There was so much going on in my head sometimes that sorting it all out seemed next to impossible.
Cathlene Miner
CEO and Founder Hopefull Handbags Global Non Profit, CEO ZZatem Blogging, Author, Women’s Self Defense Instructor, Women’s Fitness Expert, Podcaster
Get Your Busy Brain Sorted Out
You could be missing messages from your inner guidance.
As you all know, I'm much like each and every one of you. A busy lady that loves to help others, a lady that wants to do everything she can for her children, while teaching lessons and helping them learn realities of life. (and teaching them that gratitude will change their lives.)
Can you relate?? There can be so much going on in my head sometimes that sorting it all out seems next to impossible. These thoughts and ideas that come to use throughout the day are sometimes our Intuitive Self giving us messages on the next step to take. Or something in the future that we will refer back to.
This is something I have struggled with for my entire life until I worked on my Self Perception and began to use started to use what I call, CLARITY as a guide, aka My Business Journal ( I have a personal journal too).
They say take one thing at a time. But for me I feel that's too slow, for some reason, one thing at a time for me slows down my momentum, so I know that's not an option for me! I like to move, I like to get started on more than one thing at a time because my brain works better that way.
The issue comes in when I try to do too many things at one time. That's a problem because I can not do a stellar job with them if there are too many goals at one time.
I have found ways to deal with this over the years, by prioritizing and having CLARITY on what I'm doing and what I desire the outcome to be. We must remain open to the universe and God so bigger and better opportunities and situations can flow our way if they are our unique path.
Here are a few things you can do right now to get that brain of yours with all those amazing creative thoughts and ideas in check and start feeling like you are weeding through the cobwebs.
Because some of these aren’t just thoughts and ideas, they are messages from our Intuitive Self, God or the Universe and we tend to ignore or forget them. Not an option if you want to reach your version of success.
A) Write things down!
I know, I know, this is not a new concept. I'm talking about all of those MILLION things rolling around in YOUR AMAZING MIND. Write them down.
This is something that I did not put into practice until I met my husband almost 21 years ago now!
He's a very organized, factual man (with a whole bunch of spirituality sprinkled in these days). Seriously, he always has a pack of sticky notes and a pen in his pocket!
Everything is written down, to this day there are lists, lists, and lists. And I will tell you, every single thing on those lists get done.
And he would always say to me, write things down because then your brain doesn't have to store it anymore. That sounds simple, Right?
Well, not for somebody that likes to go, go, go and get things done. I felt like writing things down was a WASTE OF TIME.
However, I decided that I would go for it.
I started making lists. Real lists. All of those thoughts and ideas that come to my head, Ideas! Plans!
For me, the lists made me feel like there was too much clutter. Too much for me to keep up with.
So what I decided to do was make a separate journal for lists, ideas, thoughts, messages, separate from My Journal. Lists of those amazing ideas that come to my mind, all of those things that were rolling around in my brain, things that I want to get done, invent, create! Even things for my children that I would like to do in the future.
I call it my business journal. Whether you have your own business or not, you can call it whatever you would like.
Because, whether I was working full-time or I was a stay at home of 4 or running my own business, this has now become my " business journal". (because I like to get down to business with my thoughts and ideas). These are my thoughts and ideas, my plans for the future, my messages from my inner guidance. Some of these in my "business journal" will make their way over to My everyday Journal one day.
Now all those things that took up so much space in my brain and then I would forget about or not be able to recall are now in one place. WHAT A RELIEF!
Start Making Them Reality with INSPIRED ACTION!
What two things would you like to work on from your business or idea journal? Prioritize these along within your daily schedule.
Some of the things in your business journal will be things that will take a while to complete. So just keep placing it on your schedule. Don't beat yourself up if it's not done quickly or one day or you can not take action because the kids have to a full day, appointments, games, etc...
Things will fall into place as long as you're taking INSPIRED ACTION.
Remember, this universe is limitless. If you are excited and FEEL passionate and love your ideas, get it out of your head into your business journal, follow it with INSPIRED ACTION, add it to your daily schedule. It will become YOUR REALITY!
There is NO JUDGEMENT in this journal. It DOES NOT MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS. These are YOUR thoughts and ideas. Your INTUITIVE SELF giving you messages. Write them ALL down...
When I'm out and about and I do not have my business journal with me, I have a notepad and pen in my purse.
Or I dictate a text message to myself, and I write in my business journal when I get home.
This has saved me so much brain time!!
I still use a piece of paper for my grocery list, I keep it in the same place on the counter by our family calendar (more on that later) so anyone can write on the list things they see that we need (they notice the milk is low, they write it down, etc...).
This is also a way to help me, I do not have to remember and keep track of EVERYTHING!!
More about me below!
For the Online Journaling Course
I look forward to connecting! Cathlene