
Fusion energy issues.

The sun, a fusion reactor, should absorb the energy it emits from somewhere; because if you join atoms (fusion) it is not the same as if you disintegrate them (antimatter annihilation) or they fission by their own radiation (fission); in fact they indicate that mass is lost in the form of energy in fusion.


How much mass does the sun lose in energy per second?

Apart from solar wind, solar storms, photons etc... because everything is energy.

The earth is very small compared to the sun and we get enough energy despite the distance and the fact that most of the sun's energy is lost in space; it is also 4,500,000,000 years old.

It would be a lot of energy lost and would even have affected the orbits of the planets (it would have gone out of their orbits...).

The Voyager probes found that despite the coldness of the outer regions of the solar system in interstellar space the plasma (a state of matter in which ions are loose) is hotter (although dispersed) and there is what they have described as a "wall of fire" at the heliopause which is like the magnetopause of the earth; where the magnetic field stops the solar winds.

Some preliminary concepts.

Law of conservation of energy:

"Energy is neither created nor destroyed it is only transformed."

(It is a universal principle and maxim of physics that is always true).

In the energy generated by atomic fusion should also be fulfilled. However, the current explanations of how it works in nuclear fusion reactors (it is impossible that they are putting out more energy than they are putting in according to their theory) and the explanation of how the sun and other stars work violate this principle.

If they produce energy by joining atoms, they are taking it from somewhere else because joining atoms costs energy.

Black hole electron theory:

"In physics, there is a speculative notion that if there were a black hole with the same mass and charge as an electron, they would share many of the properties of the electron including magnetic momentum and wavelength. This idea is based on a series of papers published by Albert Einstein between 1927 and 1949. In them, he showed that if elementary particles were treated as singularities in space-time, there is no need to postulate geodesic motion in the framework of general relativity. "

About electricity:

The energy does not move through the power lines and metals but around them in the magnetic field. In high-voltage power lines it is moved by high-frequency oscillations between several wires due to potential differences between the wires, they are like guided waves.


"It is the transport of material caused by the gradual movement of ions in a conductor due to momentum transfer between conducting electrons and diffusing metal atoms. The effect is important in applications where high densities of direct current are used, such as in microelectronics and related structures. As the size of the structure in electronics, such as integrated circuits (ICs), decreases, the practical importance of this effect increases."

(I.e. electrons also move matter producing deterioration in chips and circuits...).

Solar wind.

"The solar wind is a stream of charged particles released from the Sun's upper atmosphere, called the corona. This plasma consists mainly of electrons, protons, and alpha particles with kinetic energy between 0.5 and 10 keV. The composition of the solar wind plasma also includes a mixture of materials found in solar plasma: traces of heavy ions and atomic nuclei such as C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S and Fe. There are also rarer traces of some other nuclei and isotopes such as P, Ti, Cr, 54Fe and 56Fe, and 58Ni, 60Ni and 62Ni. Superimposed with the solar plasma-wind is the interplanetary magnetic field. The solar wind varies in density, temperature and velocity over time and in solar latitude and longitude. Its particles can escape the Sun's gravity because of their high energy resulting from the high temperature of the corona, which in turn is the result of the coronal magnetic field. The boundary separating the corona from the solar wind is called the Alfvén surface."

"At a distance of more than a few solar radii from the Sun, the solar wind reaches speeds of 250-750 km/s and is supersonic, meaning that it moves faster than the speed of the fast magnetosonic wave. The solar wind flow is no longer supersonic at the termination shock. Other related phenomena include aurora (northern and southern lights), plasma tails of comets that always point away from the Sun, and geomagnetic storms that can change the direction of magnetic field lines. "

"The elemental composition of the solar wind in the solar system is identical to that of the solar corona: 73% hydrogen and 25% helium, with some traces of impurities. The particles are completely ionized, forming a very low density plasma. In the vicinity of the Earth, the solar wind speed varies between 200 and 889 km/s, the average being about 450 km/s."

"In Earth's orbit, the solar wind has an average density of 6 ions/cm3, compared to 2.5 10^19 molecules/cm3 in Earth's atmosphere at sea level. This means that the solar wind plasma is more rarefied than the best vacuum laboratory on Earth! The density of the solar wind decreases beyond the Sun, as the particles are dispersing into space. In fact, the density is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the Sun. "

6 ions per cm3 traveling at 889 km/s is a lot of ions hitting you per second, that's a lot of radiation and energy.

The tail of the comets, which is what makes it possible to see them from the earth, measures thousands of kilometers and is generated by this wind when they approach the sun.

Plasma (4th state of matter):

"In physics and chemistry, plasma (from the Latin plasma and the Greek πλ?σμα 'formation') is called the fourth state of aggregation of matter, a fluid state similar to the gaseous state but in which a certain proportion of its particles are electrically charged (ionized) and do not possess electromagnetic equilibrium, which is why they are good electrical conductors and their particles respond strongly to long-range electromagnetic interactions. In a certain way and in a synthetic way, plasma can be characterized as an ionized gas. "

"It turns out that 99.9% of the observable matter in the universe is plasma, a fluid state that, unlike gas, is made up of charged particles."


"The warm-warm intergalactic medium (WHIM) is the sparse, warm-to-hot (10^5 to 10^7 K) plasma that cosmologists believe exists in the spaces between galaxies and contains 40-50% of the baryonic "normal matter" in the universe at the present epoch. The WHIM can be described as a web of hot, diffuse gas that extends between galaxies, and consists of plasma as well as atoms and molecules, in contrast to dark matter. The WHIM is a proposed solution to the missing baryon problem, where the observed amount of baryonic matter does not match the theoretical predictions of cosmology."

Theory of Everything.


Theory of how the universe works, stars, planets and black holes by fusing matter through the magnetic field; electrons would act as wormholes.

The intergalactic plasma or whim, although very dispersed, has very high temperatures; they indicate about 100000 degrees kelvin and higher. Within galaxies there is also somewhat cooler plasma.

How energy is neither created nor destroyed; the extreme cold of the outer regions of the solar system could be explained because: the sun is absorbing plasma through the heliopause or boundary of the sun's magnetic field, this interstellar plasma would be fused into the sun itself by the magnetic field itself in the sun's core, radiating energy from the center but also fusing atoms with the energy absorbed from the outer reaches of the solar system.

The sun in turn expels solar winds that the earth's magnetic field absorbs; fusing metals in the core and this would be why there is so much iron in the core (and other metals thought to have been generated only in supernovae).

This would be because the electrons are wormholes that absorb ions from the solar wind producing aurora borealis at the poles and fusion in the core; feeding the magnetic field and the heat of the magma.

( They affirm that the earth was created by meteorites colliding with each other and that is why the magma is hot... )

Mars for example; has little volcanic activity and little atmosphere, it seems that planets without atmosphere have no volcanic activity and little magnetic field.

The galaxy in turn would also do the same in black holes that have strong magnetic fields.

Black holes function neither as a planet nor as a star, they emit jets (jets of radiation at the poles) and powerful magnetism and absorb at the equator.

Recall that galaxies also have powerful black holes at their centers.

Summarizing: fusion energy fuses by absorbing energy and what seems to have been generated is residual energy because: "energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed".

The atom could be a very "entangled" wormhole of many dimensions.

I perform 3 demonstrations of this theory:

  • 1st I show that the energy comes from protium ions (hydrogen isotope) proton and not from electrons or at least that they are the same particle; not as quantum physics states: that the electron is an elementary particle and the proton is composed of quarks (and is not a fundamental particle).
  • 2nd I show that light, when exceeding the absolute speed of this for us 299792458 m/s, interacts with itself.
  • 3a Calculation of the change from nanometers to hertz based on the fact that hertz are the number of times that light exceeds its speed, which was implicit in the formulas.

Calculations on energy in electricity.

(First demonstration theory of everything)

The energy of the electricity is ions that disintegrate in circuit leakage.

It is one of the postulates that would have to be checked because one conclusion is that the sun absorbs the ions with the magnetic field just like the planets. Then the magnetic field is full of energy or ions moving at the speed of light being this what creates the energy in the electric current.

In direct current (which is easy to explain), the battery that generates the electricity has ions that are transported from one side of the battery to the other.

If the poles of the circuit were joined by a superconductor (zero resistance to the passage of electricity), the shape or length of the cable would not matter, as the charges would pass from one side of the battery to the other ignoring it through a "wormhole".

The energy and properties that electronic components acquire are due to leakage in this wormhole through which ions travel at the speed of light.

They disintegrate into these leaks which would be the components of the circuit; bulbs, resistors, transistors, etc....

It is like a wormhole (which would have two magnetic poles) connecting two zones of space with different potential and jumping where there are leaks or resistances.

Magnetic fields would be composed of wormholes.

It would be like entering a black hole at one pole and exiting at the other.

I will explain it in full later; that all is light.

To visualize the magnetic lines of a magnet, the magnet is placed under a piece of paper and metal powder or shavings are deposited on top of the paper, and the shavings adopt a pattern showing magnetic field lines; it could be produced by this.

If the most basic ion is hydrogen (it would be a proton today) the energy of electricity would be multiples of its energy according to the famous formula e=mC2 which calculates the total energy contained in the mass.


Proton and electron have the same electric charge but their masses are very different; the mass of the proton is more than 1000 times the mass of the electron.

All that exists is energy (e=mC^2) and this "is neither created nor destroyed" (this is always true).

So with the existing measurements I will do an experiment: disintegrate the mass of a proton to convert it into electricity and see its equivalence with the electron.

Because: can a proton generate more electrons with more charge than the proton itself because of its mass? It doesn't make much sense...


H (hydrogen) With an atomic mass of 1.00797 u (grams/mol or amu); periodic table

The ratio of the mass of a proton to the mass of an electron is approximately 1836 to 1.

H+ (ion) mass 1.00794 (protium) is a proton.

Let's get started:

We calculate the energy in the mass of a mole of protons with the formula e=mC^2

1 mole of hydrogen(ion) 0.00100794 kg * 299792458^2 m/s = 90,589,129,485,599 joules

"It is defined as the amount of charge carried in one second by an electric current of one ampere of intensity."

1 C = 1 A * s

1 C = 6,2401509 10^18 e- (number of electrons per coulomb)

W = V * A

1 J = 1 W/s (joules equals watts per second)

I will use 1 second.

90,589,129,485,599 W (equals J) = 1 V * A

A = 90.589.129.485.599

calculate the number of electrons in those amperes (coulombs)

90.589.129.485.599 A × 6,241506 10^18 e- =


"In the International System of Units the unit of electric charge is called the coulomb or coulomb (symbol C). It is defined as the amount of charge passing through the cross section of an electric conductor in one second, when the electric current is one ampere. Since the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures in the International System of Units the elementary charge is defined as 1,602 176 634 × 10^-19 C, without uncertainty.2 Since the charge of the electron is of the same magnitude as that of the proton, but negative, it takes 6,241 509 074 460 763 × 10^18 electrons to assemble one coulomb of negative charge. "

We have here in this explanation that the charge of the electron is: 1.602 176 634 × 10^-19 C, without uncertainty.

and that " it takes 6,241 509 074 460 763 × 10^18 electrons to assemble one coulomb of negative charge."

1 match the number of electrons in one coulomb (6,241 509 074 460 763 × 10^18) is the fundamental charge of an electron (1,602 176 634 × 10^-19 C "without uncertainty" ).

then it is evident that:

5.6541252595219143072094 10^32 e- * 1.602 176 634 × 10^-19 C=

90,589,084,862,941 A (amperes) or W (watts) or J (joules) for this case. Same number we started with.

this amount of electrons (produced by the mass of the proton) should be able to produce the same joules:

5,65412595219143072094 10^32 e-

we have the constant:

1 (J) Joules = 6.241506×10^18 (eV) Electron volts (coincides with electrons per coulomb)

1 eV = 1.602177423205232839638383821468729×10^-19 J (coincides with fundamental charge electron)


5,65412595219143072094×10^+32 × 1,6021774232052328396383821468729×10^-19 =

90,589,129,485,599 which were the joules produced by the disintegration of one mole of protons.

or hydrogen ions.

Then the energy was always of the proton.

How many protons are in one mole of protons?

There should be exactly Avogadro's number

"Avogadro's constant is the factor of proportionality between the number of particles or elementary entities and the amount of substance. Dividing the number of elementary entities, whatever they are, by Avogadro's constant gives the amount of substance."

(number of atoms per mole of substance):

That is 6.02214 × 10^23 protons.

90,589,129,485,599 (these were the J or A generated by 1 mole of hydrogen ions (protons))

Each proton generated: 1.50426808×10^-10 J or A


W=V × A where for V we took 1 volt.

If we take 1 eV or the charge of the electron

1 (J) Joules = 6.241506×10^18 (eV) Electron volts (coincides with electrons per coulomb)

We calculate voltage for energy generated by the mass of 1 proton (W=V×A).

1.50426808×10^-10 × W (J) × 6.241506E18×10^18 (eV)

940,394,092.77285 eV

A= 1.50426808×10^-10 W ÷ 940,394,092.77285 eV

= 1,59961456×10^-19 A

1W = 1V × 1A

1V = 1 ÷ 1,59961456×10^-19


It would be the joules or watts produced by the energy contained in the mass of a proton.


1 (J) Joules = 6.241506×10^18 (eV) Electron volts (coincides with electrons per coulomb)

1 eV = 1.602177423205232839638383821468729×10^-19 J (coincides with fundamental charge electron)

We have that the mass of the proton has generated:

6.25150599×10^+18 volts for 1 W (J) and 1A (coincides with electrons per coulomb)

1.59961456×10^-19 amperes watts joules for 1 V (coincides with fundamental electron charge)

The error is 0.1599613% and the relation between the energy generated by the mass of the proton and electron: 1/(e-) with charges, both particles having opposite and equal charges.

We have arrived at this value from the mass of the proton.

In quantum physics the electron is a fundamental particle while the proton is composed of 3 quarks....

Everything indicates that they are the same particle.

Currently, the explanation on electricity is maintained:

"Conduction electrons in a copper wire travel at about 10 ^ -9 c. That's about the speed of walking for a human. Perhaps more like a 'snail's pace.' However, that is neither the speed of the signal nor the speed of the power in the wire. The signal speed, generally about the same as the energy speed, is much closer to the speed of light in vacuum, c. "

"The energy produced during the displacement of the electrons through the wire is what generates the electricity but surprisingly the speed that these electrons acquire in a copper wire like the ones that run through our house is less than 1 millimeter per second. To make a comparison, it is less than the speed at which a snail moves."

It is known that electrical energy travels at the speed of light around power lines in the surrounding magnetic field, as a guided wave in the case of high-voltage power lines.

In any case, a cable cannot withstand the coming and going of electrons, especially at high voltage... (it is not like a faucet).

The shape of the universe.

It is said that the universe expands due to the red shift of light from distant galaxies. The farther away the galaxy is, the lower the frequency of its light, telescopes capture images with infrared and radio telescopes observe with radio waves.

There comes a point when galaxies disappear as they move away faster than light, they theorized that the universe started from a point or singularity and exploded or started to inflate like a balloon...

It would be like the surface of a balloon these have two dimensions if you move across the surface as on earth but in reality it is curved, if you painted dots on the balloon which would be galaxies they would separate as it inflates; you could only move across the surface and not leave it; so if you travel in one direction long enough you return to the same point; the only thing, it has 3 dimensions of space in any of which if you move you return to the same point.

Redshift is due to the curvature of space-time in the universe as you would always travel in a straight line.

i.e.: it does not expand exactly...

The unseen galaxies would be beyond the horizon of the universe.

There was no "Big bang", since the redshift is due to the shape of the universe; it is still seen as a speed that increases and makes light lose frequency, but it is a curvature in space-time.


Spacetime has 3 dimensions of space and one of time.

When you move in space you do not move in time; you move as your environment moves in time, but it takes you a while to reach your destination.

Let's say you travel 20 km in an hour in a straight line.

20000 meters in 3600 seconds

you have not moved in time but in space.

Your speed in space remained 1 second per second and in space 5.55 meters per second.

If you accelerate in space, you acquire velocity in space-time; for acceleration is velocity for space-time.

In fact if you accelerate over 5.55 m/s to for example 11.1 m/s

you will arrive in half the time, but you only moved in space-time when you accelerated.

Acceleration is m/s^2

as it is: the speed you accelerate per second.

V= m * s

A= (m * s ) * s

and looking at this we now have two dimensions of time; as in gravity or space-time curvature g=9.8 m/s2 (gravity on earth).

If we were to accelerate the acceleration (((m *s) *s) *s) we would have 3 time dimensions and one space dimension.

Time would have become space and space would have become time.

After all, space-time is one and the same thing.

Time would be similar to a wave.

Time would be like a universe in itself where space is perceived as time.

When you accelerate in spacetime you have 3-dimensional time and linear space would be time as you become a wave for the non-moving reality.

Time travel.

If something goes beyond the horizon of the universe from our galaxy it would no longer be seen, because it would have exceeded the speed of light and therefore:

The frequency of the light sent by these galaxies for us would be 0hz (matter) or negative (electromagnetism).

And the galaxy's own matter would be light would already have a 1hz or more.

If you reach a frequency of 1hz or cycle per second you would have an oscillation by 299 792 458 m/s (meters per second measure of space time it seems).

- Light travels from the past to the future.

- Light with negative frequency travels from the future to the past.

- That which does not move with respect to us is matter (although it is also light).

Light is often energy.

It would come to us would be light from the past, and we would see it from our present or what would be its past.

When you look at the stars you see the distant past.

10 seconds at the speed of light would be 10x 299 792 458 m/s

It is a lot of distance in 10 seconds but it is also space-time; the same for light itself does not move.

In any case it always moves away from us into the future where it is perceived as the past.

If it travels to us it comes from the past; but if we made it come to us, it would come from the future...(black hole).

But since its frequency is the velocity we would have to invert it.

For us, light always travels at 299792458 m/s.

If it slows down, it loses frequency until it finally reverses.

to travel through time:

If we were swallowed by a black hole we would travel to a dimension where time goes backwards with respect to ours, we would have to move in that dimension and be swallowed again by a black hole (I don't think we would survive), we could do some experiments with electronic circuits anyway.

If we could do this we would travel to something like the past and return to something like our present or future; for they are dimensions that we do not experience in our timeline, and being waves there are bound to be many pasts and futures.

About magnets and electromagnets.

Knowing that protium ions (hydrogen isotope) and other ions in the magnetism or magnetic dimension, generate electricity energy by circulating through the magnetic field.

The operation of electromagnets, for example, can be explained.

In electromagnets with a ferromagnetic core (iron, cobalt, nickel, etc...), this core multiplies the magnetic field generated by the coil (solenoid) as the ions pass through it (the metal core): it aligns the magnetic field of the metal atoms, (besides generating heat by the disintegration of the ions).

The effect is like stacking magnets.

A permanent magnet already has its charges aligned.


White light is like white noise contains all frequencies of the visible spectrum at least.

if you pass it through a prism you have:

Something very similar to a "fourier transform" is like a breakdown in which the frequencies are ordered from lowest to highest indicating their intensity.

It should be uniform; if there is no interference and it is pure white noise, i.e. white light.

The color obviously indicates frequency.

In a prism, light slows down its velocity in space-time inside the material and is deflected and separated.

High frequencies deviate less.

Light travels into the future where it is perceived as the past, as opposed to what would happen in a black hole (where it would be seen as the future).

Negative frequencies would travel into the past.

Red for example does not travel as fast into the future within the prism and is deflected.

The 299792458 km per second are in a vacuum; for example in water it slows down and distorts the image and this velocity change has been measured.

Color is frequency and also: speed in time.

If you are swallowed by a black hole you would still go to another dimension where time goes backwards with respect to this dimension with the negative frequencies... but if you are swallowed again by a black hole in that dimension you would have really traveled in time.

The sun emits electromagnetic radiation but also has a powerful magnetic field that swallows interstellar plasma and feeds it that plasma enters the sun and is emitted as electromagnetic energy.

Would the sun be a black hole for interstellar plasma?

We do not see the interstellar plasma, but it is swallowed by the sun beyond the planets in the heliopause and sent to the star itself where it is emitted as electromagnetic radiation, the light we see is part of what the sun radiates.

The interstellar plasma is largely hydrogen in a state of matter: the plasma, where electrons and protons are loose...

It is matter and the magnetic field swallows it up... It comes out again as electromagnetic radiation and would be affected by gravity but no longer by magnetic fields.

The sun inside the magnetism would be a black hole, and the light and radiation that comes out: a star.

The radiation would no longer be affected by magnetism but by gravity (because it would be light).

The frequency of light as speed.

(Second demonstration theory of everything)

Light interacting with itself.

I start from a fundamental postulate for these calculations:

The frequency of light is the number of times (hz) that the photon exceeds the speed of light (C=299792458 ms) for us at 1hz but it would be 2hz because we already go at the speed of light (we are light)).

Let's get started:

Hydrogen atomic mass in amu ( amu are moles per gram) 1.00784 u

Its energy e=0.00100784*C^2

90,580,141,960,336 joules per mole

We divide by Avogadro's number (number of atoms per mole) and get energy 1 atom.

"Since the revision made at the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) held in 2018 Avogadro's constant (symbols: L, NA) has an exact value defined as 6.022 140 76 ×10^23 mol-1."

90.580.141.960.336/6,022 140 76 ×10^23=

1.45594290× 10^-10 energy hydrogen molecule

"The hydrogen line, 21-centimeter line or H I[a] line is the spectral line of electromagnetic radiation that is created by a change in the energy state of neutral hydrogen atoms. This electromagnetic radiation has a precise frequency of 1420.405751768(2) MHz, [1] which is equivalent to the vacuum wavelength of 21.106114054160(30) cm in free space. This frequency falls below the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which starts at 3.0 GHz."

We take the hydrogen frequencies

1420405751.768 hz f Hertz

0.2110611405 m f frequency in meters

Energy of a photon with that frequency in joules e = h × f :

6.62607015 × 10^-34 (plank constant) × 1420405751.768 hz (frequency)

=9.41170815 × 10^-25 Joules energy eABS

Multiply by C (speed of light in meters per second as frequencies exceed this according to their number of hz).

1420405751.768 hz x C m =

4.25826932 × 10^+17 m mABS

We would already be moving at the speed of light, by making a rule of three the minimum energy of a photon would be plank or one photon at one hertz and C meters per second.

299792458 (our apparently stationary velocity) -> X (energy of a photon)

4.25826932 × 10^+17 m mABS ->

9.41170815 × 10^-25 Joules ABS energy

(9.41170815 × 10^-25 Joules ABS energy × 299792458 m ) ÷ 4.25826932× 10^+17 =6.62607014 × 10^-34 (plank)

The energy of a photon at one hertz is one plank and it travels at 299792458 the speed of light or C

The hypothesis is mathematically proven.

Then we can create some formulas:

mABS = C × f (hz) meters

eABS = h x f (hz) joules (energy)

1 plank = (eABS × C)/ (mABS)

X × plank = ( eM × C) / (mABS)

We test the formulas:

Already knowing the energy of the hydrogen molecule by its mass.

And the frequency of the hydrogen line.

hydrogen molecule energy:

eM=1.45594290× 10^-10 J

frequency absorbed by hydrogen:

1420405751,768 hz

We calculate mABS:

1.420.405.751,768 × 299792458(C)

=4.25826932× 10^+17 mABS

We apply the formula:

X plank = ( eM × C) / (mABS)

X plank = (1.45594290E-10 molecule energy × C ) / (mABS)

0.0436480701 / 4.25826932× 10^+17 =1.02501901× 10^-19 planks

1.02501901E-19 × plank =

We moved on to Julios:

6.79184786× 10^-53 joules

We calculate the energy of the photon that exceeds the speed of light by knowing the distance that mABS would travel.

299792458-> 1,45594290× 10^-10

mABS -> X

X = 0.2068029671 joules

eABS = eM × mABS / C

From the energy of that photon that exceeds the speed of light and travels eABS distance showing itself only as Hertz for us we calculate its Hertz for us.

fF = (eM / eABS)^-1


1,420,405,752.863 hz

The mass energy of the split hydrogen mass the energy of a photon that would exceed the speed of light C in hz times is equal to hz^-1

fF = (eM / eABS)^-1

The mass of hydrogen is fixed. And so is the frequency at which hydrogen reacts.

Light slows down within matter according to its velocity in time.

Decomposition of light.

(Third demonstration theory of everything)

If for us the passage of time is measured by the second, our passage through space-time should be measured in 299792458 meters per second, since both things go together, that would be our second.

And for the light we see receding it would be:

Twice as much, but we would see it moving away at 299792458 m/s

If our time frequency was one: C or 1hz or cps

And that of the receding light, inside it: one too.

For us its frequency in time is 2 seconds per second of ours.

2hz for us and us for her -1hz

We would not be visible at all: no light either.

Light frequencies (nm nanometers)

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- The speed of light for light is two seconds per second.

- For light it is one second per second.

We will calculate that the hertz coincide with the number of times that light exceeds the speed of light (although we will only see it travel at 299792458 m/s).

For 550 nanometer green light is:

1 nanometer is 10^-9 meters.

C(speed of light) 299792458 meters per second.

For 550 nm green:

550 × 10^9 meters × 1 second

The speed in time of light is one second so:

C = 299798458 m× 1s 1hz

Green= 550×10^-9 m × 1s Xhz

Spacetime is: meters per second. We convert green to spacetime units C: speed of light (constant for us: light also but at least 1hz slower).

550×10^-9 m =0.00000055 m

how many times does it exceed the speed of light?

we would have to divide to see the wavelengths. And so we see how many times it is greater

with respect to the constant velocity for us which is C.

299792458 / 0,00000055 = 545.077.196.363.636,3636

or 5.45 × 10^14 hz (exactly its frequency)

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The index of refraction of the vacuum is 0 and is where the speed of light has been calculated.

And in an opaque substance the angle would be the same.

Penetration depends exclusively on the frequency of the light or electromagnetic radiation; low frequencies do not interact because they do not collide and high frequencies pass through (both pass through):

- Infrared is seen through objects (with special cameras of course).

- And x-rays pass through objects but carry information with them.

- Reflected or absorbed frequencies are not visible to us.

Transparent objects, depending on the angle, can become opaque or simply opaque because of their thickness.

In a prism if the light is incident at an angle, part of the light would be reflected and scattered light would not enter the prism (it would be difficult to see the prism otherwise).

If it were to enter a very thick crystal on the other side, the high frequencies, blue-green etc. would come out.

The orange reds, etc., remain absorbed inside.

The prism separates the frequencies the higher frequencies by the long way (blue, purple).

And the lowest ones by the shortest way (orange, red).

The light that deviates the least from the straight line is red because it is difficult for it to take long paths.

And the blues and purples pick up the most similar to the one that should have followed the whole beam of white light....



Non-ionizing radiation:

"A type of low-energy radiation that does not have enough energy to remove an electron (negative particle) from an atom or molecule. Nonionizing radiation includes visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light; microwaves; radio waves; and radiofrequency energy from cell phones."

Ionizing radiation:

"Ionizing radiations are those radiations with sufficient energy to ionize matter, extracting the electrons from their atom-bound states.

Alpha particles. Alpha particles (α) are positively charged and are composed of two protons and two neutrons from the nucleus of the atom.

? Beta particles. ...

? Gamma rays. ...

? X-rays"

The difference is only the frequency, as the non-ionizing ones interact only with the matter they "resonate" electromagnetically.

At a certain frequency level in the magnetic field they would collide with everything.

Will dark matter and dark energy be within these waves?

They carry matter and if you don't tune in, you don't interact with it....

On wave-particle "duality".

Double slit experiment.

In this experiment, it is determined that observing influences the result, since

Sometimes electrons behave as a wave and sometimes as a particle.

That is: they interfere or do not interfere with themselves whether you observe their passage through the slit or not; altering the projected result.

The application of the theory of everything to this case is that the whole system is a circuit with energy leakage wherever it is manifested by the circuit effect.

The final destination of this energy would not be to the wall but to the other cell of the battery.

The projected image being part of the circuit.

We would have in the case of a laser and direct current.


1st measure the interference on the wall.

1. The positive pole + HOME

2. The laser that would be a leak in the circuit (pointing to the wall and the double slit is in its path)

3. The double slit (the light would create two new light sources when passing through it)

4. The wall (expected to receive an interference pattern)

5. The meter (will pick up the result pointing to the wall)

6. The negative pole - END

The result would be an interference pattern: It behaves like a wave.

2o measure how the light passes through the slit.

1. The pole positive + START → END

2. The laser (pointing at the wall and the double slit is in its path)

3. The double slit (the light would create two new light sources when passing through it).

4. The meter (see how the light passes through the double slit before it passes through)

5. Wall (no longer receiving a wave interference pattern)

6. The negative pole - END

By measuring you have jumped energy into the meter altering the path and you would no longer see the interference pattern.

The meter in case of a camera would be seeing an image of the double slit.

Even if no extra energy is released at the meter this would have altered the energy path in the circuit.

The wall would no longer pick up the interference pattern and the energy would reach its destination in the battery.

The protons that generate the energy move at the speed of light and when there are leaks they disintegrate in the circuit releasing energy but if there were no leaks they would ignore the circuit and go from one cell to the other, a conductor joins two points with different potential but it is like a wormhole and simply moves where it wants to go ignoring the medium that made it possible.

In the theory of everything I speculated that electromagnetic radiation goes back in time.

So protons traveling from positive to negative pole does not prevent the correct functioning of a circuit (I will come back to this topic).

(This phenomenon would also make electromagnetic waves possible as in radios).


1. Everything is waves.

2. The frequency of the wave is the number of times it exceeds the speed C of light (299792458 m/s).

3. we will always see light moving at constant speed C with frequency; as other frequencies are other realities.

4. Waves contain waves in turn.

5. Waves interact with each other and with matter (since they are waves too).

6. Negative frequencies travel into the past but not for us nor do we see them as negative, but as magnetism.

7. For the magnetic dimension the Sun is a black hole; that is, gravity is for light and matter what is magnetism in negative frequencies (plasma, ions; they move within magnetism).

8. Plasma: 4th state of matter; it interacts with gravity and magnetism (already known).

9. Everything is relative to our velocity in space-time. The values of Planck's constant h and the speed of light C are maintained.

10. Gravity is constant velocity in space-time.

11. Acceleration in space-time has 3 dimensions of time and one of linear space being as an inversion of what we observe 3 dimensions of space and one of time.

Raúl Moreno

3D generalista, programador y músico

2 年

1st of the three demonstrations updated I will continue updating it from time to time but in pdf...

Raúl Moreno

3D generalista, programador y músico

2 年




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