There's no such thing as a typical day!
What do I think the best thing about working at Goal7 is? Well, I can't choose just one reason so here's three!
How did I end up working for Goal7?
After graduating from 英国赫瑞瓦特大学 with a degree in Chemical Engineering with Energy Engineering, I took a year out which involved a lot of traveling (and a short stint working in a trampoline park). From there I joined an operations graduate programme with Tennent Caledonian Breweries, which soon turned into a permanent position at C&C Group. Here I confirmed my original thought whilst at university; I thrive more in a project management and co-ordination role than a more traditional technical engineering role. I also have a keen interest in sustainability and how we can work towards a cleaner future, which I was able to explore through my involvement in the ESG committee whilst at C&C Group.
When the time came for change, and a new challenge, I was delighted when I came across a role as a Sustainability Analyst at Goal7 , as I could take on a role in a different industry whilst fully focussing on creating a better future for generations to come. I applied for the job and the rest is history! It's now coming up to 2 years this summer since I joined the team and it feels like I'm only just getting started.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I don’t have a typical day; although I always try to start with some yoga in the morning to stretch off and get moving before work. As I work predominantly from home it would be easy to fall into the habit of rolling out of bed and logging on, but I'm determined not to let that happen - I’m not always successful, sometimes taking an extra half hour in bed, but the ambition is always there! I also try to get outside for a walk in the afternoon, which is great for clearing my head and preventing the post-lunch slump.
My days in terms of work are varied, however they tend to follow a pattern of more meetings on a Monday and Tuesday, setting up for the rest of the week, followed by a variety of different client or internal work to keep me busy! Aligned with my interests, my role is predominantly project co-ordination, currently focussing in CCS and industrial decarbonisation. Everyone at Goal7 has the opportunity to wear multiple hats, so I'm also involved in our LinkedIn posting, BD, coordinating research, with an element of people management in my role as well.
What's the best thing about working at Goal7?
Of course, no job is perfect and being part of a growing company doesn't come without it's challenges; however there's lots of great things to say about my role. It sounds a bit cheesy but it's hard to narrow down to just one thing, so I've grouped into three:
What do you get up to when not at work?
Most weekends you'll find me either out for dinner or in a coffee shop at some point - I'm an okay cook but I definitely prefer to eat! I like to be active whether that’s playing netball, going for hikes, or just heading to the gym. I wouldn't class myself as a runner but I've signed up for a half marathon this year, so I suppose that will take up a fair bit of time to train for (once I get started, but who knows - maybe I'll find that runners high they always like to remind you about!)
It's not always go, go, go - I'm a big fan of a night in binging a new series, although I'm trying to make an effort to actually read more as it's something I've gotten out of the routine of doing as I've become older.
Whilst you're here, why not give us a quick series and book recommendation!
I've recently just finished watching last series of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel and I would 100% recommend - some great characters and the attention to detail in the set design and styling is incredible
My go-to book recommendation is one I read years and years ago but I still love the story; The Book of Human Skin by Michelle Lovric will have you feeling sad, relieved, disgusted, and entertained on rotation!