There's still time to donate to classrooms and #ClearTheList for teachers around the U.S. 5/16/2023

There's still time to donate to classrooms and #ClearTheList for teachers around the U.S. 5/16/2023

Thank you for helping us #ClearTheList for Teacher Appreciation Week!?

Over $10K worth of items have been purchased from the 200+ teachers’ wish lists we collected but there are still lists that need to be cleared. The lists will still be live all this week. Let's show our love and appreciation for all these teachers do by purchasing classroom items off their Amazon wish lists!?

Donate now:

Case Study: Publicly Traded Regional Bank Gains Robust Efficiencies with CECL Data Support?

A publicly traded regional bank transitioned to the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) methodology as mandated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in 2020. The new accounting standard required robust supporting processes to transport, transform, and store data, so the bank called on Resultant to help build solutions to meet the new regulations.?

Read more:?

State Education Agencies Need to Tell Their Stories Now More than Ever?

Given the challenging state of the world at the time and the tremendous upheaval in students’ lives, the focus had not been on tracking expenditures but on addressing urgent needs immediately. SEAs face the daunting task of combing back through data (and fill in gaps) to meet the call. Curt M. , Education Practice Director, breaks down how state education agencies can begin telling their stories.?

Read more:?

Video: Google Meet Update: How to Turn off the video feed for select tiles?

Gary the Google Guy (a.k.a. Gary Wegner ) shows you how to turn off the video feed from other participants during a 谷歌 Meet call. Check out this and many more quick tutorials around all things Google on our YouTube channel.?

Training: Join our next Tableau Essentials Training Session???

June 5-9, 2023???

Giving teams the fundamentals they need in just a few days, this comprehensive training course ensures users gain competency in key Tableau concepts and functionality. Designed specifically for the virtual learning environment, this course is for the beginning Tableau user eager to understand Tableau, learn techniques for simple and complex visualizations, and build interactive business dashboards. Our next session is just a few weeks away!???

Learn more and register now:?

Google Calendar and Assistant Reminders will Migrate to Google Tasks Soon?

For Google Workspace customers: Starting on May 22, 2023, Assistant and Calendar Reminders will begin to automatically migrate to Tasks for users that have not already migrated. Read on to help ensure a smooth transition with the following recommended steps:?

Want to be featured on Data Driven Leadership Season 2????

The Data Driven Leadership podcast is about helping you make data your ally to lead with confidence and clarity. Do you have a story to share around your data journey? We have a few spots left in our season two lineup for coloring-outside-the-lines innovators, big-picture thinkers, and exceptional-outcomes builders. Email us at [email protected].????

Catch up on season 1 here:?

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Angst-free pivots:

Just one of the many benefits of partnering with us to modernize your data pipeline.??

We believe that “scalable” means you can change your mind.?



