They're Biting The Bullet
Holtz Realty

They're Biting The Bullet

Considering how cold it was outdoors this morning, I wasn't surprised to see it spitting snow as I was heading out to an appointment. Now that we're past the first of April, any snow we do get will be very short-lived.

It ended up being a typical one of those first days of a given month with my stack of bills to pay and payments to be made, but at least I had enough free time to get it all taken care of in one felled-swoop. I'm sure you've likely discovered by now my not liking unpaid bills staring back at me for any given period of time. I still can't believe how so many will wait until they have to be paid or there'd be late charges added.? I have noticed how the mail has definitely slowed down to where something coming from Minneapolis, takes a good four or more days to arrive. Isn't that crazy?

A good part of my morning and an hour of my afternoon was spent working on a closing file which is scheduled to close in ten days, so hopefully tomorrow I'll have the remaining documents and charges I need, just so I can get them to the buyer's banker. Every time we have to deal with out of town entities, the process has to be started all the earlier.

I did get an offer accepted on a property this afternoon, so now it's all on the buyer's plate to get the inspections done and financing arranged. I was sure to encourage the buyer to keep on the bank he's working with because they sometimes end up waiting until the last dog is dead before they swing into action. Oh how I do not like that last hour rushing around.

One of my competitors just recently listed a home which is very comparable to the one I'll be signing up next week, but that house was listed a good fifteen thousand dollars higher, so hopefully the one I'll have listed will sell long before that one does. Yes, I do keep track of competing listings.

Speaking of competing listing, I happened to notice a home having just gone under contract which I thought was grossly over-priced, and if it did sell close to asking, then our sale prices have not yet stabilized. My goodness, the price per square footage was exceptionally high for that tiny home, but when seeing the exorbitant rents people are now paying, I guess they're biting the bullet and buying those high-priced homes.

One of my clarinetists showed up today at the regular time, and thank goodness I was at office because we'd not scheduled a time to start practicing the new piece I'd given them several weeks ago. Since I wasn't in the middle of something, I went ahead and invited her to step back to our 'practice area' and start working on it.

As I suspected, today's clarinetist definitely exhibited her ability to start playing a strange piece of music which wasn't the easiest, so by the time our 45 minutes were up, she had it pretty much cracked with the exception of several syncopated measures which I'm sure after playing it a few more times with her, it'll be good to go. I won't be surprised if we'll have it sounding good enough to play in a little over two weeks. I believe what's been an even bigger help for her learning it, was saying right off the bat how much she liked it, which is always a similar case for me. Haven't we all noticed how much easier it is for us to learn something new if we like it?

I received a call from a prospective buyer for my condo listing over at Prairie Place, and it sounds like I'll be getting a call tomorrow telling me what time they want to meet me over there. Having talked to that particular buyer several weeks ago about it, is an indication it'll be more than a 'tire-kick' showing. That'll be another good sale for the year if it comes to fruition.

When reading the news today, I was glad to see where the citizens of Turkey are moving away from Erdogan's political party and electing mayors in their two major cities who belong to opposing political parties. He's another dictator that needs to go, so perhaps by the time his term is up, he'll not have the votes to put him in power for another five years. They've got an inflation rate that's off the charts, and likely because Erdogan thinks he knows best when steering his economy. I'm sure the voters in Turkey remembered how Erdogan was purposely stalling on accepting Sweden into NATO.

If I can manage to get tomorrow's real estate work completed early, I'll be dragging myself back to my nut-cracking suite and spend a few tedious hours. I really do want to get those taken care of before our temps start rising. Considering all the work that went into getting them picked up, shelled, washed and placed in storage, I definitely don't want them to go to waste.

I had a nice chat today with an out of State 'reli' of mine whom I'd not spoken with in some time. Thank goodness the bulk of our conversation was about current happenings in our lives instead of hashing over past events. As I mentioned to someone later today, people who continually dwell in the past, aren't actually living for today or tomorrow, and for me when listening to the belly-aching of others, it gets very old fast. Onward and upward is always the best medicine.

Tonight's One-liner is: Only those who will risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go.

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