There’s a lot to dislike about LinkedIn…
Clive Cable
I help working copywriters double their income by teaching them how to memorise and layer proven sales formulas, transforming them from slow, uncertain writers into confident, high-speed conversion specialists.
Getting noticed is the main one.
Everyone's trying the same old same old to stand out.
But they end up drowning in the “sea of sameness.”
But if you start using ChatGPT as a starting point.
You can quickly and easily create interesting LinkedIn posts.
Chat GPT is the same as any new technology.
The further you go into the forest the more firewood you’ll find.
Why being seen on LinkedIn matters.
Trying to figure out what will make you stand out on LinkedIn is like tyring to straighten out a bowl of spaghetti.
It's not easy.
Most posts you read are about as shallow as a dirty puddle.
There’s nothing but a whole lot of “me too” content.
And that’s the second reason to dislike LinkedIn.
You can’t learn anything from it.
You need to post stuff that makes people think, "Wow, this person knows their stuff!"
You must know who you're talking to.
You've got to talk about things your LinkedIn readers care about.
If you understand what they need, they'll like your posts more.
You can use tools like the “Empathy Map” to help you.
The empathy map allows you to map the mind of your readers and know what it is they want from you.
By the way, there is an online version of the empathy map that’s free to use.
It will ask you a few questions and give you a greater understanding of your readers so you can connect with them in a far more meaningful way.
And guess what?
It’s a part of Chat GPT.
And you could also add these ideas….
The more relevant info you give in your posts, the more people will like them.
Make a plan for your posts.
Throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks doesn't work.
Have a plan.
Being smart about your posts makes people take you seriously.
ChatGPT can be your secret weapon.
Coming up with new ideas is hard. ChatGPT can help.
ChatGPT is like having a brainstorm buddy who's always ready to help.
I recently read a post all about writing as a human and don’t let Chat GPT write for you.
There were almost 170 replies all agreeing with the author of the post.
That made me suspicious.
Can’t people think for themselves?
Can’t they use Chat GPT as a tool rather than make it out to be bad?
I find these types of people to be “LinkedIn junkies.”
You know the type.
They talk about brand and image and followers and likes, (yawn.)
What they don’t talk about is how much they helped their clients be more successful.
I digress.
The guy that trashed Chat GPT users had a link to his website.
Like an idiot I clicked on the link.
When I got there his site was like a s**t sandwich without the bread.
Talk about robotic language.
If that wasn’t written by AI then I’ll eat all my prompts.
Everything on that website was about as useful as a bucket without a bottom.
The best way to be real on LinkedIn is to…
Build your tribe slowly and talk with them.
Having lots of followers is good.
But talking with them is even better.
Real friendships start with real people and real connections.
Go over your posts and see what's working and do more of it.
Not everything you post will be a hit.
That's okay.
Learn from it.
Using what works helps you get better.
I’ll end this article with a quick story.
Several years ago, a skinny young man with a slightly overfed donkey went to cross the border between two countries.
The border guard suspected something sneaky was going on.
He asked the skinny man if he had anything to declare.
The man said no.
The border guard unconvinced, reluctantly let them through, muttering the word “smuggling” under his breath as he did so.
The following week the same man appeared at the border gates.
This time the guard knew there was something afoot.
“Anything to declare.” He asked.
“No.” came the reply.
This time the guard searched both the man and his donkey.
He found nothing.
“I know you’re up to something, and I’m going to find out what it is.” The guard declared.
With that he let the man and his donkey pass.
The next week the skinny man and his slightly overfed donkey was there at the border again, waiting in line to pass through.
This time the guard didn’t ask the ‘anything to declare’ question.
He just stopped them and did a strip search with the man.
Still nothing.
He had to let them through.
He said, “I know you’re a smuggler and I’m going to catch you.”
This went on for week after week, year after year.
Finally, when the skinny man and his donkey appeared, the guard had had enough.
“Look.” He said. “I’m retiring tomorrow. Tell me what you’ve been smuggling all these years. I give you my word I won’t tell a soul.”
The skinny man asked. “Is your word good?”
The border guard now desperate to know - and realised he’d been outwitted all these years - made a solemn promise never to tell anyone.
“I’m retiring tomorrow. I just need to know. I need peace of mind. You secret is safe with me.”
“I’m smuggling donkeys.” The skinny man told him.
All throughout this article I’ve also been smuggling something.
Can you guess what it is?
If you Connect with me on LinkedIn, and I'll show you how I “Smuggle Donkeys” in every post I write.