"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in"
― Leonard Cohen

"There's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in" ― Leonard Cohen

I get it, I'm completely spoiled. But not how you might think. My husband and I were talking about what it means to have privilege, and one of the definitions he'd mentioned he heard recently was the argument that "a privilege is something that can be taken away. The privilege to vote, for example. Or the privilege to have disposable income". But my definition of privilege is "having the ability to do, achieve or have something that very few other people can do, achieve or have". Which is why I KNOW that I'm privileged. Because unlike anyone else in my social or working circles: I'm the only one I know who's had brain surgery. And that's a pretty epic thing, really.

Wait. What?

Yep. Having had ten brain surgeries means that my perspective on life is, well, different:

- I've seen and felt excruciating pain.

- I've come exceedingly close to knocking on Heaven's door [hey, that's a song, right?]

- and I've come out of it all with a sense of "hey, if ten brain surgeries can't kill me, then I must be here for a purpose, right?".


Which is one of the reasons why I hate to waste my time and energy on negativity.

It's one of the reasons why I refuse to only focus on the glass being half empty - hey, even if it's only half a glass, it's still hydration right? And hydration IS happiness dad joke

Erm. Where was I? Oh yes. Privilege.

The privilege of having had ten brain surgeries? It's knowing that - if I can find a lifeline through it all - then other people - especially teenagers - can find their lifeline too. And hey, that lifeline might also be music.

Because, let's face it, it feels like, especially lately, the world is changing... and we start to notice cracks in our otherwise perfect world — we start noticing flaws and imperfections that we try so hard to cover up. But what if I told you that these very cracks are where the true beauty of life shines through? These imperfections are not just a part of our existence; they are gateways to deeper understanding and more authentic expression.

They're gateways to our truth, and our inner song[s].

Like this one from my old band Static Era talking about taking on the world despite its craziness:

And this more recent one that literally talks about being vulnerable and scared, but choosing to have faith anyway:

The Power of Music in Healing

For me, music and songwriting have been vital in navigating both medical and personal trauma. Here’s how:

  • Simplification: Using the KISS method ("Keep It Simple, Superstar"), I teach my clients to distill complex emotions into simple, powerful lyrics.
  • Connection: Music has always been a universal language, helping me connect with others easily and meaningfully.
  • Expression: Finding the right words in a song has allowed me to communicate deep feelings without fear or reservation.

So of course I'm excited about this summer's youth empowerment tour across the US.

This journey is not just about music; it's about helping teens find their lifelines, recognizing their privileges, and turning those trials into triumphs.

And tonight?! We’re hosting a fundraising gala at XCAL in Ashburn! It's a celebration of resilience, music, and the incredible talent of our young artists, like my just-turned-11-year-old YES client who recently recorded her debut single, and will be performing it live on stage at the end of this month during the single release celebration brunch at Hard Rock Cafe. Have you reserved your table yet?

Click here to reserve your table for the 28th!

If you're interested in supporting the upcoming tour and mission of saving the world one teenaged-written song at a time, head over to yesyouthcoaching.org. BUT if you're looking for something to help you and your teen turn your pain points into power and unconventional privilege, let's hop on a call to see if we might be a good fit.

Here's to the light that shows up through our cracks.

Have an amazing day on purpose,

~ Emma G

PS. Let me know if you're planning on joining tonight. I'm so deeply thankful for all of the donated items toward our silent auction to help raise funds for the Youth Empowerment Tour. In no particular order, special shout out to:

  • Fia's Fabulous Finds in Petworth [goodie bag]
  • Create Arts Center [voucher]
  • Jonna Michelle Photography [outdoor photo session]
  • HNYB Crafts [crafts]
  • The Difference Press [book writing package]
  • Griefcat [singing telegram]
  • Trilogy Sound Studio [one year starter membership]
  • Krav Maga CDK [self defense]
  • Karmology [mental health book]
  • HurtLocka Studio [indoor photo session]
  • Body by Zanotti [personal training]
  • Capital MMA Team Takoma [jiu-jitsu]
  • Meg Trucano Coaching [life coaching]
  • Love Legal [legal services]
  • Silence Echoez [guitar lessons]
  • and Anne Thomas [artistic print]

Truly. Thank you ALL for your support!!

Want more?

  • Click here to read the "Music + Mental Health" blog.
  • Click here to listen to the "Reconnect with your Teenager" podcast
  • Click here to join Emma G Nation for exclusive content over on Patreon.
  • Click here to find out more about, or make a tax deductible donation to Youth Expression through Songwriting coaching.

When you're ready, here are the three main ways we can work together:

  • One on one coaching - helping you express yourself safely and healthily, rewrite your perceptions of yourself, and the way the world perceives you: one powerful song at a time?even if you've never written a song before.
  • Commissioned song - harnessing your brand, business or organization in one powerful anthem that can be used for teambuilding and rapport, brand-building, and advertising.
  • Edutainment + workshopping - using keynote speaking and music together to elevate your business, organization or event: specializing in stress management, developing and maintaining productive and positive workplace culture, mental and emotional health and well-being, and the JEDI mindset [Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion].

Dan Edwards

Become an AI Speaker/Trainer/Consultant - message me for details

11 个月

Couldn't agree more, real strength comes from overcoming life's toughest challenges.


Emma G - Vocal and Songwriting Coach, TEDx Speaker, Mentor的更多文章

