There's NO 'inconvenient' Truth.

There's NO 'inconvenient' Truth.

A. Truth is never ‘inconvenient’ - it is a life giver, preserver and saver.

Truth is our Salvation, our Preservation.

That some people find Truth ‘inconvenient’ is evidence of their ignorance compounded by selfishness, fear, greed, megalomania and other degenerate qualities.

Truth teaches us according ro our own outlook and characters: Where we are hard on others, Truth appears hard on us. Where we are gentle with others, Truth appears gentle on us.

Truth is constant and eternal. It is our perception of and ability to see Truth or not, which is variable.

Truth, like Love, is Spiritual power, with the ability to transform everything open to receive it, into its own nature.

Those who receive and live by Truth and receive its light become Truth-full. They become the Light of the World.

Likewise, those who are open to Love and receive its flame become warm and loving. Those who receive and live by Wisdom become Wise peacemakers.

All aspects of Truth can and will change everyone’s lives for the better, because once Truth-Love-Wisdom starts to open receptive hearts and minds, it dissolves in the garden of consciousness all formative thought growths, which have caused division, dis-ease, suffering, false values, pain and death.

Truth, Love, Wisdom (Goodness) are all facets of God.

A prime, and most often ignored Truth is that our body is our ‘Book of Life’. It is a Self-Perpetuating, Self-Renewing Self-Adjusting living record of our every thought-word-deed-everything we eat- drink- do-experience-and have done to us.

As such, we are ALL held accountable for everything we think-speak-eat-drink and do.

Those who are unaware of this and move through life impelled by worldly ambition, are in the sleep of death. This means their selfishness blinds them to the Living Water flowing deep within them, animating them, and distances them from the Spirit issuing from the Well of Being within themselves - it is like rocks and mud have been piled over the Well within them, reducing life’s flow to a trickle.

So, all they know is what is filtered second hand, diluted truths they glean from the world around them, which they use selfishly because the direct Wise (selfless) Truth flowing from within is not reaching their conscious mind, or they abuse it, perpetuating selfishness, greed and therefore suffering.

All these and more are transforming Truth, summed up in this way:

The inescapable transforming power of Truth looks back at us from the mirror each day.

When one looks in the mirror, one sees the sum total of one’s character - and this book of life - is a sealed book.

Our life’s purpose is to open the seals of this book, read it, understand it, and use the Truths, the Love, Wisdom and other faculties revealed to us, to transform our characters.

Included in the Truth of our body holding us accountable for our every motive, every thought-word-deed, etc., is the fact that:

“The power of death and life is in the tongue”.

This Truth is delivered in this way too:

“By your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned”.

The Truth is our body is specifically designed as a vehicle for the Spoken Word. We are offspring of God; stewards of the earth for our own sakes.

Every word we speak flows through us and its vibration is projected into the world and through every cell of our body.

Words spoken in selfishness, or with the intention to harm, may harm the one they are sent to harm, however, because they originate from a darkened heart, they’re already harming the speaker, eating away causing degeneration and dissolution between their hearts, minds, bodies and Souls.

Those intending harm are in the sleep of death.

Truth is, harmful words harm the speaker FIRST - as the words pass through their bodies before being spoken erupting and degenerating the interior cells like a volcano.

Some people may be resilient to moral Truth and insist on doing others harm and take supplements to avoid obvious degeneration. Yet this does not, as they hope it will, circumvent the Divine Law.

The Divine Law is written within every atom and fibre of our being: into every cell.

None of us escapes the Law and the Truth is written into the quality of our lives every moment of every day.

WHEN one awakens and has a realisation that consciousness is a garden, that what we sow into the world we reap in our own bodies, there is a corresponding dawning in the mind where it is realised:

“The beginning of Wisdom is the fear of the Lord”.

This is not the emptiness of fear as the world uses it as a weapon.

This is ‘righteous fear’, the realisation that no one can escape the consequences of the words they speak, so they start to change their motives for speaking, from selfishness to wise, kind and loving. They choose words far more carefully, knowing that their own body shall be the harvest of their every word.

The ‘righteous fear’ of realising inescapable accountability causes a person to grow wise and choose the kindest, most caring, loving words from deep within their own Souls (psyche) and sow them into the world, knowing that as they do, they are held inescapably responsible for every word and the harvest they shall reap in their own bodies.

“I (the Truth) come that you may have life and have it (flowing from the Well of being within) more abundantly.

All sickness, dis-ease, division, suffering, and death is the fruit of ignorance and of degenerate seed ideas sown into, growing through, and harvesting in the body.

Consequently, through millennia of degeneration and ignorance the garden of consciousness is overgrown, unkempt and no longer ‘trimmed and kept’ as we were in-structed.

The Well of Living Water in the garden is obscured, and blocked within those who intend to deceive and within those deceived.

The transforming Truth is that starting right now, by eating the fruit of the Truth shared here, it contains the seeds for its own propagation and wherever these seeds are received into hearts and minds and cultivated, the Transforming power of Truth’s Light, Love and Wisdom contained in the Living Water, dissolves all division, ignorance, unrighteous fear, hatred, greed, megalomania, lusts of the flesh, lust for power over others, and establishes itself within the person as the only real authority and Judge of life, and this Wisdom enables one to:

“Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free”.

Whomsoever the Truth sets free, is forever Free.


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