There's only one circus I promote on social media: the Dallas Cowboys
My mother, Grace, taught me not to argue with fools because from a far distance, you can't determine who's the clown.

There's only one circus I promote on social media: the Dallas Cowboys

The Separation of Sport & State

I don't complain about gas or egg prices. The cost of living in this country is not yesterday's price. As a retired veteran on a fixed income who creates social media content with a purpose, in this week's edition of NLG, I wanted to share why the only circus I promote is the Dallas Cowboys.

I predict we will see the Dallas Cowboys Netflix documentary streaming on Independence Day this July. It just makes cents. I promote a "NO POLITICAL ZONE" with my Facebook community because sport and state shall stay divided as long as possible.

There are many other circuses I could promote. As a content creator, extreme focus is required. Distractions will come and go. Choosing one circus is essential, as is choosing the right social media platform to promote it on.

Many of you may read this today to glean my political stance between the two sides. The left wing and right wing are the same bird. Get it? Did I ever mention how much I HATE the 2X Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles? Reading is fundamental. Comprehension is key.

Imagine your favorite NFL team with a branded cannabis strain, such as the Dallas Cowboys ' "WEED'EM BOYS." We set trends.


I'm up against the clock this month. My Amazon social media marketing calendar, "It's Our Year Until It Ain't," will arrive on Amazon on April 1st. That same day, I will join Jason Cavness for a scheduled podcast to focus on my creative Cowboys content efforts with Linkedin.

Many Cowboys fans want general manager Jerry Jones fired. I sometimes wonder if he will see America's Team win another Super Bowl before he takes that long pine box dirt nap. Then, we see the prodigal son, Stephen Jones, officially enter the GM chat.

The Dallas Cowboys, like the NFL, are, to an extent, a rolling 365-day circus. When I chose to promote this particular circus, I knew "KEEPING IT FOOTBALL" on social media would help divide sport and State, providing a safe space for fans not looking to engage politically.

Did you know that the Department of Defense's "Paid Patriotism" report from 2015 states that Reading is fundamental and comprehension is key? I wonder if that's considered waste, fraud, and abuse. Pay attention, veterans. It pays to know a guy on social media.

What are the odds that the RIGHT WING fully legalizes cannabis in America after the LEFT WING failed previously on the MORE Act of 2019?


Every week on LinkedIn, I share my Next Level Game thoughts with veterans who create content for a living. It's not a matter of IF but WHEN cannabis is legalized across all 50 states. If you missed my thoughts on how the NFL can usher in the cannabis Golden Age, check it out.

It gives content creators who love cannabis the opportunity to capitalize on the ultimate green cash crop tsunami in the distance. If you're a LinkedIn veteran who was not informed about the subject, subscribe today.

NFL owners will capitalize off cannabis; you can take that to the bank, just like they do with alcohol. Troy Aikman has Eight Beer. Imagine Michael Irvin's Playmaker medicinal cannabis strain. Did the light bulb finally turn on for you? I'm tired of paying for my medication. I long for the window at the VA to pick up my cannabis prescription for my mental health.

It gets harder to separate State from sport every year. It requires vigilance on social media. To think all 32 NFL owners are not politically connected would be naive. The game on the field will eventually become a political vehicle to win elections.

Conducting due diligence involves choosing the right platform to promote your circus. I focus on Facebook as KING because my target demographic audience lives there.

Next Level Game

Every four years, one team in this country gets to call the plays. After serving 23 years in the Navy Honorably, I experienced serving under both teams' elected coaches and their playbooks. Like many of you who served, the Navy was a vessel. Traveling the world opened my eyes to the global stage of war.

"War is a business Petty Officer Gipson. Without the bad guy we essentially have no job." ~OHO Rick Garza

Many Americans are at war on social media. You're either at war with yourself or with the world. When the Dallas Cowboys lose, the rest of the world wins. You have to smoke or drink something to be a Cowboys fan. Pick and choose your battles wisely, Cowboys fans.

After the NFL's FREE AGENCY FRENZY dies down in March, the next event will be the NFL Draft in April. Have you noticed how the NFL stays at the forefront of everyone's attention? The circus is being promoted that way. How much longer will state and sport remain separated? Not long. Stay tuned for next week's edition of NLG. I only promote one circus.


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