Thermodynamic Life !!!
Anirudh Kumar
Building Clueso (YC W23) | Customer Success | | Ex-Amazon | Past Area Director at Toastmasters | NSIT
?life is a Spontaneous Process...bcoz it is Irreversible,
We all are in a closed system which have Surroundings of Adiabatic Boundary
…which can be broken only by winning the Competition,
In this, our True Potential plays role as Gibbs free energy
...which should be forwarded towards useful work done.
We are required to go through many State Variables,
…to reach at a particular State Function,
One State Function is Internal Energy,
This possesses high of diverting tendency.
Here, everyone have a Specific Heat Capacity,
This determines the Internal Energy Change.
Everyone aims at the Standard Enthalpy of Formation of their Future,
And forget the Bond Enthalpy of building relationship,
And get confused in the Born-Haber’s Cycle.
Our net outcome is the sum of every work done by us,
…as per the Hess’s Law of Heat Summation.
If we forget the important role of Our Equilibrium Constant,
Then whole Chemical Equation of life lost its Existence
And the Reaction Enthalpy of Human life ENDS…
But also in the end…Standard Enthalpy of Combustion
...burns down the remaining part of the body…!!!
And the Human Soul by Standard Enthalpy of Vaporization,
And by the action of Standard Enthalpy of Sublimation,
Shows Fusion Process and becomes the part of its Surroundings…”
-----Then I realized that Human Life is no more different,
From any Thermodynamical Process
Where we always have options for different Processes
And we should always go for an Open System,
Where we are given chances to convert our Internal Desires
Into the reality as we want…and not to be dependent on the Internal Energy
---Live your life as you want and don’t let it to be the game of Thermodynamics…
In the end I would like to say… Learn this creepy chemistry…my way…:)
Ideas worth Changing Everything