They’re coming to get you…
Here’s a classic line from the movie, “The Night Of The Living Dead,” that could easily be used today in a different context.
In the movie, it was zombies that were coming to get you; today, some people believe it’s AI that’s taking over the world.
In one camp are the naysayers who preach that you will lose your soul because of it. (That’s an actual quote I read.) In the other camp are people who think it’s the greatest thing since chicken soup. The truth probably lies somewhere in between.
I have a different take.
Instead of AI turning us into robots, you can use it to do the opposite and stand out from our competition, which prospects view as commodities.
Here’s the magic formula for doing that:
In the May issue of Sales Arcana, the exclusive print newsletter for Inner Sanctum members, I reveal proven strategies for using ChatGPT to create personalized follow-up messages that turn leads into clients, conduct market research that gives you an unfair advantage, write direct response letters and postcards that get prospects to register for your webinars and seminars, and more.
No, I’m not a techno-wizard; you don’t have to be one. Instead, I will show you how easy it is to use ChatGPT specifically to increase your profits. As a bonus, there are ready-to-use lead-generation marketing materials I created with ChatGPT that I then modified. So you not only learn the how and why of using AI, but you get copyright-free materials.
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Kick butt, make mucho DEEnero!
Dave “I Love Movie References” Dee