by Ken Simmons?
If you have paid attention to any of my articles of late, please take this one seriously. My message is, “Get your children out of public schools. Don’t hesitate . . . Just do it!”?
It goes without saying that if the parents of the 19 school children in Uvalde, Texas, knew that 18-year-old Salvador Ramos was going to murder them, along with two of their teachers, the parents would have never allowed them to go near Robb Elementary School that day.?
Following the school shooting in Uvalde Americans are rightly demanding that our children must be protected. Hopefully effective changes will be made so that this can never be repeated. But there is something happening in our public schools that in many ways is just as sinister and deadly.?
Throughout America, either through ignorance or apathy, parents have continued to allow their children to enter the public schools only to be indoctrinated by Marxist-leftist teachers who have been teaching them to hate America, its history, and its Judeo-Christian values, dismiss any notion of a living God, hate the Founding Fathers, hate capitalism and sing the praises of Marxist-Socialism, and stir up hatred among the races. Instead of teaching them English, (true) history, and math they’re confusing their young minds about their gender at birth, telling little Nancy “You can be a boy if you want to,” or 6-yr-old Billy, “If you’ve ever thought about becoming a girl you should. It’s okay.”
Sadly their tactics seem to be working. American children know little about history, literature, math or science. Many of today’s college students cannot correctly name the first American president, who we fought in the American Revolution, or in World War II, how many U.S. Senators we have, and that many believe New Mexico is another country. Unfortunately they know more about Che Guevara and Malcolm X than they do about America’s founding fathers.???
In Pete Hegseth’s new book, “Battle for the American Mind” he describes how Marxist leftists have been indoctrinating our school children, from K through 12, and on into colleges and universities, and little or nothing is being done about it. And this has been going on for decades. This book is a “must read” for every parent in America.?
Recently someone called me an elder statesman. I won’t quibble with the “elder” part of the comment. I graduated from high school in Brawley, California in 1961. When we moved there in 1956 my mother cried out, “We’ve moved to hell,” because of the hot, hot climate in Brawley. However, during my years of schooling I never experienced what we now see as indoctrination. My education centered on the basics – and I learned.?
The same can’t be said today for students in public schools in America. Many of the current generation of teachers have been indoctrinated in Marxist-leaning colleges and universities, and for decades they have been teaching children to hate America and everything it stands for. Godless atheism, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, and Woke Theology (yes, it’s become a religion) have been infecting our most precious commodity – our children.?
It’s time to get them out of the public schools. It’s time for parents to put their children in private schools, charter schools, and home schooling, and if you value your children’s lives and their futures you should pay whatever price and take whatever steps necessary to stop them from being infected with the insidious doctrines being taught. Their future depends on what you do about their education. Don't leave it up to the teachers.?
Just my humble opinion. Ken S.