There's more to computer security than Bob, Alice and Eve ...

There's more to computer security than Bob, Alice and Eve ...

In computer security, we often talk about Bob and Alice, and where we have Eve the intruder and Trent the trusted person:

Bob and Alice thus trust Trent, and so if Bob identifies himself to Trent, and Alice does the same thing, then Bob can verify Alice, and vice versa. Trent is rather like a trusted lawyer who observes Bob's signatures and then passes it onto Alice. As she trusts that Trent has observed the signing, she trusts the signature. Unfortunately, we have Eve, who will aim to change communications between Bob and Alice, and could even pretend to be them.

But, they are not the only people involved in telling the story. Can you guess who these computer security roles are:

I won't waste it for you, so the answer is below if you scroll down:

My coffee cup from Starbucks:

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And another:

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And another:

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And another:

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And another:

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Answers ...

Coffee and porridge ... go together like Bob and Alice.


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