There’s a Man In The Women’s Pool ?????????????

There’s a Man In The Women’s Pool ????????????

There’s a swimmer on the University of Pennsylvania’s women's team named Lia Thomas who’s kicking ass and taking names.?

Lia recorded the fastest times in college swimming this season in the 200 and 500-yard freestyle as well as an elite performance in the 1650 freestyle. It looks like Lia will go on to dominate the NCAA championships in March 2022.

I’m a sports fan, but swimming has never been on my radar. So why am I writing about it?

Because Lia Thomas was born a man.?

Lia Thomas swam on the UPENN men’s team for three years as Will Thomas. Now accepted as a female, Lia is wiping the surface of the pool with the bodies of female competitors.?

And no one is saying anything (at least not out loud).?


Woke: alert to injustice in society, especially racism.

In the summer of 2020, America had a Woke reckoning.?

Many people put on their Super(wo)man capes and preached about how bad America was / is for blacks and what everyone else needed to do to make reparations.?

White people apologized. Retired Black athletes cried on TV over hypothetical situations. We built statues for people whose only life accomplishment was getting killed by a white cop.

Aligning yourself with black Americans was the cool thing to do.?

Ibram Kendi made up a new definition of racism and no one questioned it (including the fact checkers who published his book— I’ve written a lot of books, and editors usually fact-check every assertion you make). Robin D'angelo, a white woman, wrote an entire book about how white people are responsible for how black people feel about themselves.?

Both authors saw their careers take off.?

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion favoring of blacks lasted less than a year. After a brief “Asian Hate” surge, a new, strategically-superior group has taken control of the Woke narrative: LGBTQ.?

LGBTQ is the new wave. It’s much more fluid than race: You’re free to change your mind about your gender any day of the week.?

This isn’t to say that there aren’t many LGBTQ members — some who are reading this — who haven’t been the same way their whole lives and don’t plan on changing. What I am saying is that you can dip in and out of the LGBTQ pool much more easily than you can get into or out of being black or Asian.?

But who would want to leave? LGBTQ is the most protected AND most powerful group out there right now.?

One way I can tell: A trans woman – aka a MAN – is dominating a female sport, and even Woke women are quiet.?

This isn’t an attack on the LGBTQ world or its members. Actually, it’s a compliment: They've gotten everyone in the Woke world scared to say anything about anyone who identifies as LGBTQ.?

By the time you read this, Lia Thomas will probably be named Woman Athlete Of The Year by some publication. I’m not joking.?

Over the past few years, ESPN has dedicated segments of their shows to talk about race in America in response to news stories that had nothing at all to do with sports or black people.?

Kyle Rittenhouse, a white man, shot three white people in Wisconsin and was found not guilty of murder. ESPN did a segment about it the day the verdict was rendered.?

How many segments have they had about Lia Thomas, a swimmer at a division 1 college? Zero.?

When anything involving the alleged plight of black folks happened, ESPN paraded black athletes front-and-center to literally cry about it.?

How many female athletes have they put on TV to talk about Lia Thomas and the marginalization of the female athlete? None.?

The WNBA kneeled, printed t-shirts and dedicated their season to deceased black women who’d never played basketball. This showed that the W is not shy about speaking up to defend women. Great.

But they’re quiet now. Are they ok with biological men infiltrating their sport? What if LeBron decided to become Leslie? Would they speak up then?

Many people marched, hashtagged and debated on social media about race, politics and everything in between in the summer of 2020.?

Why are so many quiet on this one??

I have a lot of women readers. Parents of female athletes. Girl Dads. Sports coaches. Alleged female advocates. I haven't heard shit from anyone re: Lia Thomas.?

This post will get replies — people speaking to me directly — from people who’d never speak on it publicly.?

If you’re about rights and justice and equality and a level playing field for all, I’d think this topic would grab your attention.?

Being Woke does not mean going along to get along. It’s about drawing a line at injustice and enforcing that line.?

I’m not Woke (see episode #1819: “Why I’m Not Woke”). But if you are, then own it and stand on it.

It was easy when everyone was doing it and everyone’s pseudo-activism was applauded and approved-of.?

Now we can see who’s really willing to use their voice and “platform.”?

And we all know why it’s so quiet: Many Woke people are Woke by convenience. Going along to get along.?

True activism, at some point, will go against the grain.

Female swimmers are UPenn are scared to speak up, lest they be label transphobic and essentially canceled in the most dangerous place to have an idea that even smells like conservatism: a progressive college campus.?

This is especially true at an Ivy League school, where connections are a meal ticket to career success for graduates. Nobody wants to be outside the circle.?

People are afraid of losing their jobs, losing followers, having to apologize, having old posts dug up if and when you get some great opportunity in the future. So they stay silent, even when they disagree on what they’re seeing.?

Even in a world of “silence is violence,” and “if you don’t speak up, you’re complicit” it’s quiet. These are two ideas that I personally disagree with, but have heard many Woke people tout them — those same folks are silent now.?

For the record, this has nothing to do with Lia’s success in the pool.?

It still wouldn’t be right if Lia was losing. Lia’s winning just brings more attention to it while the mainstream sports media ignores it.?

Do what you want with your life, your clothing, your name, and in your bedroom. If you were born with a penis, you play Men’s sports. Period.?

Episode #2016 of the Work On Your Game Podcast is titled, “Why Journalism Is Dying.” I recently heard a media guy say something that encapsulates what we see from the media today.?

“Public relations is when you say what they want you to say and ask the questions they want you to ask.?

“Journalism is when you say what they don’t want you to say, and ask the questions they don't want you to ask.”?

I’m looking for the women leaders, advocates and supporters to have some balls and start behaving like journalists.?

I know for a fact that many of them don’t think Lia Thomas should be swimming for the UPENN women’s team (Lia’s own teammates don’t want Lia on the team, according to UPENN swimmers speaking anonymously). But everyone’s going along to get along…? until that complicity comes to your front door — then it’s a crisis.?

One good strategy in the sales world is to “show up alone.” Meaning: Be the ONLY one in the room who’s selling what you’re selling. That way you're not being compared to or competing on price, only on value.?

Showing up alone is risky, because no competition also means no frame of reference for your prospects and no support to fall back on when you get the attention you called for.?

Remember when Colin Kaepernick took a knee? That was in 2016. Many athletes supported Kaep verbally, but none of them had the courage to take a knee themselves until four years later, when social media and their bosses in the NBA and NFL told them it was OK and they knew there would be no consequences.?

Going along to get along.?

There are plenty of opportunities to step up and lead in life, even if just with your words. Even if it means going against the grain.?

The trade-off is, you have to show up alone.?

I’m interested in seeing who will be the first female athlete, coach or advocate to show up alone, step forward and assert that biological men don’t belong in female sports.?\

Until there’s pushback, it’s possible (probable?) that more male athletes will decide to identify as women, kick women’s asses in women’s sports, and do exactly what the women’s movement was designed to prevent (or undo): marginalize women and make everything about the men.?

Unfortunately for female athletes, all the Woke people are pretending to be asleep.

By the way, if you want to get no-B.S. feedback & accountability from a group of professionals, then my Bulletproof Mastermind is exactly what you want!?

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Jackie V.

Founder/CEO & Senior Recruiter [email protected] 6505056200

1 年

my oldest is trans and on the water polo team and gets heat when she loses for being trans. I used to box when I was much younger. I could kick a man's ass twice my size back then (for sport only). Gender has nothing to do with anything. Let her swim.



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