The Thing That Gets Us Stuck Isn't Us

It's the inner script (inner monologue) in our head.

The term script describes the thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge (mental models) that individuals possess through repeated experiences that guide their actions in specific situations.

You know that script well. It's in your head, and you're using it to read and interpret this article right now.

The idea of shining light on our inner scripts helps us see that much of what we believe, assume, and do is driven by specific narratives encoded in our brains.

For example, imagine a sales rep who feels obligated to do something—yet strongly disagrees with it. Perhaps a sales rep is asked to make 25 cold calls per day for 30 days as part of a new business development cold calling blitz. The seller reluctantly makes the calls even though his inner script admonishes him that "cold calls don't work."

It's fair to assume that this sales rep won't be successful at cold calling with this script in his head.

We are psychologically hard-wired to feel good about our choices and decisions. When we have an inner script that doesn't match with what we're asked to do or believe, we are in what psychologists call a state of "dissonance." Essentially, we are in combat with ourselves.

Inner scripts are insidious because they can be paralyzing. They cause people to think: "Until we resolve this issue, I can't move forward. So I'm going to do the bare minimum to get by." A spiraling down of productivity is the inevitable result.

The solution isn't to try to eliminate unproductive scripts. That might be an arduous task. Instead, the answer is to rewire our brains with better scripts or, as New York Times bestselling author John Acuff describes them, "Soundtracks." Once we learn to identify automatic thoughts and replace them with productive thoughts, our inner scripts become our friends, propelling us towards our goals.

The implication for leaders is this: If you're looking to improve productivity in any area of work, empower people to express their inner scripts—how they're thinking and feeling about a specific situation or event.

It's simply the human thing to do!

Historically, business strategies have focused on production and profitability. Human capital was simply a means to an end. However, the world is changing. There's a growing realization that organizations must find a balance between business and humanity (paying attention to what's essential to people).

By communicating your interest in hearing people's inner scripts, leaders will take a giant step forward in boosting morale, improving productivity, humanizing their work culture, and reducing turnover.

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