Things (these days) that make me go hmmmmmm...
Under normal circumstances, I find no shortage of things that amuse, confound, confuse and amaze me. If someone hasn’t posted a curiosity to some social media, I’ll still come across something eyebrow lifting somewhere...on a walk, on a golf course, in my yard or at the grocery store. But, these aren’t normal circumstances...far from it! So, what captures my attention and stimulates a “hmmmm” is unique to this moment. For example:
1. I was in a derm clinic yesterday to have yet another of those age-related growths removed. In an otherwise hermetically sealed environment, the receptionist’s mask was comfortably below her nose and, occasionally, her mouth. Makes me say....hmmmmm
2. Fires are raging out west; Denver went from 98 degrees one day to 30’s and snow next day; Iowa was nailed by a recent and very destructive derecho storm; Southern CA is blazingly hot. But, people in charge deny the existence of climate change. Makes me say....hmmmmm
3. Listening to higher ed leaders on various podcasts and wondering if some understand the likely permanence of Covid-19 consequences on admissions, modes of teaching, financial and other resources, and the preparation of students for unclear career and work opportunities. Makes me say....hmmmmm
4. The stock market....enough said. Makes me say....hmmmmm
5. “I knew Covid-19 would be deadly, I just didn’t want to panic people. BUT, DEMOCRATS WILL KILL YOU!!!! Makes me say....hmmmmm
6. Given what it cost to renovate our bathroom, how do these home renovation shows gut and restore a house for the amounts they say. And, in 7 weeks? Makes me say....hmmmmm
7. Golf. Makes me say....hmmmmm
8. Living in a contested state, we’re exposed to a mind numbing number of political ads. Everything about the electoral process at every level (but certainly mostly for POTUS) is ridiculous. We lived in Croatia when their 30 day campaign period took place. Makes me say....hmmmm
9. Judy and I were driving and having a conversation about furniture. Then, all my Facebook ads were about furniture. Who’s listening? Siri, Alexa, or Google? Makes me say....hmmmmm
10. Colleges open and soon after harbor clusters of infected students. So, they close and scatter infected students all over their states and beyond. Makes me say....WTF! Hmmmm
Let me know if you get to Denver! Hope you and your wife are enjoying life!