#thIMPULSE - EDITION 08.2020 - Sete de Setembro - #athoughtaboutculture
#5 - laoban (老板) – THE boss – period!
Chinese Culture - 8 lessons I learnt from living and working in China
This is an extract of my monthly column thIMPULSE released the 7th of August.
For the complete Edition, subscribe at: https://bit.ly/3a2A4NC.
In Chinese culture; far more than in the West; the boss is the boss.
She/he has an extremely important position.
She/he is not only responsible for managing a company but also responsible for being the father, the caretaker and the decider of the family / company at all times.
When in doubt ask the boss – or – do not decide, the boss is responsible for that.
Of course Confucianism is at play: the family, the network. In this case however, most importantly, how the society is constructed: very hierarchical, very patriarchal.
In my time in China I found it fascinating how the bosses were approached by their employees. Already using the right name for the boss is important. Depending on the rank it can be: President Chang, Manager Chang, Old Chang…
Furthermore the objective of every employee in the company is how to impress the boss and most importantly, how to bring value to their boss in order him/her to decide in one’s favor. This can be through anything: a gift, a favor, nice words,…
When I was working in sales, my first questions to my sales guys was always:
- How can we get access to the boss?
- Who knows him/her, who knows it’s family, who knows a friend of his/her?
- Who knows somebody who knows somebody, who knows somebody…who knows her/him?
And then when meeting with a boss, very important: please the boss, establish a relationship based on adding tremendous value for her/him (like everywhere).
Internally as well as externally: bosses are never interested in problems, they are always interested in solutions!!
Me as a boss in China I had the pleasure to decide but I also had the pain of deciding.
Conflict management in China means: either the boss takes care or the conflicts are buried under many layers of avoidance, ignorance and silence. Be prepared for both of them.
When working for a Chinese boss, understanding Chinese culture (all 8 lessons at least) gets vital for not arriving at a point of extreme frustration.
As direct confrontation is not common and appreciated in Chinese culture, conflicts especially also with the upper hierarchy, are avoided and have to be avoided like the plague. It is up to you to engage with your network around your boss to understand what the situation is looking like.
I can remember for me it was particularly difficult when my direct boss had a tendency to call my employees directly to get to information he wanted and did not involve me at all within this process, especially when conflictual topics with customers were at stake. Of course sometimes it can be very helpful, when langue and culture (especially with customer interactions) are extremely needed, but nevertheless be prepared to experience that.
Additionally be prepared that contradiction in public meetings and places are to be avoided as the “face” (see https://bit.ly/2ODoEWR) is vital for everybody and NOBODY contradicts the boss (even when he is obviously wrong).
Remember: Overall in China the boss is the father, the caretaker and the absolute power…
As a boss…make sure you care, respect and decide!!
What does it mean for you as a foreigner in China or when interacting with Chinese?
- Be aware that typically only the boss decides
- Be aware that getting access to a boss means you are on the right path to success
- Be aware that not every employee can talk to the boss directly – it depends on the relationship
- Be aware that a Chinese boss is also behaving just like all other Chinese: he will not decide in your favor if there is not a proper relationship established.
What are pragmatic recommendations for being the boss in China?
- Take care of your people (like everywhere ); make sure you care and show that you care!
- Decide and decide and decide: it is you who is giving the direction and it is you who should be able to solve a problem.
- Do not care about etiquette too much, it’s all about caring!
- Be sure you know 12 songs to sing at a karaoke bar. At team buildings do not mind to make a fool out of yourself, your employees will love it!
What are pragmatic recommendation for working for a Chinese boss?
- Make him shine!!
- Take care of him and get to know him and his needs very well.
- Invite him for dinner or if he is inviting, drink with him.
- Do not confront him with problems in public ONLY solutions…if criticism and contractions are needed – behind closed doors
- Be prepared that a boss is not DECIDING although things might be clear to you. You might wonder why the hack is he/she not taking a decision? – often times in such cases, there are still things not clear to the boss or he DOES not want to decide. My recommendation: keep calm and wait…eventually things will work out – maybe also not as you expected.
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