather, because people were talking about Trump in a disrespectful way.
The players in the NFL wanted to support what they considered to be an injustice to people of color. They started to take a knee during the time the National Anthem was being played. Some said this action was covered by the first amendment rights; others said it was disrespect. Trump came down on the side it was disrespect.
The KKK, White Supremacist, Neo-Nazis had a march and riots broke out. Trump supported this action and said they were good people. I don’t understand, how you can support any group that want to tear the country apart, and hate those that want to express their first amendment rights. One may not agree with what was done, but how do you justify supporting any group that have fought and died to take away the flag. I just don’t understand. There was no comment from the Pastors they were quiet as a church mouse.
I thought I read someplace, where it said blessed is the man that sit not in the seat of the scornful. If you find peace in seeing others hurt, you have a problem. You want others to give you honor, but you offer none. I just don’t understand!
It is troubling to me when I hear people urge war; a place they were afraid to go, their Dad never put on a uniform, and their sons shutter at the thought. They have no problem sending my son or grandson to die on the field of battle, but will not sent their love ones. They have no compassion for you or yours.
Maybe these things are too deep for me to understand. Surely there is someone that can make me see the light. I know one cannot beat getting a good understanding. We want America to be number one, but it cannot be done without love and understanding.
I may be wrong but I have never heard any pastor say touching a woman’s private parts is beneath what we expect of the president? I was reading in the Bible where it said a man ought to love his wife as Christ loved the Church. I don’t understand how you can call a man a S. O. B. and not be ready to fight to the death. I do know, if you support wrong you too are wrong and guilty.
Would you stand in front of people and say you are proud of the image we have been given? The calling of names must be linked to child play and used by little boys playing a dangerous game.
Would you stand before your maker and be proud of supporting these actions? Would you laugh and cheer the “joke” of disrespecting a woman? I wonder how do you feel standing in front of the world body and telling them you are the face of America. I don’t understand but I think you are better than that!
I am proud to be an American. I have put my life on the line for this country while serving in the miltary and would do so again, but let us not provoke a war. We have too much to lose. We as a country, have so much to gain and too bright a future to blow it now. God bless America.