Thermo Fixture | from -40°C to +85°C

Thermo Fixture | from -40°C to +85°C

A Thermo fixture is about conducting #HighlyAcceleratedLifeTests (#HALT) and #HighlyAcceleratedStressScreening (#HASS) tests. As a qualitative test procedure, it is designed to expose electronic and electromechanical components to an accelerated aging process. Even at the stage of product development, weak points or faults are identified.

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Extreme temperatures

The test process takes place in a special thermal test fixture. During the testing process, the test item is exposed to extreme temperatures, which are usually between -40°C and +85°C. Deviating temperature ranges are also possible at this point.

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Without a climate chamber

The temperature change occurs at very short time intervals of just a few seconds in order to simulate an accelerated aging process. The entire testing process takes place entirely without a climate chamber. The thermally insulated test fixture is filled with appropriately tempered air using a thermal device. The fixture is designed in such a way that the air flows around the circuit board to be tested in order to ensure even temperatures on all sides.

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