Thermochromic color change design for burn proof-color blindness friendly
這是創新的感溫變色防燙設計. 同時也具有色盲友善設計要素.藍色為手溫變色, 有輕柔香味舒緩生活壓力; 黑色為適用於廚房餐廳的高溫防燙變色提示,黑色消失表示過燙. 適用於廚房鍋具,烤箱,熱盤等等,可提供顏色變化降低兒童/銀髮族的因觸摸高溫燙傷.久榮碩豐生活科技有限公司關心您的生活幸福平安.
This is innovative thermochromic design of label for scalding proof application, and it is color blindness friendly design. The smaller blue is for hand temperature; The larger black is for hot objects altering applied in kitchen and dining room. Such as oven, stove, soup pot, hot dishes...which are mostly caused the scalding to kids, elder people in house. This label design is helping to reduce the possibility of scalding from hot objects in house.