To Thine Own Self Be True
People pleasing, the greatest disservice we embraced. It burdened our spirits, poisoned our humanity, and emptied our bank accounts.
I turned my world upside down, inside out, re-designing it into psychedelic plaid while sporting platinum blonde hair, just to make others happy. In truth brought me nothing but misery. It started with vying for affection from my mum, then my teachers and classmates, then my co-workers and employer, then to potential dates, my community and now the masses online.
Am I being completely truthful with myself? Are You?? How many lies have you told yourself, You're not tall enough, you're not slim enough, not athletic enough, not attractive enough, not wealthy enough, not smart enough, summarized: YOU have a sexy excuse for not achieving because you thought you were not good enough. WHO planted that lie?
Orchids do not compare themselves to other orchid phylum or any other flower or plant, they simply are. We are beautiful as we are. Perfect in our imperfections.
I concluded shark marketing corrupted our thoughts of self-worth more than anything I can think of. One must have the next best thing or else. One must live up to a certain image or else. I cannot fight a system that has flourished in an almost predator mannerism for millennia.
I can start by knowing my self worth and not compromising my authenticity to impress everyone. Know the importance of my inner game such as certainty of self, certainty of my skills and certainty of who needs the genuine me and not a pseudo shell.
How much do you value your inner game?