#thIMPULSE - EDITION 08.2020 - Sete de Setembro - #businesstools4free
THE “retreat”
Meditation, Silence and Stillness as a way forward.
This is an extract of my monthly column thIMPULSE released the 7th of August.
For the complete Edition, subscribe at: https://bit.ly/3a2A4NC.
When you have to reboot yourself, when you have to shut it all off…then it is time for a Vipassana meditation retreat (https://bit.ly/3gwA4Hv).
Vipassana is one of India’s oldest meditation technique. It was rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years ago. The word Vipassana means “seeing things as they really are” – a process of self-purification by self-observation. It is said that the Buddha used this technique under the Bodhi Tree.
It is not a ritual, it is not a religion, it is not a sect, it is not a cure…
It is an art of living to contribute positively to society. A technique of mental purification in today’s life of tension, rush and pressure, a method to eradicate suffering.
Basically the standard course is a 10 days silent meditation retreat, which is free of charge (donation based). These retreats exist all over the world and are structured the same everywhere.
A key aspect is “anicca”, the Phali word for “change” / “impermanence”, a concept which is stressed throughout the retreat and of course, symbolizes life.
So from my point of view a Vipassana retreat, a very powerful change tool to watch out for.
The results of the Buddha were quite successful and so can be yours when you are diligent with the technique and rigorous with its execution (I am still processing obviously).
Anicca! Anicca! Anicca!
You want it all...
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