Therapy Without Goals Is Like Sending A Young Child Out Into A Large Mall All Alone!!!!
You can get lost pretty fast and waste years of your life if you have a psychologist that sits back and lets you. Dr. Richard Geist strings his patients along. He told me that he can never retire because his patients wouldn't be able to live without him!! How narcissistic is that? That's like a parent telling someone they can't die because their adult child could never survive!!!
Dr. Richard Geist saw patients 4-5 x's a week for decades!!! "In the course of treatment, you obviously touch on a lot of issues," says Leonard Tuzman, DSW, CSW, director of social work services at Hillside Hospital, a part of the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in New York. "You could continue to work?ad nauseum?on all those issues, but at some point, patients need to take what they've learned in therapy out into the community. A therapist shouldn't foster lifelong dependency." But this is exactly what Dr. Geist did with his patients that paid him a whopping $300.00 for 50-minutes!
During the course of my treatment with him over 16 years, not only did I NOT get any better (since I had no goals) I turned into a alcoholic!!! He also encouraged me to have sex with another one of my psychologists! He took that psychologist on as his own patient, and saw us both together for "couples therapy" even though I was still married and living with my husband and son!!! I told Dr. Geist that I was NOT getting better and that I only saw him because he gave me FREE therapy and I had a very long history with him, and that I was in-love with him. HE SAID NOTHING!!! And so I continued drinking vodka EVERY DAY over him and the psychologist who sexually abused me! But I blame Dr. Geist for that sexual abuse also because he encouraged the relationship and said I was responsible for it happening!!!!!!!!!! He also tried to persuade me NOT to go to the licensing board. But he lost that fight!!!
"The job of therapy is to make the therapist expendable," agrees Joseph Napoli, MD, associate chief of?psychiatry?at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in Englewood, New Jersey. Just as you grow up and leave your parents, says Napoli, so should you be developing the necessary tools to leave your therapist and live your own life."