Thermography sevices added
Precise Inspecting is proud to announce the addition of infrared technology to its home inspection services. Infrared imaging, or thermography, is a physical science that allows for the capture of light in the infrared spectrum of the light scale. It measures an object’s heat radiating off itself.
Heat loss, moisture penetration, and electrical panel overload are the three areas of main focus in our Thermal Imaging service. As a fully Certified Residential Thermographer, I am able to perform a thermal image scan of your home and provide you with a dozen or more thermal images paired with their standard digital counterpart for comparison.
If you are purchasing a new home and want to identify possible hidden problems before you purchase, then you can now add thermal image scanning to your home inspection.
Above photos: The photo on the left is of an exterior wall where it joins a cathedral ceiling. Cathedral ceilings are often difficult to access and in this case, my customer was concerned with the possibility of moisture intrusion in the high, out of reach, ceiling. After shooting the area with an infrared camera we discovered a thermal anomaly*. Upon further investigation, we found that the area was only a cold spot due to the convergence of multiple wood framing members in the corner.
*thermal anomaly - refers to a departure from a reference value. In layman's terms, it is the difference between what you would expect to occur and what is actually occurring. To further clarify, a positive that the observed temperature was warmer than the reference value (surrounding area), while a negative that the observed temperature was cooler than the reference value (surrounding area).