Things will go wrong

Things will go wrong

T.E.A Break - 024

Things will go wrong, it’s all about how you deal with it.

Me in the past: Stress, worry, anxiety, and sleepless nights.

Me now: "Righto, that wasn't planned, but let's press on."

Experience is EVERYTHING in business!

If you run a business you will encounter countless setbacks and bumps in the road guaranteed.

It’s as predictable as the sun rising tomorrow.

Things will go wrong.

Problems will arise out of nowhere.

Unforeseen things will happen.

It’s all part of the journey buster.

You can’t do anything about it so embrace and relish it as a learning experience.

I’ve found myself facing this reality once again this week and honestly, it’s water off a ducks back these days.

What I’ve learned over the years is this:

It’s all about how you react and what you do next.

I’ve surprised myself with just how casually I take set backs these days.

It’s all part of the journey.

One of my senior team got wind of this latest set back and called me.

They said “Does this mean we need to change X and Y?”

Me: “Absolutely not. We’re ploughing on faster and harder than ever. These things happen, let’s put this to one side and press on.”

The way I see it is this:

When you know just how good your business is…

When you know just how brilliant the team around you are…

When you know just how incredible your services are…

You feel like a business owner that has an S on his chest and a cape in his closet.

So, let me remind you that things will go wrong.

But, you can deal with it, so just press on.

Nelson Mandela is famously quoted as saying "I never lose. I either win or I learn."

What a statement that is!

When things go wrong, I see it as learning.

This weeks little bump in the road has already yielded some wins in other ways, as it confirmed something in my mind, that I've been toying with for a while, so we push on.

Remember 95% of the time, what feels like a problem today, will be long forgotten in a couple of weeks time.

Now, let's press on, put a smile on our faces and get into this week's content.

T.E.A Talks: Is Microsoft Ads The Secret In Online Advertising?

"Today I'm joined by Lu our Head of Paid Search for her first ever T.E.A Talk and we're talking Microsoft Ads. Lu loves to 'Bing it'. I'm on the fence and can't recall when I last Bing'd it. This is a great episode and not to be missed."

Available now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, as well as our blog.

Grow with Evergreen: Head of Marketing at £10m Bathroom Business Needs HELP

"Today I'm talking to the Head of Marketing at a £10m+ turnover bathroom brand. They're at a real transition and considering ecommerce. They've just acquired another business and are seemingly smashing their paid media. Let's find out more about this intriguing business.

Available on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts, as well as our blog.

Evergreen Uncut: Join Us For a Look Around Spring Fair 2025

"Last week, Darren and I had a day out at Spring Fair 2025 at the NEC. Hundreds of exhibitors, thousands of products and people. It was so busy we even lost each other at one point...

Available now on our website and on YouTube."

To your continued success.


PS. I have one favour to ask. Please share this newsletter link with one person you think will benefit from reading this - thank you.


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