The Thing We Lack
Week late r death has come and gone and joy is replaced with agony. Today we have a friend. Tomorrow he will be an enemy and we do not know why. A little while ago we had wealth and all material luxuries. There was a sudden change and now we have only poverty and misery and yet we seek in vain for a reason why this should be. There was a time when we had health and strength, but they have both departed and no trace of a reason appears. As ide from the s e greater tragedies of life innumerable e things of lesser cons sequence e continually bring to us little miseries and minor heartaches. We most earnestly desire to avoid them but we never see them until they strike us, until in the darkness of our ignorance c e v blunder upon them. The thing we lack is m e spiritual illumination that will enable us to look far and wide, finding the hidden causes of h um suffering and revealing the method by which they may b e avoided; and if we can but reach illumination the evolutionary journey can b e made both comfortably and swiftly . It is a s though we must pass through a long . dark room filled with furniture promise tousle scattered about . In the darkness our progress would b e slow and painful and our bruises many . But if we could press a button that