Among all the senior high school students who delivered their theses before four panelists in San Francisco de Sales (SFDSS), formerly St.Francis, there was one team that provoked a major issue in the millenial world these days. This was the Xyrus & Friends team wherein the members expressed their plain discontentment in the honor roll system of the campus. Their argument fell under the umbrella of STRESS.
During their thesis defense, the members pointed out that the stiff competition in Grade 12 seemed to affect most of them.When asked why, some of them explained that the top students tended to compare scores, notes and performances among themselves with regards to the school's curriculum.As a result, the low performers felt left out. They were then pressed for answers if the competition was making them very unhappy. They chorused in unison and dropped a hint that sometimes the uncalled for competition was giving them sleepless nights.
One of the panelists,in defense of her fellow school administrators and staff, emphasized the need to assign completion of homework, projects, and other written and oral outputs to the graduating students in preparation for their academe lives in college. The horde of school activities was necessary to mold their study habits, their coping skills in the jungle world out there. These graduating students should be mature enough to accept challenges while they are still in Senior High.
As a wrap up, the designated team merely invigorated that it was the simultaneous giving of school projects and activities that made them supremely stressed out. The next topic then dwelt on time management-but that was another scope to tackle.
Anyhow, congratulations to the above team which was very brave to share its protestations and lamentations on school competitions which proved unhealthy sometimes.