In the Thicket will be showing at the New Hampshire Film festival in Portsmouth NH.
Pumped to have it screen for the first time in the state I call home.
Come out and watch me squirm as my hacklyf is displayed for all to take in.
Grateful Tony let me into his life and allowed me to share his story with you.
Tony Bosco hid in plain sight for more than two decades in the most densely populated state in the nation, exchanging the comforts of his home for the simplicity of a camp in the woods.
I heard Tony's story over dinner over three years ago. A story of a woodsman chasing deer, on foot, as if he was living hundreds of years ago. I was told he had an intimate knowledge of the woods and area he lived in. When I finally met him, what grabbed me most was how moments before the deer hunt began, shortly before sunrise, he would just appear out of the woods, ready. Turned out it was because these were his woods, his camp, his home. After three years of searching I found Tony; this video is his story and why he chose the path less traveled.
Shot on Canon cameras.
S120 powershot
Trailer / teaser: