There'll Be Ethnic Lunches
When I left for work this morning, I noticed the outside temps were hovering around forty degrees which is telling us the nights of frost will be soon upon us, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm still hoping for a late arrival, and only because I still have veggies ripening. At least we had the clear skies today which helped warm things up all the quicker. Unless the forecast gets changed, our overnight temps should be much higher these coming days. Of course the nasty jiggers are out again which never seem to stop biting until the frost kills them.
My early morning hours were spent working on some market value research for the home I inspected yesterday, and fortunately I found two very good matches, which will support the listing price I'll be recommending to my seller when we meet-up again.
Once I had that done, I placed a call to my dear friend, just to ask how she liked that small watermelon I gave her, which prompted a great deal of raving over it, and likely because it was possibly the first home-grown one she's had in years. Personally, I'm not much of a regular watermelon fan, but those small ones are absolutely delicious.
We somehow got on the subject of deep and long-lasting friendships, and we both agreed that a true friend is one who accepts you as you are and likewise, but also, there's an iron-clad trust that normally takes years to build. We both gave our examples of such relationships which are few and far between. Unfortunately, we both lost our best of friends, so I guess today's conversation was just a reminder for the both of us that we can only cherish such memories, because most-likely there'll never be another who'd even come close to being a very best friend. I know I've mentioned this before, but I feel it's appropriate to repeat a German saying that goes, 'If you manage to pass with one true friend, you've died a very rich person.' Having gone thru such an experience, I can definitely understand the underlying meaning of that saying.
While out and about today, I couldn't help noticing the way in which the builders of that ticky-tacky apartment house down at the corner of N. Federal and 2nd St., are so sloppily pouring the footings for those units. If I were the person having that built, I certainly would've been doing so ear-chewing. From what I've seen thus far, I'll wager those 11 units are going to be on the caliber of those other ticky-tacky apartments just south of our mall's parking lot.
Since I was out rubber-necking, I figured I might as well drive down 2nd St. SW where they're building another look-alike of those near the mall. I'm sorry, but every time I drive past those units, I shake my head in disbelief over the poor quality of construction, the crappy location it's in, and how close to the public street they're building them. You can be certain if I were living in those main floor north-facing units, I would never have my curtains or blinds open, and only because everyone passing by could see right in. I'll be betting some coin, those units will be re-sold as soon as their 10 year tax abatements expire, and that's if they've not already fallen apart. Gosh, I truly wish I could get a group of those current residents together, just to ask a few pointed questions regarding their levels of over-all satisfaction with their current housing. I know some of them have been posting on Mason City Rant and Rave, but I'd rather go directly to the source.
I'm still patiently waiting for the last bit of information we're needing on my Dows acreage sale, just so we can go ahead and get it closed out. We're already over closing date, and only because someone dropped the ball and didn't alert us. As of today, the banker has everything she needs from my side, so that's all I can do is wait it out.
When reading the news today, I noticed the Ukrainians managed to inflict some noticeable damage on the Russian installations in Crimea. One of their hits managed to take out another one of Russia's sophisticated air defense systems, which should pave the way for more 'bulls-eye' bombings of the Russian military posts in Crimea.
Once again I discovered today how much more 'un-plugged' many in our general working public have become to where they've grown so accustomed to multi-tasking between their work and social medias, their productivities and qualities of their work has waned. I dare say there's few if any people who can actually say they can live thru one day without plugging themselves into their smart phones. I know for a fact, it's become so imbedded into their waking lives, that they don't even realize how serious it's become.
Several weeks ago, I happened to read a short article about a thirty-something guy who woke up one day and decided he was going to get completely detached from the social medias, and focus more in nurturing himself, along with paying more attention to his work and the natural world around him. He's now back on the medias, but not even a quarter of time he used to waste. He considered it his much-needed de-tox and subsequent 're-boot', which in the end, has given him a better understanding of himself and all life around him. More than once he mentioned how important it is for us to deeply care for ourselves in a loving way, and only because that's the first step in truly loving the world. One thing he mentioned which I found moving, was his new ability to slow himself down enough to more fully appreciate the sights, sounds and smells of nature. Have you ever noticed how deeply focused young children are when investigating something new? I'd say he's getting back to the basics, and good for him.
Just as a head's up, tomorrow from 11:00 to 1:30 pm, there'll be ethnic lunches being sold by groups near Central Park, so if you're interested in cultural diversity, stop by.
Tonight's One-liner is: Be like a postage stamp to where you stick to one thing until you get there.
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