There’s Still Time
I honestly don’t even know why I feel compelled to write this post today. Maybe it’s because the journey through the crypto revolution has been so eye opening on so many levels.
The other day, I ran into the mother of a former intern of mine who said, “you know, I was thinking about you the other day and said, ‘I should have bought Bitcoin when he first told me about it.'”
I simply said, “you know, there’s still time.”
A polite smile in return.
Meanwhile, one of the leading investors in the world gets on stage and?says?that, “if we’re right, we think Bitcoin 10x’s from here.”
What I find remarkable in this clip is how the CNBC anchors respond. It’s like they know she’s probably right, but they can’t quite get their heads around it.
And meanwhile, BTC adoption grows, slowly, but surely. Gradually…then suddenly.