Things to do when planning work in your school during the summer holiday
One Consulting Group
"Projects In Partnership." Instagram : @OCGProjectManager
Mark Norrell, Director, Property & Construction
With the school summer holidays just around the corner, many children are starting to get excited for those six weeks of fun. But for school staff with facilities and property maintenance responsibilities, the holiday period can sometimes be a very busy period. This is because it’s when many projects and building work are carried out.?
I’m sure all works have been planned well in advance of the fast approaching holiday period, especially as resources are often tight and most trades are very busy during this time. It’s important to recognise that before these projects begin, there are a number of matters that need to be put in place, some of which are a regulatory and a legal responsibility.??
Your responsibilities?
Schools have a number of client duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. If you or your school leadership team are procuring building work, please ensure you meet these duties.
Your action plan
There are lots of matters to consider, so we've put together a To Do list of the key things you’ll need to consider and actions you’ll need to put in place to ensure the project goes as smoothly as possible.?
The above is just a summary of some key considerations when carrying out construction work and there are many more you will need to consider.?
If you would prefer to outsource the project management responsibilities to experienced professionals who will make sure the regulations are adhered to and the work is completed well and on time, contact us to find out more.?