TheRumLab Industry Newsletter Week #50 of 2023
The Rum Lab
TheRumLab - Our main focus is Rum Education. We do so through our digital magazine, events, infographics, and more.
NIGEL BROWN CEO and Founder of Siddiqui Rums Corp
Beginning in 1952 with the onset of the prohibition of alcohol in the Kingdom, Siddiqui innovators were determined to create great-tasting spirits in their homes. Constrained by limited resources and bound by secrecy, they faced a challenge. Fueled with passion and gumption, together, as friends, they started to create something special. Nigel Brown is the CEO and Founder of Siddiqui Rums Corp. Let’s learn more about him in this interview.
TRL: Who is Nigel Brown?
I grew up in Saudi Arabia, moving there from England in 1973 when I was 5 years old. I had an amazing childhood. My parents traveled with us all over the desert. After college, I stayed and worked in Saudi and did more extensive travel, going deeper into the remote desert areas of Arabia. Like Indian Jones, always looking for artifacts and adventure. From throwing scuba gear down into old water wells to investigate the bottoms, to climbing into every cave we found, to camping with bedouins in the desert, drinking camel’s milk, to endless adventures exploring the Asir mountains of Arabia. A truly magical place. I grew up blazing new trails, going where few have traveled, and building amazing friendships
TRL: What does the rum mean for you? What made you fall in love with rum and when did it happen?
Growing up in Saudi Arabia, my parents threw lots of parties. Our home was famously called “Mike’s English Pub”. Like other ex-pat families, I helped my father make Siddiqui, moonshine, in our garage for over 15 years. Siddiqui is a sugar-based spirit which classifies it as rum. If you are familiar with Middle Eastern Culture and Religious rules, Siddiqui equated to “cultural freedom
TRL: Three essential characteristics that define the rum according to your perspective.
Rum should be smooth with very little to no impurities (meaning no burn). Good cooking < shouldn’t this be distilling?>, high-quality ingredients
TRL: What is the most important contribution you have made to the rum industry?
Our rum tastes very different when compared to most of the standard industry Caribbean or Asian rums. It’s like sipping on a good whisky or bourbon without the harshness. I often comment to people explaining Siddiqui like this, “if Rum and Whisky had a baby, Siddiqui is the outcome”. It’s the best of both worlds.
TRL: Benefits that the rum industry has given you.
We are just happy to provide the world with an alternative rum. Siddiqui is a product that when people try it, we often hear comments like, “That this is not a rum.” We chuckle and tell them, “This is probably what the original real rum tasted like back when the ships would pick up clear rum in barrels and send it across the Atlantic to Europe.” Siddiqui may be the closest to what was crafted way back then. ?
TRL: What’s another thing you are passionate about, in addition to rum? Why?
I became a Helicopter Flight Instructor many years ago with students trying to kill me everyday… LOL. I just love helicopters and hope to own my own one of these days. ?It’s truly a magic flying carpet!
TRL: What is your favorite place for drinking rum?
Oh… that’s easy. I have many fond memories of sitting on a particular sand dune that went straight into the Persian gulf. We would sit by a small fire on the edge of the dune, sipping on Siddiqui with our feet in the warm sand overlooking the perfectly still Half-Moon Bay Gulf warm water with millions of Stars overhead. It was truly magical. ?
TRL: Favorite drink + Recipe.
My favorite recipe, my girlfriend’s favorite, my chairman and his wife, and my grown kids, all love a simple, no added sugar, and refreshing taste of mixing Perrier, with Brown Sid, and a squeeze or wedge of Lime. You can drink it all day. The smokey flavor comes through with a hint of lime. So good. I found topping it off with a tiny splash of Cherry Juice is excellent as well. ? TRL: Why is it important to educate the rum consumer?
Boy... don’t get me started. Rum has become Walmartified. Mass-produced and cheaper. Most of the consumers we run into that taste of our product have never really tasted a true rum. It’s heartbreaking. We are in for a long uphill battle to change the world. To bring people back to the table of Rum. Bring them back to the origin of rum and the amazing flavor that rum can be.
TRL: Any tips to train the palate and taste a good premium rum?
Rum is for sipping not shooting. ?A good rum should be sipped slowly, let the flavors roll around your pallet, that smoothness is the purity of the product, the flavors coming from the wood, the brown sugars caramelized by charring the oak in our special process, don’t rush, you may be surprised. ? ?
TRL: How can the rum contribute to improving the crisis in some countries?
Maybe if our world leaders would sit down and have a glass of Siddiqui and start talking, finding common ground, perhaps their outlook of the world may possibly soften! Wars might be averted over a good glass of rum.
TRL: Is the commitment to sustainable development
We all want more sustainability given the dwindling resources of this planet. Penderyn is making significant efforts to reduce the glass weight of its bottles, thinner paper, recharging barrels, solar power, and lowering the per bottle footprint.
TRL: Who would like to meet in the rum industry? What would you say to him/her?
To be honest with you, I really know little about the who’s who of the rum industry. I grew up in a slice of the world, rugged and arid, with deserts and camels and oil everywhere you look. We blazed our own trails and copied no one. We broke new ground in our rum-making and made the best of what we could, given our limited resources. My girlfriend’s father even went as far as buying all the oak handle hammers in an old souk in Saudi and chipping them to mature Siddiqui. Lol!! Taking 1950s stainless Steel condors off cars to make coils for our stills. We used all kinds of creative solutions. We made our own rum.
TRL: What are your next goals in the rum industry?
To educate the world
TRL: Plans you have when you leave the rum industry.
Move to Costa Rica, buy a helicopter, land on a lonely beach with my girlfriend, and have a glass of Siddiqui!! We love giving back. It’s just who we are. We can’t sit idle for long and we love to help people that need help. Many years ago, my girlfriend started the first school in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica, which is still going on today. My daughter is a nurse so maybe it’s healthcare. ?My girlfriend’s son is into surfing so maybe it’s ocean or clean water needs. ?We’ll have to see where and what impact we can have when that time comes.
TRL: Why is the role of the bartender important in the rum industry?
When our sales staff talks with the bartender, the theme is mostly the same, “Rum is Dead”. When we let them try Siddiqui, the reaction 9 times out of 10 is WOW… this is what we need! Something they can finally use to make unique drinks. Bartenders are critical to our industry and we need to support them, give them something to use, something great and exciting to give their guests.
TRL: What is your advice for new generations in the rum industry?
Don’t follow the crowd, and don’t blindlessly buy-in that Rum is a pirate and mythical creatures. Rum is a truly international product full of passionate people making rum in all the nooks and crannies of this world. Bring to the table something unique. Try something new and have fun.
TRL: How can people learn more about you? Website? Social media page?
Whiskey, Rum Resurgence Among Top Findings In DoorDash’s 2023 Trends Report
Jilian Dara - 12/7/23 - Forbes
This week, online ordering and food delivery platform?DoorDash?released its 2023 trends report, noting two new spirits of choice that emerged in the past year.
In 2023, DoorDash witnessed a 648% increase in whiskey orders and a 317% increase in rum. “We saw old classics make a comeback,” said Alanna Shipley, Consumer Insights Expert at DoorDash, who shared that cinnamon whiskey, Tennessee whiskey and bourbon versus white rum, spiced rum and coconut rum were the top orders within their respective categories.
Shipley told me that both spirits weren’t ordered alone, however. “We saw an array of different food pairings for these popular sips,” she said. “Whiskey lovers leaned into sweets, pairing the drink with candy like sweet tarts, [and] we saw those ordering rum pair the spirit with savory eats like sour cream and onion chips.”
Though whiskey and rum achieved a surprising increase this past year, since DoorDash expanded into alcohol delivery in 2021, it’s been tracking the most popular orders. Here, vodka tops the list of most-ordered alcohol.
The runner-up to vodka is cabernet sauvignon, followed by prosecco, Irish whiskey, cinnamon whiskey, pinot grigio, pinot noir, hard seltzer—for which DoorDash reports that orders have increased 83% year-over-year—tequila and moscato.
In terms of the nation’s top alcohol orders specific to 2023, vodka still tops the list, with hard seltzer close behind, then tequila, sauvignon blanc, prosecco, whiskey, pinot grigio, lager beer, pinot noir and rum.
Other alcohol-related trends that DoorDash recognized were popular requests for the day after drinking. DoorDash revealed what it deemed “holiday hangovers,” where mornings after the likes of St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween and New Year’s Eve, it saw orders spike for ibuprofen—after Halloween, this was upwards of 400%—and other hair-of-the-dog essentials.
A top-paired item with ibuprofen orders was cognac, while other orders included cheesesteaks, nacho fries, bacon egg and cheese, and cold brew coffee.
Outside of wine and spirits, DoorDash’s annual report identified location-specific trends; for example, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston emerged as cities that brewed up the most coffee orders this year. The report also identified 2023’s popular desserts, top grocery orders and most unique food combinations.
DoorDash also predicts forthcoming trends for 2024, like consumers’ increased reliance on on-demand delivery services during celebrations and holidays as well as the year of late-night snacking; there’s been a 36% year-over-year increase in late-night orders between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. that’s set to keep rising.
Growth & Jobs | R J Rums and Spirits growing and exuding the essence of Jamaica
Paul Williams - 12/12/23 - Jamaica Gleaner
THE BEVERAGE market is a very competitive one on which a plethora of brands, flavours, and essences are constantly jostling for the palates of discriminating consumers. It is an unforgiving space. If people do not like it, they will not buy it. For that reason, and many more, several brands have disappeared, some within a short time after hitting the market, never to return.
But, for Royal Jamaican Rums and Spirits Ltd, there is no disappearing act. They are in it for the long haul, constantly expanding the range of their products, which include Royal Jamaican Ginger Alcoholic Beer, Royal Jamaican Sorrel Beer, and a variety of rums.
They describe their ginger beer thus: “A crisp, refreshing, full-bodied ginger taste that invigorates the senses.”
That is what they started out with in 2012, but this tingling sensation was brewed and packaged by one of Jamaica’s long-standing producers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. That arrangement came to an end in 2017, putting production and sales on hold. The drink was mainly for the overseas market, so they had to ask for patience from their customers while they set up, for three years, a property acquired in downtown Kingston to establish their own brewery.
It was an anxious time, of course, but ideas were still flowing. A decision was taken to brew sorrel to meet the Christmas demand, and thus sorrel beer became their second product. “We had a lot of ideas, but the lowest hanging fruit was sorrel beer,” Peter Wong, co-founder and general manager, shared with?The Gleaner?recently.
“It’s a more natural product than the others [on the market],” he said, “and every day people tell us they like our sorrel, and it’s a beer. It’s not Christmas sorrel, so it is supposed to be more refreshing.” The people loved it, but then COVID-19 and all the crosses that it brought along intervened in 2020.
All the while, however, some rum-making was going on in a cottage industry context. So, when the pandemic arrived, it “spurred” them to find something to do “to keep the lights on”. Greater attention was paid to the rums, and with exports virtually at a standstill, the hotels and the airports were good placement points. Their spirits were not dampened significantly.
Royal Jamaica Rums and Spirits weathered the storms, and today they have several products, some of which they are producing for other entities. Apart from the two beers, there are Royal Jamaican 12-year-old, Dark/molasses, White spiced, White/legacy, Gold, and Spiced rums; West Indies Cream, Blue Mount Coffee, and Rum punch; Jamaican Lion dark, Overproof, Spiced and Gold rums; Banana Tropix, Guava Tropix, Mango Tropix and Coconut Tropix.
They had a very popular booth at Jamaica Expo 2023 at the National Stadium complex, where patrons could not get enough of their non-stop samples. At the 2022 Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Industry Expo, the brand got the award for the booth that had the most visitors daily, a testament to the rising popularity of the beverages that are attractively packaged. No one can miss the two skull-shaped bottles of rum, rum drinkers’ keepsakes after the rum is done.
The feedback towards the items is generally good, because they have their unique appeals, and while there is no intention of competing with the “big boys”, they want to be known for their “offerings”, the ginger beer and sorrel beer already palate favourites. “We can find our own niche, we choose our own battles,” Wong stated, clearly aware of their limitations.
And that’s why the overseas markets are important to their survival. The ‘Jamaican-ness’ of the products works well overseas, as they try to represent Jamaican culture with the products, and there is much traction for the rums, which Wong said is the “best of Jamaica to the world”.When?The Gleaner?visited, there were stacks of boxes of the beverages on pallets waiting for containers from Canada.
This means more space is needed if further expansion is to take place, as the current production space is limited. Ten years from now, a relocation would have taken place, preferably to another space in Kingston, Wong said. For now, Royal Jamaica Rums and Spirit Ltd is holding its own on the domestic and international markets, exuding the essence of Jamaica.
Adulterated rum factory dismantled in La Romana
Local - 12/10/23 - Dominican Today
Police agents assigned to the Eastern Regional Intelligence Sub-Directorate (Dintel), Preventive Police, and a representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office dismantled a factory of adulterated rum (clerene) located in the Villa Caoba sector near the Eastern Highway in the province of La Romana.
According to what was reported, 440 gallons of adulterated drinks (clerene) were seized in several 55-gallon tanks, two water bottles, an industrial stove, a 25-pound tank, a copper pipe, and a well to ferment the drink.
“At the time of the arrival of the authorities, there were no people at the scene,” a press release stated.
Members of the Dintel are investigating the case to determine who is responsible for the recently dismantled clandestine factory.
The authorities guaranteed they would continue working to combat the production and sale of adulterated alcoholic beverages, as it represents a risk to public health.
Saint James reveals final rum in series ?
Rupert Hohwieler - 12/7/23 - The Spirits Business
Martinique-based rum producer Saint James has released the last bottling of its Les Ephémères collection: Batch N°5.
The series was made in honour of the brand’s heritage, which dates back to 1765, and features four vintage rums, each created in Saint James’s cellars in the town of Sainte Marie, Martinique, by master distiller Marc Sassier.
The collection launched a year ago?with Brut de F?t 2001, Number 1, and Brut de F?t 2007, Number 7.
Batch n°5, the fourth and final release in the quadrilogy, was bottled in 2005 and aged for 16 years in French oak barrels, without reduction or being topped up. Its profile is said to carry ‘sandalwood fragrances’ with candied fruit and notes of cocoa and mocha.
It’s also described as ‘full-bodied on the palate’ with ‘exceptional length’.
Only 5,006 bottles of Batch N°5 are available and it retails for around €125 (US$135) with a 51.8% ABV.
Saint James rum is distilled in Sainte-Marie, Martinique, an island native to the Caribbean, and is produced using pure sugarcane juice from its own plantations.
The brand is owned by French spirits company?La Martiniquaise-Bardinet, which was recently at?Bar Convent Berlin?to showcase its portfolio.
Saint James rum is distilled in Sainte-Marie, Martinique, an island native to the Caribbean, and is produced using pure sugarcane juice from its own plantations.
The brand is owned by French spirits company?La Martiniquaise-Bardinet, which was recently at?Bar Convent Berlin?to showcase its portfolio.
Press Release - 12/12/23 - PRNewsWire
Today, Fairfields Rum of the Americas, founded by entrepreneurs?Frank Klein?and?Joy Branford, released their first bottling of rum made from ingredients sourced throughout the Americas.?
Fairfields first release offers a?dry, light and refreshing rum as an evolution of rum for rum drinkers and a new go-to-spirit alternative for tequila and vodka drinkers. The founders and team painstakingly worked to create a unique blend of agricole and molasses distillations to produce a sippable rum that is also great in craft cocktails. Fairfields uses the tagline 'if you like your tequila, you will love our rum.'
"Our vision was to create a rum where you could just smash some fruit or citrus on the bottom of a glass (or not), add ice and drink with friends or just make a simple three ingredient cocktail.? A daiquiri was a margarita with rum before a margarita was a margarita and we are going back to those roots," states?Frank Klein, Co-Founder and CEO.
Klein continues, "Joy Branford, my business partner in this journey, was born in?St. Lucia, and raised in?Brooklyn. When we worked long hours in the hotel business, we drank a lot of post-shift rum from all over the world. We dreamed of making a dry rum made in the?USA, created from ingredients sourced from the Americas and that was clear as rainwater with a refreshingly crisp taste. We believe quality rum, with all its complexities and nuances, should go toe to toe with tequila and vodka for being a go-to-spirit.?
Fairfields Rum of the Americas is already garnering high praise from those in the know.??Ryan Magarin, Founder of Aviation Gin and a rum and spirits distiller raved: "You landed a great balance with a fresh light rum of complexity and easy drinkability.? Hard balance to get and you did it.? Congrats on that."??? Owner and acclaimed chef of restaurant 29 Markle Ct,?Damon Sawyer, adds: "Fairfields is a great rum for our clients who want a smooth yet flavorful rum for cocktails or a clear spirit to enjoy on the rocks."
The product line starts with the classic dry white rum retailing at?$28.99, per 750ml, and is currently available across the?Connecticut?region as well as soon to be shipped to thirty-five states. Currently it's featured on cocktail programs at premier restaurants and bars that focus on ingredient driven craft cocktails.? "We will be launching into major retailers, NY, NJ, MA, and CA in 2024 and releasing our Reserve sherry-cask finished 8-year aged dark rum," Klein said.
According to Persistence Market Research the US and global rum markets are poised for impressive growth with preferences for transparently made spirits and premium rums that are aged.? While rum is a nearly?$2.5 billion?annual market in the US, Klein points out that Fairfields attracts vodka and tequila drinkers, expanding Fairfields' potential market to roughly?$20 billion dollars?annually.? Globally, rum continues to grab market share and ultra-premium products like Fairfields Reserve Dark Rum which will be entering into the expansive market of brown spirits.
According to data released by?CGA by NielsenIQ?"rum's versatility in cocktails have helped pull in new drinkers and the successful positioning of premium brands has encouraged a lot of people to trade up from mainstream options."? Included in their data release it was noted that rum has overtaken on-premise whiskey sales in the UK and that rums performance in the past few years has been "phenomenal."
Fairfields Rum of the Americas was founded by?Frank Klein?and?Joy Branford?and supported by Overdrive Ventures which is led by investor?Ray Potter. The company is based in?Fairfield, Connecticut.
Brugal Rum pop-up touches down at Miami International Airport
Release - 12/12/23 - Travel and Tour?
Brugal, the renowned producer of ultra-premium rum from the Dominican Republic, has introduced an engaging pop-up experience in Terminal D at Miami International Airport. This month-long pop-up beckons visitors to embark on a captivating journey spanning 135 years of unparalleled rum craftsmanship, offering a unique exploration of Brugal’s exceptional double-aged rum, Brugal 1888.
During the bustling holiday season, this vibrant space serves as a welcome respite for travelers coming to or departing from Miami. It transports guests into the world of Brugal, encouraging them to delve into the brand’s rich heritage through immersive, sensory-driven tasting experiences.
Guests of legal drinking age are cordially greeted by Brugal ambassadors at a customized bar, where they can partake in guided tastings of Brugal 1888 and gain insights into its meticulous craftsmanship. Visitors have the option to indulge in a sumptuous chocolate pairing with Exquisito Chocolates, accompanied by a neat pour of the double-aged rum, or savor a specialty cocktail. The standout concoction is the Brugal 1888 Old Fashioned, a modern twist on the classic drink made with Brugal 1888 rum, simple syrup, Angostura Bitters, and a spritz of orange essence. This masterful creation offers a simple yet complex libation that enhances special holiday moments.
The pop-up also boasts a curated gallery space—a heritage wall adorned with portraits and historic artifacts that weave the tale of Brugal’s origins, its 135-year history, and its passionate pursuit of rum mastery. A dedicated lounge area provides a comfortable retreat, inviting guests to linger and enjoy a moment of relaxation amid the bustling holiday travel season. QR codes are scattered throughout the space, allowing guests to leave with a digital library of cocktail recipes and educational masterclasses about Brugal 1888 for further exploration.
“This immersive experience, inspired by La Casa Brugal, invites consumers to embark on a journey into my family’s rich history, immersing them in the artistry behind crafting and aging our exceptional rums,” said Maestra Ronera Jassil Villanueva Quintana, the fifth generation of the Brugal family. “Miami has historically been a vibrant and dynamic market for Brugal, making it the perfect setting for this immersive experience. Each sip of rum transports you to the legacy of our founder and my great-great grandfather, Don Andrés Brugal—a story of passion, tradition, and unparalleled craftsmanship that defines Brugal.”
Don Andrés Brugal, after his journey from Spain and Cuba, settled in the Dominican Republic in 1888 and founded Brugal with his sons. They initially cultivated sugarcane and later began distilling rum, utilizing the tropical sun’s warmth to cask-age and infuse their spirit with rich complexity and flavor. Don Andrés embarked on a mission to share the finest Dominican rum with the world, and subsequent generations of Maestros have faithfully followed in his footsteps. They mastered the intricate art of cask selection and aging, leading to the brand’s signature double-aging technique and the use of ex-Bourbon and Oloroso sherry casks.
Brugal 1888 is crafted through a double-aging process, a unique practice in the world of rum. It undergoes an initial aging period in ex-bourbon casks for up to eight years before being transferred to hand-selected, first-fill Oloroso Sherry casks. This process imparts an exceptional balance of smokiness and a full mouthfeel to Brugal 1888, making it challenging to replicate with any other rum. On the nose, Brugal 1888 offers a refined sweetness of red and dried fruits, alongside notes of raisins and dates, complemented by a spicy woodiness with hints of cinnamon. On the palate, the liquid is well-rounded and smooth, with body and character, featuring perceived sweetness of toffee and vanilla balanced with peach, cocoa, and cloves. The aftertaste is remarkably enduring and elegant, with a hint of honey.
The pop-up experience will be available until January 3, 2024, situated between Gate 37 and 38 in Miami International Airport’s Terminal D, operating daily from 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Travelers seeking to enhance their home bar or prepare for upcoming holiday celebrations can purchase bottles of Brugal 1888 at Duty Free Americas.
IWSR analyses growth drivers for Africa's alcoholic drinks market?
December 7, 2023?
Beneficial demographics and an emerging middle class are creating enticing opportunities for beverage alcohol in Africa, but economic pressures place a fresh emphasis on affordable pricing.
“Alcohol consumption in Africa has been on a consistently upward trend, driven by population growth,” explains Russell Menezes, Research Director – Middle East & Africa at IWSR. “This has led to a substantial expansion of urban areas with younger LDA demographics migrating to big cities, making alcoholic beverages more accessible and boosting demand.
“Recent trends have been predominantly shaped by a young and dynamic middle class, while the proportion of women who consume alcohol is increasing, spurred by socio-economic changes such as improved education and better employment opportunities.”?
More affluent consumers in South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya prioritise social status and image, and are increasingly influenced by global trends – which is translating into gradual growth for premium spirits and wines.
Meanwhile, economic pressures have intensified the opportunities for standard-and-below priced products. “As people face financial challenges and uncertainties, there is a growing preference for affordable alcoholic beverages that provide both enjoyment and cost-effectiveness,” says Menezes.?
The market’s competitiveness is influenced by the presence of both local and international alcohol producers. Multinational companies have started producing alcohol locally, which is a more cost-effective approach compared to exporting alcoholic beverages from a central location. This approach results in shorter lead times and allows companies to tailor their products to local preferences and tastes. Heineken’s acquisition of Distell and Namibian Breweries in April 2023 is expected to bring additional investment into African markets and a greater focus from the merged company as well.
?Spirits: Pricing is key, alongside pockets of opportunity in premium+?
Africa’s spirits market is dominated by standard-and-below products, which account for 96% of volumes. Trends are often disparate and highly localised, with pricing strategies vital to success. In Angola, for example, local whiskies are highly popular, while local celebrity endorsement has helped to propel vodka’s momentum in Kenya. Meanwhile, rum recorded double-digit gains in both Nigeria and Ivory Coast in 2022, as spiced rum and Indian café rums gain popularity with young adult women as affordable drinks with a sweet flavour profile.?
Premium-plus spirits, meanwhile, command 4% of the region’s total spirits market by volume, and around 20% of its value. South Africa dominates the premium-plus spirits market, followed by Nigeria and Kenya. Combined, they command almost three-quarters of the market volume.?
In South Africa, volume share of the premium-plus spirits market is dominated by whisky, which holds over 50% of the market, followed by brandy and gin. Within the whisky category, Irish whiskey, for example, is enjoying sustained growth – seen by emerging middle-class consumers as an affordable alternative to higher-priced Scotch.?
South Africa’s brandy market is also premiumising and skewing to Cognac, sales of which grew by 17% in 2022. Cognac is also seeing growth off a smaller base in markets like Ghana and Kenya.?
“Cognacs strongly resonate with the image-oriented middle and wealthy classes,” says Menezes. “The Cognac segment in markets like South Africa is driven by continuous investment from leading Cognac houses, and is also witnessing increasing participation amongst women.”?
Agave spirits are also experiencing strong growth off a small base, with 2021-22 volume growth of over 60% in both Nigeria and South Africa
“Tequila’s recent breakthrough into the luxury segment bodes well for the category’s top end in the future, resonating with brand conscious consumers,” says Menezes. “Its involvement in the growing cocktail culture is expected to further boost demand.”
Beer & cider: Lager dominates, cider grow?
Affordability is the primary driver of beer, supported by heavy promotions. Beer is well-suited to the hot climate in Africa, and locally brewed products will continue to drive substantial growth, with very limited penetration of international brands.?
South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia are the region’s largest beer volume markets. In South Africa, beer volumes were up +13% in 2022, although growth is set to moderate, with standard and international brands driving premium lager to the fore.
A number of other countries, including Nigeria, Ethiopia, Cameroon and the DRC, are expected to experience steady growth in lager consumption in the years ahead as well.?
In cider, leading market South Africa has witnessed strong consumption gains in nightclubs and post-work drinking occasions; after strong double-digit growth in 2022, the country is expected to record a 2022-27 volume CAGR of +3%.?
Other promising cider markets include Zambia, where a 2019 excise duty cut boosted consumption, as well as Mozambique and Kenya.?
“Demand for cider has steadily increased over the past two years as consumers are displaying a growing affinity for what they perceive as a more uni--- and refreshing alternative to beer,” says Menezes.
?Wine: Middle class aspiration?Still wine has experienced significant growth in recent years, successfully tapping into the emerging middle class, particularly in the low-priced and value segments. Key drivers include the penetration of urban and rural areas by major liquor store chains, the increasing participation of female drinkers, and new wine drinkers seeking sweeter options.?
Boxed wine is a major trend in South Africa, where premium products are boosting its credibility. Meanwhile, Ivory Coast’s strong francophone heritage helps to fuel demand for low-priced, locally packaged wine, mostly in boxed formats, and Portuguese wine continues to dominate in Angola. Both countries are expected to see growth in the years ahead.?
“While Champagne and other sparkling wines remain highly sought-after by aspirational, status-conscious African consumers, there is a strong opportunity in affordable sparkling wine products targeting the continent’s emerging middle class,” says Menezes.
?RTDs: Rise of the cans?
The RTD segment represents another growing opportunity, driven by factors including affordability, refreshment, convenience and the increasing participation of women in the drinks market. The future is dependent on the growing young LDA population, which is likely to fuel demand.?
Packaging is becoming more attractive as formats shift from glass bottles to aluminium cans, with consumers seeking larger pack sizes as they look for better value.?
South Africa’s RTD market grew by +14% in 2022, with a forecast CAGR of +3% between 2022 and 2027. The country is seeing increased potential for RTDs with vodka, gin and brandy bases, as well as cocktails and long drinks; meanwhile, other African markets are largely dominated by local FAB brands, which are prized for their affordability.
?Planning for 20?
While growth opportunities are nuanced by market, a few key trends are apparent across the region, such as the growing influence of female consumers and their taste profiles, as well as increasing demand of the standard & below segment, and interest in more variety and flavour innovation – especially fruit-based flavours.
Brand owners should look to their marketing campaigns to be more inclusive of female drinkers, breaking down traditional practices and making mixed-gender drinking more visible . A focus on premium+ opportunities will also be key.
Alcohol ecommerce growth moderates, but still set to outperform overall market?
Value of ecommerce to increase by $7.5bn over the next five years across key markets, to reach nearly $40bn by 202?
Source: IWSR
December 12, 202?
New findings from IWSR’s ongoing assessment of the alcohol ecommerce channel shows that beverage alcohol ecommerce is entering a period of normalisation following the Covid boom and subsequent post-pandemic correction, with sales in the world’s leading 16 markets expected to grow at a slower pace to reach just under US$40bn by 2027. That represents a 2022-27 value CAGR of +4.5% – compared to the +31% CAGR recorded between 2019 and 2021?
The findings in the IWSR Ecommerce Strategic Study 2023 forecast that overall ecommerce value share of total beverage alcohol (TBA) will stabilise at around 4%-4.5%. Previously, the share figure had risen from 2.1% in 2018 to 3.7% in 2021.??
“After the pandemic boom, ecommerce value saw a slight correction in 2022 (-2%) as restrictions in most markets were removed and shoppers returned to the on-trade and to bricks-and-mortar stores,” says Guy Wolfe, Head of Ecommerce Insights, IWSR. “In the near term, online growth will pick up but remain depressed by a weak macro-economic outlook, before a return to steadier growth from 2024.”?
According to the findings, while 24% of alcohol buyers in 2022 said they had made online purchases in the past six months, in 2023 that figure declined to 17% – accompanied by an increase in the use of physical supermarkets/grocers, and the on-premise.?
But, for those who still buy alcohol online, frequency has increased across all markets, although the pace of growth here has diminished compared to prior years. The exception is China, where online purchasing frequency is still accelerating, thanks in part to the lingering impact of Covid restrictions on the supply chain.?
“In the post-Covid environment, the behaviour of alcohol buyers is evolving in different directions,” says Wolfe. The overall proportion of consumers shopping online is down, but those who continue to do so are increasing their frequency.
“This indicates that the channel is shedding ‘transient’ users who only adopted it out of necessity during the pandemic, but also maintaining or even gaining appeal among ecommerce loyalists.?
While more modest growth is now expected to come from online alcohol sales in the future, with a corresponding return to more traditional purchasing channels, ecommerce should nonetheless remain a key priority for brand owners.
“Online sales value is still forecast to outperform TBA to 2027. Furthermore, consumer research conducted by IWSR in Q3 2023 confirms that the digital space is a crucial source of information, influence and engagement for buyers across all channels,” says Wolfe.
“Ecommerce therefore remains a key element within the big picture of total value.”
?Other findings from the IWSR Ecommerce Strategic Study 2023 include?
China, the US set to drive future value growth?
China and the US remain the biggest drivers of absolute value growth for alcohol in ecommerce. While China will generate more value due to its larger base, growth forecasts for the US have been lowered as the weak macro environment accelerates a return of pre-Covid buying habits.?
“A large proportion of absolute value growth in ecommerce alcohol is expected to come from China and the US, but leading online sub-channels in other markets such as Brazil, Australia, Japan and Mexico will contribute too,” says Wolfe. “Some of the fastest development will be seen in Latin America.”?
Ecommerce alcohol sales in China and the US are forecast to record a 2022-27 value CAGR of +6%, outstripped in growth terms (but off a much smaller base) by Brazil (+8%), Mexico (+16%) and Colombia (+10%)?
China’s value share of ecommerce alcohol will increase from 39% in 2022 to 40% in 2027, ahead of the US, which is set to rise from 20% to 22%. Meanwhile, Brazil will overtake Japan to become the fourth-largest value market, but the UK’s value share will decline from 12% to 9%.
?Value remains vital?
Amid ongoing economic uncertainty, value-seeking behaviours are persisting in ecommerce.?
In terms of motivations to purchase, stocking-up continues to gain in significance while treating declines. Meanwhile buying in bulk remains in evidence, though to a lesser extent than previously.?
“With continued pressure on disposable incomes and ecommerce shoppers in most markets demonstrating greater price sensitivity, it is more important than ever for brand owners to offer strong value propositions in the online space,” says Richard Halstead, COO Consumer Insights, IWSR.?
“This does not necessarily mean discounting, however, and can instead entail offering consumers a solution, such as free delivery, or a reason to treat themselves, such as limited-edition products.”
?Categories: rise of beer and agave?
Spirits’ share of ecommerce alcohol has recovered from its pandemic dip and is now expected to stabilise, while beer is expected to expand the fastest, largely stealing share from the more mature and lower-growth wine category.?
IWSR forecasts show that beer’s ecommerce sales will expand at a value CAGR of +8% between 2022 and 2027 – thanks in particular to growth in China, the US, Brazil and Mexico – compared to spirits at +5% and wine at +1%.?
Spirits gains will be spearheaded by agave and whisky in the US, and brandy and whisky in China, with whisky remaining the leading category – but agave is growing rapidly, and poised to overtake gin.
“Investment by the brewers is now generating strong ecommerce beer growth but, with the category still under-indexing compared with its share of the total market, significant further potential remains,” says Wolfe.
“The rise of agave-based spirits in ecommerce is mainly being driven by the premium-plus price band in the US, where the category has been booming in the wider market. But other countries are now forecast to record rapid growth in the future.”
?Online alcohol shoppers over-index in pre-purchase research
Online alcohol shoppers spend significantly longer carrying out pre-purchase research than those buying in bricks-and-mortar retail or the on-premise according to IWSR consumer findings (surveyed in Q3 2023).
On average, online shoppers are roughly twice as likely to take a lot of time to research products before completing a transaction than shoppers in physical supermarket/grocery stores – but there is significant local variation behind this general trend.
“The extent of pre-purchase research, the sources used and the information sought varies greatly by market and demographic,” says Halstead. “It is therefore crucial that brand owners tailor their content and forms of digital engagement accordingly to ensure they have maximum impact.”
The IWSR Ecommerce Strategic Study 2023 surveyed 10 core markets and six secondary markets, which together account for 90% of global ecommerce alcohol sales. Consumer research was carried out in the 10 core markets.
Core markets: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK, US
Secondary markets: Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, South Africa
New rum company Bristol 'can call its own' launches in city
Dave Shepherd – 12/10/2023 – Bristol Post
The company's founders spotted a gap in the rum market
Avid rum drinkers from Bristol have come up with a new brand the city “can call its own” after years of hard work and determination. Alastair Polis and Tasneem Malik say rum is the spirit of choice for many across the city and have launched Bristol Rum Company to cater for the demand.
The ‘Bristolian’ collective has spent the last 10 years conducting their own research across “99 per cent of the drinking establishments around Bristol” - and spotted a gap in the market. “We're all avid rum drinkers and we noticed we couldn't find a premium tasting rum without spending a small fortune,” said Alastair.
“We also noticed that rum is Bristol's drink of choice and questioned why there wasn't a quality rum company that Bristol could call its own. We decided it was because we hadn't started one yet.”
After looking into buying distilling equipment and learning how to manufacture their own rum, the team decided that people didn't want to drink UK rum and preferred a more exotic vibe to their product, which led them to look to South America for “a unique origin of rum.”
Alastair added: “During lockdown, we dedicated ourselves to carefully devising a strategy to bring this venture to life. Thanks to our outstanding connections in Colombia, courtesy of one of our founders, we were able to identify the sole privately-owned distillery in Colombia. This distillery aligns perfectly with the rebellious spirit of rum and the innovative ethos of the Bristol Rum Company.
“Our determination to create the ultimate alcohol label kept us busy for nearly 10 months. We worked closely with our graphic designer, going back and forth to nail down the design for the front label. We wanted that front label to be a real showstopper, to truly represent the effort and energy we put into the rum and we're pretty sure you'll agree, we totally nailed it.”
Rum cocktails to stand out over the holidays
Staff – 12/08/2023 – Loop News
These festive Ten To One Dark and White Rum cocktail recipes feature seasonal favourites like sorrel, baking spices, and more – with an elevated twist.
Ten to One’s award-winning rums are rapidly redefining the category with their unique flavour profiles. The brand creates pure, pan-Caribbean rum blends with no added sugar, colouring or flavouring, making it an excellent choice to complement the season of indulgence!
Below are five inspired rum cocktails recipes, courtesy Ten to One Rum, to help you show off your bartending skills over the holidays.
1.5oz Ten To One White Rum
75oz Sorrel Syrup*
75oz Fresh Lime Juice
Dried Flowers
Add all ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake it like you mean it. Strain into your favourite cocktail glass. Garnish with dried flowers. Celebrate with friends.
*Homemade Sorrel Syrup
Combine 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup dried sorrel flowers, 1 cinnamon stick, 6 allspice berries, and 1 tbsp fresh diced ginger in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool to room temperature and strain. Keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
1.5oz White Rum
0.25oz Fresh Lime Juice
0.25oz Cucumber Syrup
4oz Coconut Water
Lime Twist or Cucumber Slice
Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice. Shake, and strain into a glass filled with fresh ice. Garnish with lime or cucumber slices.
*Cucumber Syrup
Bring 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar to a boil. Remove from heat. Add a chopped cucumber and zest from one lime to pot and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate.
A delicious cocktail that is rich with dynamic flavours including lime, cranberry, ginger, and more.
1.5oz Ten To One White or Dark
Add to cart
.75oz Sorrel Syrup*
.75oz Fresh Lime Juice
Ginger Beer
Garnish (Optional)
Candied Ginger and Dried Sorrel
Add first three ingredients to a highball glass. Stir with a bar spoon to incorporate all of the ingredients. ?Add ice and top with ginger beer. Stir again from the bottom of the glass to ensure all ingredients are incorporated. Garnish with candied ginger and dried sorrel flower on a cocktail pick.
Combine 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup dried sorrel flowers, 1 cinnamon stick, 6 allspice berries, and 1 tbsp fresh diced ginger in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool to room temperature and strain. Keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
1.5oz Ten To One White or Dark
1oz Lime Juice
0.75oz Honey Syrup (1:1 Honey to Hot Water)
2 Sprigs of Rosemary
Sprig of Rosemary
Add rosemary sprig along with all other wet ingredients to a shaker tin. Add ice and shake vigorously. Fine strain into a chilled coupe glass and garnish with a rosemary sprig.
Ten to One’s playful twist on the Old Cuban, a cocktail invented by bartender Audrey Saunders while working in New York City in 2001. The Young Trini is an inspired cocktail that can best be described as part mojito, part French 75. The Champagne topper adds a playful touch and makes this drink perfect for any form of celebration.
1.5oz Ten to One Dark Rum
1oz Simple Syrup
0.75oz Fresh Lime Juice
6 Mint leaves
2 Dashes of Angostura Bitters
2-4oz Champagne or Prosecco
Fresh mint sprig and/or lime
Muddle the mint with the lime juice and simple syrup in a shaker tin. Add the rum, bitters and ice. Shake until well-chilled. Double strain into a coupe glass and top with champagne and garnish with a mint sprig.
Please drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive.
Trailer Happiness: embassy for rum
Oli Dodd – 12/07/2023 – Drinks Int
?Trailer Happiness has been a stalwart of the London bar fixture for 20 years now. Owner Sly Augustin tells Oli Dodd how he grew its success.
In October, Trailer Happiness celebrated its 20th birthday. In two decades, the basement bar on London’s Portobello Road has survived changes in ownership, pandemic and flooding, enduring as the city’s most beloved tiki haunt and a globally treasured sanctuary of rum. Since 2012 it has been owned and operated by Sly Augustin, a Notting Hill native so synonymous with the venue that it’s a surprise he didn’t open it in the first place. That credit is owed to Jonathan Downey, the serial bar entrepreneur behind Milk & Honey and Match, who took over the site of a failed bar called Canvas.
“I was a customer before 2003 when the space was still Canvas,” says Augustin. “It was a bar that a guy had opened with his architect mates, they constructed this really beautiful space – all white floors, white leather seats and wood panelling, super-minimal Scandinavian vibes. It was an art bar, or what was known at the time as a ‘style bar’, and it was pretty out there. It had these massive revolving billboards of nipples, and people didn’t really understand it. The drinks were great, I loved it, but it was always empty.
“When Downey took it over, I think he wanted to get it up and running as quickly as possible, so they looked at what was already there. They had all of this wood panelling that lent itself towards 1970s era kitsch, which lends itself towards tiki and tropical drinks culture, which then lends itself to rum.”
Either by luck or design, Downey had struck on the perfect bar for Portobello Road and Notting Hill.
“Trailer Happiness is a perfect storm, but it’s exactly what Notting Hill is as well, it’s an accident. The only reason that the Caribbean contingent, the Windrush generation and the Irish ended up here was because it got bombed to shit during the war. A lot of Ladbroke Grove was slum. The landowners and homeowners moved out to the countryside and so it became this refuge for immigrants where you had a combination of cultures mixing. There was still wealth and affluence in the area, and the combination of these things created something that has authenticity and longevity. The best places are the ones that appeal to everybody.”
In 2012, Augustin took over the business from Downey’s business partner, Rick Weakley, despite having no professional background in hospitality. “The rumour is that Rick inherited the bar from Downey in lieu of a bonus,” says Augustin. “If Jonathon Downey had thought that Trailer Happiness was iconic or had potential outside of just being a local bar, I don’t know if he’d have necessarily just given it up. Because I had a good relationship with Rick as a customer, when he wanted to pass it on, he was happy to pass it on to me.
“When I took it in 2012 it was on a bit of a downward trajectory. It had become such a notorious party bar that people forgot it needed to make money to stay open, and I guess for many people, maybe it had run its course and they had run off to bigger and shinier things. But for me, because of my relationship with the bar and because I grew up in this neighbourhood, and this was my neighbourhood bar, I knew that Trailer Happiness presented something to the public that not many places did.
Hitting the right notes
“It ticks so many boxes, whether you want super-fancy cocktails, or just to hang out in a cosy environment with your mates, it can do so many things. I saw that back in 2012, and I felt it was too early for the bar’s story to end. Initially, I thought if I could get it to 10 years – that was when it had been open for just over eight – that would be a more fitting number to end it on. And here we are now at 20 and it’s better than it’s ever been.”
Augustin’s time at the helm hasn’t been without struggle. In July 2021, as London’s hospitality venues began to emerge from a hard-fought pandemic, flash floods drowned Trailer in a metre of water. If it wasn’t for Augustin, his team’s resolution and the outpouring from the industry, it could have spelt the end.
“When we flooded, people just came, random people showed up to help paint and do dirty work. People bought shirts and donated. I don’t know what we would’ve done without that support. There are people who are industry, people who aren’t, and even people who’ve never been here that love Trailer. I guess if you stick around long enough you can build an aura, and this bar is a special place.”
Under Augustin’s ownership, the bar has become an institution, its own fortunes mirroring the growing popularity of the category it champions. The authentic connection it has to its location and to rum creates a community and appreciation among its regulars that’s hard to match in modern hospitality.
“Trailer Happiness has grown as the rum category has grown, I see us as an embassy for rum. We’re a haven for rum lovers. There are only a few places in London to go to for serious rum lovers, there are even fewer to go to casually, and there are fewer still to go to casually and get into conversations with knowledgeable bartenders about rum and be able to try something you have never tried before. I guarantee we have a rum in our bar that you’ve never tried before.
“There are two sides to education. Spending time with rum enthusiasts but also spending time with consumers who are ignorant of rum. If you’re a rum specialist bar, it’s super important that you appeal to novices as well as seasoned professionals. People come in and don’t necessarily know they’ve come into a world-famous rum bar. They might even think they don’t like rum, but they do – they just haven’t had the right rum yet. But first and foremost, we’re a bar. That’s always the most important thing, that people come and have a good time.
“People ask me when I’m going to open another Trailer Happiness and I’d like to, but I would need to find a space like this in a community like this, and I don’t think that’s an easy thing to do.”
Press Release – 12/08/2023 – PR Newswire
'The Concept A.I.bum' features five new tracks from an international group of rising artists, produced using generative A.I. trained on Boi-1da's GRAMMY Award-winning catalog.
?HAMILTON, Bermuda, Dec. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The highly anticipated Concept A.I.bum from BACARDí and uber-producer Boi-1da has finally launched on all digital music streaming platforms worldwide. First announced in October, the five-track EP is the result of the iconic rum brand's annual Music Liberates Music program that champions up-and-coming artists and pursues new and innovative strategies to help them make inroads within the music industry. The vibrant track list remains true to the iconic rum brand's passion for movement and self-expression, with original music from a roster of global artists including:
? "Something to Prove" by Bellah
? "Apollonia" by Floyd Fuji
? "All You Wanted" by Kyle Dion
? "Ebony" by Blackway
? "Hall of Fame" by Savannah Ré
"Mentoring up-and-coming talent is one of the most rewarding things to do as a producer," says Boi-1da. "I'm grateful to have worked with BACARDí on a revolutionary new way to collaborate with artists from all over the world. Through the power of generative AI, I was essentially able to be in multiple places, working on multiple tracks, simultaneously. The results speak for themselves. The album has something for all fans to love, seamlessly blending my signature production stamp and these artists' incredible individual styles. I hope this leads to more conversations around how we can harness new technology to make music production more efficient and accessible."
"With the ongoing conversations around AI, we saw an opportunity to leverage technology in a way that benefits emerging talent, without compromising artistic integrity," says Laila Mignoni, Global Head of Brand Marketing Communications for BACARDí rum. "The Concept A.I.bum is a testament to how AI can indeed be used as a positive force."
To finalize The Concept A.I.bum, each artist was given cutting-edge AI software, trained on a selection of beats from Boi-1da's unreleased catalogue. Artists were then invited to input an unlimited number of their original demos, tweaking their personal sound with the producer's unique musical style. Once their desired demos were updated to their tastes, each artist had the opportunity to meet with Boi-1da for a 1-on-1 production session to finalize the track and ensure their individual artistry remained intact.
"Working with a legendary producer through the transformative lens of AI has been such an incredible journey, merging the soul of innovation with my traditional process," said Bellah. "I'm honored to have worked with such an icon as Boi-1da and grateful to have been selected by BACARDí for this project, giving an opportunity to reimagine my work in in more ways than I knew was possible. AI is a complex topic in the music industry right now, but creating my track for The Concept A.I.bum proved that the future of art is an ever-evolving collaboration between human creativity and the boundless possibilities of modern technology."
As with each Music Liberates Music program, all proceeds from the project will directly benefit the participating artists. All copyright and subsequent revenue from the tracks will remain with the artists and Boi-1da. Fans can enjoy The Concept A.I.bum on all steaming platforms, such as Spotify, or by purchasing it as a limited-edition vinyl which will begin shipping in January.
For more information on The Concept A.I.bum, follow @bacardi on all social channels or visit
About BACARDí? Rum – The World's Most Awarded Rum
?In 1862, in the city of Santiago de Cuba, founder Don Facundo Bacardi Massó revolutionized the spirits industry when he created a light-bodied rum with a particularly smooth taste – BACARDí. The unique taste of BACARDí rum inspired cocktail pioneers to invent some of the world's most famous recipes including the BACARDí Mojito, the BACARDí Daiquiri, the BACARDí Cuba Libre, the BACARDí Pi?a Colada and the BACARDí El Presidente. BACARDí rum is the world's most awarded spirit, with more than 1,000 awards for quality, taste and innovation. Today, BACARDí rum is made mainly in Puerto Rico where it is crafted to ensure the taste remains the same today as it did when it was first blended in 1862. https://www.BACARDí.com/
The BACARDí brand is part of the portfolio of Bacardi Limited, headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda. Bacardi Limited refers to the Bacardi group of companies, including Bacardi International Limited.
Media contact: BACARDí? Team, [email protected]
New Port Richey distiller to bottle, distribute Rolling Stones’ rum
Pat Morris – 12/06/2023 – Suncoast News
?NEW PORT RICHEY — Yo ho ho and a bottle of … Crossfire Hurricane?
OK, Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones have never burst into that particular song — that we know of — but it turns out rum is a definite theme for the superstar rockers. They now wholly own a premium crafted rum brand, Crossfire Hurricane, set to hit the shelves the first of the year.
And it’s going to be distilled in, bottled in and distributed at the Point Distillery in New Port Richey.
Distillery CEO Spencer Wolf said he expected the Crossfire Hurricane line should be operational in early December. Some specialized equipment was set to arrive on Dec. 1, and the distillery is hiring at least 20 new workers to process the rum.
“We take the rum in, in tankers, at a very high proof,” Wolf explained. “We then proof it down to 80 proof (and) then filter it, bottle it, label it, pack it and send it off.”
Wolf said thousands of $37 bottles have been presold to consumers directly via The rum takes its name from the first line of the Stones’ 1968 song “Jumpin’ Jack Flash.”
Set to embark on their “Hackney Diamonds Tour” in 2024, the Stones have been one of the best known, and best-selling, rock groups worldwide for more than half a century.
“The Rolling Stones are a worldwide phenomenon,” said Wolf, whose distillery won the rum account through a bidding process.
He said the band owns Crossfire Hurricane and “is very protective of it.”
It doesn’t hurt, Wolf noted, that he is British himself.
“It reminds me of home and adds to my British pride,” he said.
Wolf — who hasn’t met members of the band as yet — said the rum’s quality should add to the distillery’s reputation. “It will knock your socks off,” he added.
The rum is described as featuring flavors of caramelized bananas and tropical fruit, “perfectly aged in oak barrels.”
The Point Distillery opened in 2018, when Wolf and his partners invested in a nonoperational distillery on Little Road. The county then stepped in with an initial Penny-for-Pasco-funded, low-interest loan. And in August, the county amended the initial loan agreement to cover the purchase of an automatic filling machine to accommodate specialty bottling.
Said County Commission Chair Jack Mariano: “The Point Distillery is now exporting products around the U.S. and the world — with more than 30 full-time employees. Our board has provided the company with approximately $239,000 in repayable equipment-purchase loans over the past several years, which is a great example of how Pasco County supports redevelopment and thriving small businesses.”
Staff ?– 12/04/2023 – Santa Teresa
Redefining the art of rum making, Santa Teresa? 1796 rum is shining light on human stories of redemption, resilience, and purpose in their newest campaign
HAMILTON, Bermuda, Dec. 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Santa Teresa, Venezuela's oldest producer of award-winning single-estate rum, proudly debuts its latest ad campaign, "Great Rum, Greater Purpose," for the first time getting to the heart of the transformational journey integral to Santa Teresa's mission. Through a captivating visual exploration of the meticulous process behind crafting the family-owned brand's renowned triple-aged Solera rum and ongoing work through Project Alcatraz, a social reintegration program run through the "Fundación Santa Teresa," the campaign serves as a testament to the brand's dedication to exceptional rum craftsmanship and meaningful societal impact.
Directed by award-winning cinematographer and director, Matt Bendo, and featuring Venezuelan actor and director, César Manzano, the new campaign, shot entirely at the Hacienda Santa Teresa in Venezuela's Aragua Valley, highlights the artistry behind the creation of the single estate rum and the key figures who embody the spirit of resilience and transformation that defines Santa Teresa, including Master Distiller, Nancy Duarte, and Anther Herrera, one of the many ex-gang members whose life was changed by Santa Teresa's Project Alcatraz program and who recently led the Alcatraz Rugby Club to win this year's National Rugby Club League championship.
"Santa Teresa's mission has always been to showcase the best of Venezuela to the world. Not only do we take immense pride in the transformational solera process that creates our triple-aged award-winning Santa Teresa 1796 rum, we are also proud of the lasting impact Santa Teresa has had on the community," says Alberto Vollmer, CEO of Santa Teresa Rum. "The new campaign allows us to show all sides of who Santa Teresa is as a company and what drives us to continue the legacy generations from our founding and for generations to come."
Central to the campaign is the profound commitment to fostering positive change through Santa Teresa's unwavering support for Project Alcatraz, an initiative that serves as a channel of hope for those seeking redemption and a fresh start through a combination of vocational training, psychological assistance, and the unexpected sport of rugby.
Since its launch in 2003, Project Alcatraz has provided social rehabilitation and career opportunities at the Hacienda Santa Teresa to more than 200 ex-gang members and provided education opportunities to more than 2,000 youth participants through Project Alcatraz's youth prevention program. Since 2013, Project Alcatraz's methodology has been implemented across 34 penitentiary centers in Venezuela, spreading the mission outside of the Hacienda's territory and expanding career opportunities to the greater Venezuelan community.
Working alongside local film and production talent, the "Great Rum, Greater Purpose" campaign was produced in collaboration with Venezuelan production agency, Black Cat. The campaign was conceptualized by Only Much Louder (OML) a Mumbai, India-based content and entertainment media house that has been at the epicenter of driving cultural impact for brands.
"Great Rum, Greater Purpose" assets will go live December 1st across brand-owned platforms including Facebook and Instagram. To learn more about Santa Teresa 1796, please visit To learn more about Project Alcatraz, please visit
About Santa Teresa:
Santa Teresa is the first rum producer in Venezuela, originating from the valley of Aragua, its story started as a sugar cane plantation in 1796 and remains to this day as a family-owned business. Santa Teresa rums have been produced at Hacienda Santa Teresa for more than two centuries and are now present in more than 40 countries. Registered in 1909, the Santa Teresa brand boasts the title of Venezuela's very first rum trademark – as well as proudly carrying the "Ron de Venezuela" (Rum of Venezuela) DOC label.
Please enjoy Santa Teresa Rum responsibly.
Media Contact
Rebecca Brooks
SOURCE Santa Teresa 1796
Angostura Chairman assures rum supply through Christmas
Darlisa Ghouralal – 12/09/2023 – Loop News
Angostura Chairman Terrence Bharath is putting to rest any fears of a rum shortage ahead of the Christmas period.
At the opening of Angostura’s Solera Wines and Spirits store at Albion Plaza, Victoria Avenue, Port of Spain Monday, Bharath said a fire that gutted a section of the company’s building last Friday didn’t impact its production abilities.
So, citizens can rest assured that the supply of alcohol heading into the holidays and beyond is safe.
He said: “We getting rum for Carnival and Christmas. So, fear not. And, we have saved Angostura from destruction.”
Bharath said the company received good news shortly after the incident – two of Angostura's rums will be available at Royal Caribbean Cruise ship bars come January 2024.
“That is a dream of mine come true. And, I am happy to announce that we are not only here today, still alive as a company, still manufacturing Bitters and rum, we suffered a loss yes, but we are going to pick up the pieces and move on,” he declared.
Acting Prime Minister Colm Imbert applauded Angostura’s growth in external markets, including in Latin America, which saw a $4 million increase in revenue.
He noted that Solera now accounts for more than 10 per cent of the group’s revenue, generating upwards of $100 million in sales.
Chief Executive Officer Laurent Schum explained that the company is looking to expand throughout the country, to make Solera the most available liquor store on the island.
He said the old Gray Street building, which is over 100 years old, will likely be rebuilt.
Schum said the company is working on some concepts that will deliver a “beautiful” result.
Cocktail of the week: Bantof’s Dark and wintry – recipe
Arthouros Solian – 12/08/2023 – The Guardian
An evocative name, a glimmer of fruit and a dash of ginger beer lend intrigue to this take on the dark and stormy that’s perfect for drawn-in days
Dark and wintry
This winter cocktail is fruity and sparkly, with a depth of flavour that matches the seasonal mood – it’s the drink equivalent of a December stroll through the streets of London’s Soho. If you like, multiply the quantities to make a big batch of pre-mix, and gift it to a friend – but don’t forget to give them a bottle of ginger beer, too.
Serves 1
1 tsp apricot jam
4 mint leaves
45ml aged rum – I use Havana Club 7
35ml Drambuie
12?ml fresh lime juice
12?ml standard 1:1 sugar syrup
15ml triple sec
Ginger beer, to top up
1 mint sprig, to garnish
Put the jam, mint, rum, Drambuie, lime juice, sugar syrup and triple sec in a cocktail shaker, add a big handful of ice and shake hard. Strain into a highball glass, top up with ginger beer, garnish and erve. Alternatively, make up a bigger batch of the spirits mix, without the ginger beer, strain into a clean jar or bottle, seal and store in the fridge for up to two weeks.
? Arthouros Solian, manager, Bantof, London W1
Karl Klockars – 12/09/2023 – Northern Express
These days, cocktail menus are moving from vodka-laden lemonades and beach-friendly rum punches to sharper drinks, pairing gin and whiskey with citrus and syrup to create concoctions more appropriate to sweater weather and tree stand sipping. Winter is coming on quick, and while you’re pulling the hats, scarves, and gloves out of the closet, have you considered the holiday status of your home bar? Or thought about what might be the best bottle to gift this season?
We checked in with the teams behind Ethanology Distillation in Elk Rapids and Gypsy Spirits in Petoskey to chat about the high-proof process to bring their beverages to life, how their offerings change as the calendar progresses, and favorite recipes for the holidays.
Nicholas Lefebre, co-founder and CEO of Ethanology, knows that they’re doing things the hard way.
When he and his wife, Geri, were starting the Elk Rapids-based distillery over a decade ago, they opted to not hire a distiller and have Geri take on the responsibility herself after thousands of hours of self-guided instruction. They committed early to using only locally-sourced grains and fruits to create their vodka, gin, whiskey, and mel, a spirit distilled from local honey. They work on a timeline measured in not months or years but a decade or more out, and they pivoted from the business being a retirement project to a potentially lifelong endeavor.
All of this is in pursuit of one thing: “Our goal has always been to make the world’s best products with the current skill set that we have,” Lefebre says. “So we’re learning along the way, and [we want] to remain focused on one thing, and that’s quality. We don’t want to be a 10,000-case distillery. We don’t want our bourbon or mel to be your everyday spirit; we want it to be your specialization spirit.”
As winter rolls around, the flavors in their tasting room make the transition from clear spirits to oakier ones. “As the temperature drops, … people are more attracted to barrel-aged products,” Lefebre says. “They can be smoky, they can be more phenolic, [with] cedar, clove, cinnamon.”
An oak-barrel-aged gin like their Ferox ($70) is not a typical expression of the spirit, but it plays beautifully in their Newest Wrinkle cocktail. “We are just as passionate about our cocktails as we are our spirits. The same passion that we have for creating unique products in the production area is directly echoed in the tasting room,” Lefebre tells us.
They’ve also created some cocktail gift boxes that are great options for the holidays—the perfect “turnkey gift,” as Lefebre describes it. Ethanology has packages featuring gin or vodka with tonic syrup, their “Mel Fashioned” with bitters and Luxardo cherries, and the aforementioned Newest Wrinkle, all packed into handcrafted wooden crates built locally by Backwoods Specialties.
Black Friday also saw the release of their newest specialty product, Vespera Mel ($125), which translates to “twilight honey” in Latin. The tasting notes for it promise “banana flan and beeswax … bound with delicate resinous smoke.” Lefebre calls it “really, really unique. We’re really excited about it.”
For the Vespera Mel, no recipe is required, assuming you can get your hands on a bottle. “We recommend you sip it neat,” Lefebre says. “A spirit this refined needs no additions.”
1/4 oz maple syrup*
1/3 orange slice (with rind, muddled gently)
15 drops bitters (to taste)
1/3 oz orange juice*
2 ounces Ethanology gin
Fill a rocks glass with large ice cubes and add all ingredients. Stir for 20-30 revolutions and top with additional ice if necessary. Garnish with an orange rose.
To make an orange rose: Using two orange peels, roll the first and then roll the second over the first. Skewer to secure and drizzle maple syrup over the center of the rose.
*Pro tip: Use local maple syrup and fresh pressed OJ to pump up the flavor.
Even though a trip to Kentucky’s famous Bourbon Trail takes you across hill and dale carpeted with dense bluegrass, one look at the Gypsy Spirits in Bay Harbor will convince you that Bourbon country ain’t got nothing on northern Michigan. (After all, does Kentucky have a view overlooking Little Traverse Bay?)
This 42,000-square-foot facility is now the state’s largest operating distillery under one roof and actually has winter weather to thank for its existence, as frigid temps weren’t great for housing horses by the former tenant, the Bay Harbor Equestrian Center.
Gypsy Spirits has its roots in a much smaller, but also quite chilly spot. According to owner and co-founder Michael Kazanowski, “my brother [Adam, co-founder] and I were living in Colorado and we met a guy on a chairlift who owned a distillery.”
After that, their newfound goal was to open up their own distillery in northern Michigan, but funding was an issue. “So we spent three years working out of our van … and we did that until we saved enough money to produce our first set of bottles of Gypsy Vodka out in Denver.”
So if Colorado was the spiritual origin (pun intended), why Bay Harbor? “We’re from the metro Detroit area, and we would spend almost every weekend up here in the winter time. And we made a lot of really good friends up in this area, and it always just felt like home.”
Sadly, one of those friends passed away in a house fire when the Kazanowskis were in college, and that changed their entire outlook on life. “We decided to be a little bit more free spirited and … get the most out of every single day.” With Michael’s science background and Adam’s in finance, plus some time spent learning the ropes of distilling in Louisville, Gypsy was up and running by 2017.
As autumn kicked in, Gypsy partnered with Blake’s Hard Cider to develop their Apple Pie Vodka ($25) with apple cider and cinnamon, which is still on store shelves. All the same, Michael says their vodka ($20) is still everyone’s preferred product, even in winter. “People always ask what makes it different. We took it all the way back to the basics: A good quality sweet corn that we source from Michigan farmers, and then really good water quality, which brought us up here originally.”
Gypsy sells gift boxes with their vodka that also features a mug, a shirt, and some stickers, but the lavender lover in your life might also want to try their award-winning Petoskey Stone Gin ($35). “We really wanted to encapsulate as much local [product] as we can, so a lot of our botanicals are local, like our lavender that was sourced from [Boyne City’s] Lavender Hill Farms,” which helped it earn the distinction of being named 2020’s Best in Show for an American gin by the London Spirits Competition.
2 oz Gypsy Vodka
1 oz fresh espresso
1 oz peppermint simple syrup
0.5 oz chocolate syrup
Whipped cream and chocolate shavings for garnish
Mix in a cocktail shaker with ice, shake vigorously until combined, strain into a martini glass, and garnish with whipped cream and shaved chocolate.
1.5-2.oz Gypsy Vodka
1 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
3 oz. cranberry juice
3-4 oz ginger beer
Limes, cranberries, and rosemary for garnish
Pour vodka, lime juice, and cranberry juice into a copper mug filled with ice. Top with ginger beer and garnish with fresh cranberries, lime wedge, and a sprig of rosemary.
2oz Mackinac Island Rum
1 tbsp hot buttered rum batter *recipe below
Hot apple cider
Cinnamon stick for garnish
To make the hot buttered rum batter: Melt 1 lb butter in a large pot over medium heat. Blend in 1 lb brown sugar and 1 lb confectioners sugar until smooth. Remove from heat and add 1 quart of ice cream (softened), 2 tbsp ground cinnamon, and 2 tbsp nutmeg and whisk until incorporated. Pour mixture into a plastic container and store in the freezer for later use.
Pour rum into glass and add buttered rum batter. Stir to combine and top with hot apple cider. Garnish with a cinnamon stick.
What Is The Best Affordable Rum? Top 7 Budget Liquors Experts Rave About
Matthew Sherdan – 12/08/2023
Rum is made by fermenting sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice, and it’s the basis for all sorts of popular drinks. By no means is rum the most expensive liquor but it’s also not the cheapest. Good, quality rum makes all the difference in many of our favorite mixed drinks, such as Mojitos, but it can get a little pricey. When you want a good mixed drink or just want to sip on a sweet and spicey rum before dinner and don’t want to break the bank to enjoy yourself, it certainly pays to know your options for the best affordable rum.
Rum, with its rich history and diverse flavors, has captivated spirits enthusiasts for centuries. While premium rums can carry hefty price tags, the good news is that you can still experience the magic of rum without emptying your wallet. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the best affordable rums – those that deliver exceptional taste and value, allowing you to savor the spirit without breaking the bank.
When navigating the vast world of rum, understanding key factors can guide you towards quality affordable options:
? Production Style: Explore different styles like light, dark, and spiced rums, each offering unique flavor profiles.
? Age: While aged rums offer more complexity, young rums can be equally delicious and budget-friendly.
? Origin: Different regions like the Caribbean, Central America, and Asia produce distinct rum styles with varying price points.
? Brand Reputation: Established brands often offer high-quality affordable options alongside their premium counterparts.
? Reviews and Ratings: Consult online resources and expert reviews to gain insights into different rums before purchasing.
Choosing Quality Affordable Rum:
? Focus on Ingredients: Opt for rums made with natural ingredients like sugarcane and avoid added sugars or artificial flavors.
? Look for Authenticity: Choose rums with certifications like Denominación de Origen (D.O.) or Appellation d’Origine Contr?lée (AOC) for guaranteed authenticity and quality.
? Consider Versatility: Select rums that can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed in cocktails, maximizing their value.
? Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment: Explore different brands and styles to discover your personal preferences.
So, which rums are considered to be tasty, yet on the cheaper side? StudyFinds did the research, consulting 10 expert websites in an effort to bring you a consensus list of the best affordable rum options. Our list comprises the seven most frequently listed rums from across these sites. Think the experts missed one of your favorite affordable rums? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
The List: Best Affordable Rums, According to Experts
1. Havana Club A?ejo Clásico Rum
The top spot on the list of the best affordable rums belongs to Havana Club A?ejo Clásico. Havana Club is a Puerto Rican rum distilled and bottled in the Caribbean to give it a delightful flavor and finish.
“Havana Club A?ejo Clásico is an exquisite spirit that is distilled and aged in Puerto Rico under the Caribbean sun for one to three years in oak barrels. Then, the aged rums are blended and aged a second time in oak barrels for a minimum of three months,” explains The Rum Lab.
This rum is double-aged with attention to detail and a focus on quality. Like many quality liquors, Havana Club A?ejo Clásico has an origin story that turns out to be pretty cool.
“This blend is said to be the original recipe created in Cuba back in the 1930s. After the Cuban regime annexed the distillery in 1960, the recipe for this blend was thought to be gone forever. Now we are lucky to get a hint of the past with this beautiful, affordable rum with notes of tropical fruits and hints of vanilla and oak,” adds Liquor.
Rum is supposed to be rich, sweet, and tasty. Havana Club clearly checks those boxes and then some. “Not to be confused with the Cuban rum of the same name, this blend brings together rums that were aged for as long as three years, and then for a final three months following blending. It’s a no-brainer for cocktails, and the spice notes alongside dried pineapples, caramel-coated white raisins, and Mrs. Butterworth’s candies make it particularly useful in a Rum Old Fashioned,” furthers Food and Wine.
2. Mount Gay Eclipse Rum
Next up on the list of the top affordable rums is Mount Gay Eclipse Rum. Mount Gay hails from Barbados and comes from the longest-running rum distillery in the world. ?
“Being the oldest continuously operating rum distillery (1703) isn’t easy. With great age comes great responsibility? Regardless, Mount Gay [is] definitely a representative of the Barbadian rum culture,” explains The Rum Barrel.
With so many astonishing accolades, you’d think Mount Gay is an expensive brand. But, Mount Gay is not only very affordable, it’s downright delicious. “Barbados’ Mount Gay is the oldest rum distillery in the world with a genesis in 1703. It makes many different expressions including many more expensive offerings, but its Mount Gay Eclipse Rum is one of the best bargains on the market. Named for the solar eclipse visible in Barbados in 1910, it’s a blend known for its flavor profile of vanilla beans, banana peels, rich oak, buttery caramel, and gentle spices,” furthers Cool Material.
Barbados is a Caribbean nation surrounded by clear water and a laid-back vibe. When your rum comes from a country as renowned for vacation vibes as Barbados, you know it has to be tasty. Enjoy Mount Gay’s Eclipse rum in all your favorite rum-based mix drinks.
“Eclipse is the lightest and youngest rum (at 2 years old) from esteemed Barbados distillery Mount Gay, but it has a strong, deep flavor and delivers on quality and value. Vanilla, caramel and banana notes pop with each sip, but this is primarily a mixing rum and provides the right balance of spice and sweetness to complement any cocktail, classic or new-school,” adds Liquor.
3. Wray & Nephew White Rum
The third spot on the list of the top budget rums belongs to Wray & Nephew White Rum. White rum is a great choice for cocktails and other mixed drinks and Wray & Nephew are doing it right.
The Peopledem's Choice #WorldCocktailDay
Spread love with Wray today an mek wi know how dat drink stay!
— Wray & Nephew UK (@WrayAndNephewUK) May 13, 2023
“This Jamaican rum is among the few overproof rums that are still budget-friendly. Wray & Nephew is one of the most beloved rums for its versatility and usefulness in cocktail making. This overproof gives you the most bang for your buck,” writes Rum Raiders.
For a rum to be overproof, it has to contain more than 50 percent alcohol by volume. Wray & Nephew didn’t let the overproof impact the quality of their rum and it shows. ?
“Sometimes overproof rum can be quite harsh and, when not mixed with very flavorful ingredients, downright undrinkable. This is not the case with Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum. For about $24 you can get a small-batch, un-aged 63 percent rum that’s loaded with notes over candied walnuts, ripe bananas, molasses, and vanilla cream. At such a high proof, you definitely should mix this if not add a healthy splash or three of water,” writes Cool Material.
Wray & Nephew comes from Jamaica and brings a lot of taste to your cocktail lineup, regardless of its higher proof.
“The tasting notes include fruit and molasses with a spicy finish. These flavors manage to shine despite its high proof of 126. This is definitely more of a cocktail component than a sipping rum and works well in any classic rum drink you can think of,” furthers Liquor.
4. Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum
Next up on the list of best budget rums is Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum. Appleton Estate is another Jamaican rum and the experts agree that the Signature Blend is a great choice for nearly any occasion.
Between the bubbles, the bitters, and brilliant golden hues, Alicia Walton’s ‘Gold Finger’ has something for each of the senses.
— Appleton Estate USA (@AppletonRumUSA) April 6, 2017
“The Signature Blend from Appleton is one of the best-value rums on the market. It is aged for an average of 4 years which is more than most rums in this price range. It is sippable but typically it is great to have on hand for making mixology masterpieces at home,” writes Rum Raiders.
Appleton Estate’s dedication to quality is apparent in this rum. The Signature Blend is filled with flavors ranging from bananas to brown sugar. “On the nose you get vanilla from the bourbon barrels and a touch of orange peel and exotic fruits. When it comes to taste, you’ll get bananas, apricots and brown sugar with a suggestion of tropical fruit,” writes Mel Magazine.
Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum tastes just like you’d expect a Jamaican rum to taste. It’s light yet flavorful and goes great with your favorite rum-based cocktails or in a glass for sipping. ?
“Jamaica makes some of the best rums out there, known for having earthy and funky notes on the palate that intertwine with tropical fruit flavors and sweetness. The core expression from Appleton Estate is inexpensive and delicious, a blend of rums from column and pot stills that’s aged for an average of four years. This should be your go-to rum for making cocktails,” raves Liquor.
5. Gosling’s Black Seal Rum
Gosling’s comes to you straight out of Bermuda where it’s aged for years and goes great in a Dark n’ Stormy. “The darkest, richest rum on the list, Gosling’s is made from a blend of rums (both pot- and column-stilled) imported into Bermuda and aged three years in former bourbon barrels. I don’t usually enjoy sipping it, but it’s great in cocktails. Gosling’s is delicious in a Cuba libre or a Dark ‘n Stormy. If you’re mixing the latter, though, get a sharp and peppery ginger beer, or the rum will overwhelm it. Barritt’s is traditional, though Gosling’s now also markets its own ginger beer, specially formulated for mixing with its rum,” writes Serious Eats.
Gosling’s Black Seal Rum is utilized in several popular cocktails and drinks. As one expert explains, Gosling’s Black Seal helped inspire the infamous Dark n’ Stormy cocktail.
“Black seal rum is a key ingredient in… fish dishes and also inspired the now world-famous Dark n Stormy rum cocktail. Gosling’s Black Seal Rum is black rum with complex and rich flavors of stewed fruits, vanilla, and spices,” furthers My Bartender.
Gosling’s Black Seal is not a light rum by any means. This dark and rich blend of rum makes it perfect for mixing or sipping – the choice is yours. The best part is that Gosling’s Black Seal is more than affordable.
“This Bermuda-made dark rum is made using a recipe dating back more than 150 years. Made from a blend of charred oak matured pot still rums, Gosling’s Black Seal Rum is the base for Bermuda’s official drink: The Dark ‘n Stormy. Perfect for that drink and many others, it’s a complex rum with notes of caramelized bananas, dried fruits, vanilla, molasses, bold, oaky wood,” adds Cool Material.
6. Flor de Ca?a Extra Seco 4-Year White Rum
Next up on the list of the best affordable rums is Flor de Ca?a Extra Seco 4-Year White Rum. Flor de Ca?a is a Nicaraguan rum that mixes well with a range of cocktails.
“Flor de Ca?a is an excellent rum for its price. Flor de Ca?a has a long history in Nicaragua, dating back to the 1890s. The Extra Seco is light-bodied, with a round, smooth taste and a medium finish. I find that it tastes pretty good just on ice, but it also mixes very well. Enjoy it in a daiquiri, but it would also taste fantastic in a mojito or an El Presidente,” explains Serious Eats.
This is the only South American rum to make this list and it’s easily the most popular rum to come out of Nicaragua. “One of the only certified Fair-Trade companies, Flor de Cana is the oldest rum producer in Nicaragua. Flor de Cana is both a sugarcane plantation and distillery that recently turned 150 years old. The 4-year-old Extra Seco is a clear rum with a unique palate of white chocolate and orange,” adds My Bartender.
“This Nicaragua-produced rum is aged in small oak ex-bourbon barrels that are sealed with plantain leaves. The distillers believe the volcanic, tropical climate helps to impart numerous flavors including creamy chocolate, candied orange peels, sweet bourbon, dried fruits, candied nuts, and vanilla beans. It’s warming, dry, and perfect as a slow sipper or mixed into your favorite cocktail,” furthers Cool Material.
7. Chairman’s Reserve Rum
Rounding out the list of the best rums at an affordable price is Chairman’s Reserve. Chairman’s Reserve is produced in the Caribbean nation of Saint Lucia and is made with molasses from Guyana.
“Saint Lucia is the home of Chairman’s Reserve Rum, made using both column and pot stills from molasses in Guyana. This rum is a blend that averages around five years of maturation in ex-bourbon barrels before resting in oak vats for another six months. Don’t hesitate to sip this on its own, but try it in a Rum & Coke to really elevate the simple drink. The brown sugar, banana, and spice flavors work well with the sweetness of the cola,” writes Liquor.
Chairman’s Reserve got a lot of love from the critics and reviewers. This rum is loved for its bold flavors and sweet and spicey finish. Chairman’s Reserve is a great choice for anyone looking for a rich sipping rum.
“First launched in 1999 and named for then Chairman Laurie Barnard, this St. Lucia-produced rum is a blend of copper pot still and coffey column still distilled rums that were matured separately in ex-bourbon barrels before aging again in oak vats together. This is St. Lucian Rums’ flagship expression and its known for its bold flavors of caramelized banana, toffee, vanilla, dried fruits, and gentle spices. It’s sweet, spicy, and sippable for a surprisingly low price,” explains Cool Material.
Chairman’s Reserve is 40 percent alcohol by volume and is distilled in various stills. “The 40 percent ABV Chairman’s Reserve comes from St. Lucia Distillers, and the blend offers rums aged for a minimum of five years. The distillery utilizes three different types of pot stills, as well as a column still, and this rum is approximately 60 percent column distillate and 40 percent pot still distillate. By incorporating a mix of starting flavor profiles, producers ultimately work together to create a complex and nuanced end result,” furthers Eater.
News Briefs for December 8, 2023
Staff – 12/10/2023 – Shanken News Daily
?Louisville, Kentucky’s Barrell Craft Spirits has expanded its distribution partnership with Southern Glazer’s in control states across the U.S. The deal covers Barrell’s namesake brand as well as its Stellum offerings. Barrell and Southern’s expansion covers Alabama, Iowa, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming and is effective immediately.
?Diageo has continued its Lagavulin: My Tales of Whisky campaign with a new holiday-themed ad starring brand partner Nick Offerman. This year’s spot features Offerman decorating the Lagavulin distillery while employees work around his efforts. The ad made its debut on Offerman’s Instagram page and can be viewed in full at Lagavulin’s website. In 2022, Lagavulin was at 62,000 cases in the U.S., according to Impact Databank.
?Ocean Spray has launched a new line of dedicated cocktail mixers, the first expansion into mixology for the juice brand. The line is launching with three cocktail mixers—a Strawberry Margarita, a Rum Punch, and a Cosmopolitan—all containing 50 calories per serving. The trio of mixers is now available through Amazon with retail distribution beginning in 2024. In addition to releasing mixers, Ocean Spray, in collaboration with Pernod Ricard, is developing a new line of Absolut vodka and Ocean Spray spirits-based RTDs, set to be released next year.
?Edrington’s Wyoming whiskey has kicked off a new ad campaign, Made of Wyoming, timed with the distillery’s annual limited releases. The campaign, a first for Wyoming Whiskey, uses footage shot over seven years at Mead Ranch in Jackson, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and the brand’s distillery in Kirby. The new campaign will run on social channels, digitally, and in the Jackson Hole airport. In addition to the new ads, Wyoming has released this year’s iterations of Barrel Strength ($300) and Single Barrel ($100) Bourbons. The former is bottled at 61.2% abv after five years and the latter is at 48% abv and also is five years old.
?Bearface Canadian Whisky, part of Mark Anthony Brands, has release Matsutake 01, a new mushroom-infused whisky. The 42.5% abv Canadian whisky marks the U.S. debut of the brand’s Wilderness Series and is blended from whiskies aged in French oak, Sherry barrels, and whisky infused with Matsutake mushrooms. Bearface Matsutake 01 is now available in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New York, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington state for a suggested price of $45 a 750-ml.
Until the next newsletter!
Federico Hernández - The Rum Lab