There's A Method To Your Madness
Dr. Kimble Greene, PhD
Ontological Coach - guiding leaders and individuals from surviving to thriving. Bestselling Author.
The saying – there’s a method to my madness - has been around for as long as I can remember. Until my latest research involving epigenetics and quantum psychology, I hadn’t come up with a good explanation for such a statement. Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.”
As it turns out, repetition of thoughts and behaviors is neither insanity nor madness, it’s your neuropsychological pathways functioning as they’re designed to – for mental, emotional and physical survival. From birth, we subconsciously establish beliefs (perceptions about how our world operates) to optimize our whole being survival. Once established, these beliefs operate continuously, similar to a tape playing over and over in your head. The majority of these core beliefs reside in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind makes up over 90% of who you are, often undermining your conscious efforts (less than 10% of who you are) at creating change and transformation. Because your subconscious operates primarily in the present moment, it will continue to function in the survival mode established at an earlier point in your life. This is one of the reasons change and transformation can be so challenging, and why you may find yourself swirling around to the same old struggles time and again - your subconscious mind overrides your conscious efforts because of the outdated core beliefs running in the invisible background of your mind.
Your core beliefs are a guiding force in your life. They are intended to develop and transform with you, they support you in living your most extraordinary life. That said, you’re meant for more than simply surviving. When you want to go from surviving to thriving, when you strive to stop swirling around the same old problems, the key is in replacing your outdated core beliefs with updated beliefs supporting your current circumstances and goals.
It's true, the methods to your madness facilitate your survival. The functions of your subconscious mind can and must be consciously managed to support your goals in the present and moving forward. With frontier sciences such as epigenetics and quantum psychology paving the way, we now know you are wiser and more powerful than you realize. Now, you can go from surviving to thriving using your core beliefs as the pathway to change.
To facilitate this update in core beliefs, I created a straightforward 3-step formula for identifying and shifting what’s blocking you (outdated beliefs) so you can move forward in your life - The Monarch Method?. It’s like connecting all the experiences in your life into a personalized cosmic map for living forward with purpose and power. One leader declared, “It’s a treasure hunt for the wisdom and purpose hidden in your past.” Now internationally acclaimed for both personal growth and evolutionary leadership development, this method is a game-changer.
Now is the time to begin your journey of transformation and empowerment!
With Grace, Kimble