Things to Avoid!
Dr Christiaan Willems
Loathe Presenting? Get to LOVE it! I help Business Owners, Executives & Leaders get Comfortable, Confident & Credible - on Camera; on Stage; Online.
Welcome to another in this series of One Minute Micro-Masterclasses, where in less than one minute, you can learn how to get Comfortable, Confident and Credible on-Camera. In today’s Micro-Masterclass, what where looking at is: Things to Avoid.
For instance, if you are shooting a video and you position yourself in the shot so that you look like you have a tree growing out of my head - take a look at the still shot above - that is not very attractive. It is distracting for your viewers, and something to definitely to avoid. So framing your shot in such a way that, rather than having a tree apparently growing out of the back of your head, you can reframe the shot, and use the tree as foreground to give greater depth to the shot - so you've got the foreground, the middle ground, and probably a fantastic landscape in the background. So you can use that tree to enhance the shot rather than make you look like you’re a Moose with antlers(!)
If you need more information, please feel free to contact me. Cheers, Dr Chris.