Although, your script is important, it’s not the only document that’s important nor the first document investors executives will look at.
Susan Flanagan, Emmy? Award Winning Writer, Exec. Prod.
BSI Films offers Independents and writers the same professional writing, development, production resources we provide major Hollywood studios, streaming, cable, and broadcast industry clients.
Now That Your Script Is Written, What's The Next Step
?*** There’s been some internal changes made by investors, streaming, studios, and broadcast companies as to how projects are reviewed.
?Update: if you don’t have talent attached to your Development Presentation, structure your project so that it meets the creative, investment and business directives you're submitting to.
Translation: you’re submitting to executives, not people wanting to read your script. Your “Presentation” needs to focus more on their internal creative, investing, and business directives. Find out what genre they’re looking at, does your concept meet current trends, what is your quadrant, see more details below. ???
?** Secondly, a polished script is still needed, but internally they will generate a 1-page SAR (script analysis report) before reading your script.
?View this sample of a Development Presentation and a SAR (Script Analysis Report.) ...
?** writers are getting a SAR before submitting their script. It gives them the advantage of seeing the report and using it as a guideline for increasing their score and polishing their script.
?** SAR (Script Analysis Report) The Creative Executive hired by the investor, studio or industry executive, will evaluate the first 10 pages of your script, based on specific entertainment and business directives given them to identify and score (on a scale of 1-5) prior to reading your entire script.
?Note:?SAR report may not seem important, but if the first 10 pages of your script does not reveal answers to entertainment and business directives investors and industry executives want answers to, it’s a strong possibility that’s where the review process will end.
--------------------- The key factors investors, studios, streaming and industry executives want your script to reveal in the first 10 pages of your script. ---------------------------------
?** Directives: Creative Executives are told by investors and companies what they want identified and scored in the first 10 pages of a script. a. Example:?looking for horror and action films. (b.) can the project be budgeted for major release or streaming. (c.) what is its quadrant level. (d.) is the lead character female. (e.) based on its quadrant level will it appeal to their investors, sponsors.? ?
?** High Concept: What is the hook that makes the audience want to keep watching? a. example: within page 1 of the script, think Law & Order. For any film, series, or content have something happen that makes the audience?keep watching.
** What is the CQ (Central Question of the story.) within 1-10 pages, state what the question is that goes immediately to the heart of the story. a. example: will the main character be found not guilty, or did they actually do it?
?** What is the Quadrant Level? Quadrant level for a movie or series is given a score between 1-4. a.?example: a movie that appeals to all four major demographics both male and female, and both?over and under the age of 25, receives a 4 out of 4.
?Sophie Marcelle, Producer / [email protected]