Thigh Gap
Helen Tite iCareiMove
Training Provider - iCareiMove Health Consultancy - Specialists in Ageing in the Workplace, Menopause and the Older Adult
I am about to talk to you about another trend! To have legs so thin the thighs never meet! THIGH GAP!
It is no wonder we have image and body issues when we see perfect skin, ultimate beautiful toned bodies, thighs that never touch at the top of the leg and god forbid hair free in the media. Then we revel in those awkward and unsightly caught at a bad moment photos of the rich and famous. Look People, Perfection is only for those who are great at using Adobe Photoshop!
Unrealistic body expectations for our youth to aspire to and the rest of us to roll our eyes at! Don’t get me wrong there are some who look like that but I can assure you hours are spent in the gym to maintain that body shape.
Having spent a lifetime of battling body issues there sometimes comes an epiphany that you are fabulous in the skin you are in. Those stretch marks are your tiger stripes that you earnt giving birth or getting to that point in your life.
Our genetics play a strong part of body shape and some of us will never have size 4 feet unless you chop off a few toes! Others will never be 6 foot tall either!
It really is liberating when you realize that you are beautiful no matter what shape or size you are. The first phase is to like whatyou see in the mirror then if you want to improve on tone or shape then we can help you with that. Believe me I have seen shrinking violets evolve into incredible beauties.
When I teach Pilates I often talk about females, the sexy walks we have and the swagger in our 20’s then the waddle when pregnant, then the sexy strut often never fully returns, before you know it sore knees, bad backs as we move up the lifespan.
We ALL have Divas within and our job is to extract that inner Diva and celebrate her fantastic style. Whatever age you are that rainbow shines from within.
This isn’t just for girls either – the boys worry about their pecs, thin calf muscles and the list goes on.
It takes all colours to make a rainbow and when someone steps in my facility for the first time our job to work on confidence and show kindness. The hardest step is making contact with us for the first time and once you realize you are surrounded by your new healthy well-being family who won’t judge, laugh or make you feel inadequate you will open up and give me your DIVA!
We are in the game of normalizing fitness – we are the ones who help to get you off the sofa and guide you to making small changes. You may stay with us, you may leave but you are always welcome.
Recently we held a fundraiser and did a Burlesque class. What I witnessed was a group transforming into Beyonce! I’m not saying that’s what everyone should do but they felt safe and let themselves go! It was fantastic to observe.
Joining us at The Core is your place of safety when it comes to fitness and wellbeing. We are the fitness equivalent of The Cwtch! A welsh word for an affectionate hug.There's no literal English translation, but its nearest equivlent is "safeplace". So if you give someone a cwtch, you're giving them a "safeplace". We even named our café TheCwtch!
We are in the business of dealing with all body types, stages of age and are great at improving quality of life! That’s what we do best!
Co-Founder and Director at Broken Abacus
9 年Love this. Inspirational!