The path to Greatness
Henry Venter
Chief Operating Officer @ ADC Projects | Management Consulting, Project Planning
Much has been said on the topic of "Greatness." The Internet defines it as "a concept of a state of superiority affecting a person or object in a particular place or area. Greatness can also be attributed to individuals who possess a?natural ability?to be better than all others."
I believe that greatness is the ability to push yourself to achieve your full potential. That "natural ability" isn't just there by itself – it is acquired through hard work and training by focusing and building on your strengths.
Some people will get the life they dream of. Not many, though. The rest just dream of how it would have or could have been. We are not them. We have strengths that, if properly developed, will lead us to greatness!
Let us consider four concepts that may form the foundation and building blocks of achieving "Greatness."
Motivation is the "why?". Why is this important to me? Why am I pressing on despite the odds?
Spending time alone with your thoughts usually gives you a clue as to what this motivating force is for?you.
What does life on?your?terms look like? Have you ever asked yourself that question? This is what you want to work towards.
It may be a feeling deep inside you that won't let go. A nagging that tells you that you are capable of so much more. It invites you to dream of greatness – to consider the possibility of ultimate success – to bask in its glory.
You must find out your "why," as it will empower you to press on when things get hard. You have to have deeper reasons for working hard to help you overcome the doubts and fears when they set in. And they will.
But if you can see the invisible – to see the vision of what might be, it becomes possible to make that vision reality.
You cannot change the seasons – they will come as they do. But you can change how you react to them. Your "why" makes this possible.
Remember that your "why" needs to be personally important to you; otherwise, it won't last – it will be blown away with the changing season.
Commitment is the decision to cut off any option other than to make your dream and goal happen.
The?decision?is the first step. Commitment is what carries you into the future. It is the protector of your?why, as it endures even when the odds are turned against you.
An effective way of consummating your commitments is by writing them down in a journal. Writing things down commits you to them on a deeper level, which influences your decisions.
Everybody desires to achieve great things, but you have to make the?decision?that you?have to do this. Nothing?will stop you. "This is it. Right here and right now."
Commitment is the willingness to sacrifice. If you are not willing to sacrifice, you are not willing to succeed, as great success requires great sacrifice.
Nobody wants to be first because most people are afraid to fail. Don't be. Visualize obstacles you may have to face and how you overcome them. Do it in your mind first (vision) and then back it up with a plan (action).
The only person you can never lie to is yourself—the guy in the mirror. You can think of excuses for everyone – not for yourself. If you do not pursue your dreams, at least have the courage to tell that guy in the mirror that you have chosen not to pursue them.
Getting things done in a systematic way requires discipline. Discipline is not punishment. It is the commitment to keep training to get better all the time. To keep moving – to keep the momentum.
Discipline is taking the hard road. The uphill road. To say, "I will do this!" even when it's hard. To do what's right because it's the right thing to do.
Where?commitment?is the?willingness?to sacrifice,?discipline?is the ability to?make?that sacrifice.
Some people have a vision of what they want to do but need to know when or where to start. The answer? You start right HERE and right NOW.
Over time, you start building the muscle of taking action and ignoring what you?feel?like doing but rather doing what has to be done.
Don't make excuses. Take ownership of everything in your world – good and bad. Start right HERE and right NOW.
Most people are searching for that?one thing that will make their dreams come true. There is no such thing. Hourly, daily, and weekly graft make all the difference—waking up early and grinding hard, doing what has to be done every single day.
There is deep truth in this saying. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Consistently chipping away at a mammoth task weakens it over time, creating momentum, which in turn creates exponential results.
But the secret lies in consistency. Weldon Long said: "While most people recognize the things they should do to achieve their goals, few follow through and commit to turning them into habits."
Once you have turned taking action into a habit, the constant chipping away delivers exponential results. It becomes massive action – conquering what may have seemed an impossible task.
You are crafting your life with every minute that goes by. You are building your future right here and right now. What you are doing right now determines where you will be 1, 5, or 10 years from now.
Take ownership of all that is your life and direct it towards your dreams.
People who don't have their own vision – their own?why?– are often vision killers. Don't lend them your ears. Take ownership of all that is your?life and direct it towards?your dreams.
And lead. Lead yourself, your family, your team – to victory.
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