A theory of Big Bang, Final Big Collapse and why Time did not initially belong to our Universe.
Source: NASA

A theory of Big Bang, Final Big Collapse and why Time did not initially belong to our Universe.

As a school kid I was fascinated with Albert Einstein's work. Not that I would properly understand any of it at the time, but there was such a great hype about him, his works, his famous theory of relativity and his quotes that had people already using the word "Einstein" instead of "Genius". This still exists in our culture and even branding.

Einstein's theory of Special Relativity (and Time Dilation) said that Time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else.

Einstein mentioned that Time is the only dimension in our universe that is not absolute and it is strongly affecting the other 3 dimensions.

It also says that Time would move faster in higher elevations than lower ones (bad news if you live on a high rise).

To make it more interesting, Einstein said that gravity can bend Time (and space).

He also added that the Speed of Light is the universal standard measure of speed as it is observed across the entire universe at the exact same speed.

The Time also moves slower for the object as it moves faster (it could have been good news for the crew of passenger airplanes if it was not flying so far high up in the sky!)

Also, the Faster you travel through Space, the Slower you travel through Time.

Then once scientists stepped a bit forward, they noticed that Time is the key conflicting subject between the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics to the level that in Quantum Mechanics it no longer runs anything anymore. It is nothing but a backdrop as long as we care to believe in its existence.

Amazing that while experiments continue to show that there is no space that stands apart from space-time itself (i.e. there is no existence without Time), we can live free of it in the Quantum world as long as we can manage to stay intact in there.

Now here is a theory that I was working on - at a very light and high level - back in those days:

Time is the superimposed dimension, to our 3-dimensional universe, at the crossing or tangent point of a hyper-dimensional universe, with ours.

What scientists call The Big Bang, is the beginning of this contact between the two universes, which of course created the massive disruption which in turn created Time as the fascinating ruling factor to our entire existence, and our 4th dimension, without which we merely do not exist!

Let me simplify that a bit:

Imagine that there is 2-dimensional universe, like a flat paper with nothing on it.

Then suddenly we have a Cone coming in contact with that flat surface and starts going through it.

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As the Cone comes in contact with the surface a magnificent phenomena happens in that 2-dimensional universe, a Big Bang: A dot is created which starts into expanding into a circle - Inflation - and as the Cone continues to go through that flat surface the circle expands further and further.

The circle that did not belong to the 2D universe before, suddenly becomes the most significant thing on that universe: The Circle of Creation.

Who knows, you may even get a few intelligent beings formed around that circle that are trying to understand where they came from and why is their world expanding.

Then when the Cone is done passing through the 2D world, it suddenly comes to its base and then there is no further contact to the 2D world. The circle is no longer there and that entire existence disappears into nothing as if it never happened.

That would be the The Big Collapse moment for that entire existence.

We can now expand that example to our universe. A hyper-dimensional universe started going through our 3D world, causing a Big Bang and creating Time, and imposed that on our boring 3D universe as the fascinating 4th dimension.

The crossing of these two universes is not only causing a superimposition of the hyper-dimensional world on ours, but also causes leakages from our world to theirs which can roughly explain "Black Holes", which bend time, have extreme gravity and have been mesmerizing physicists as being portals to another universe.

With a subject of this magnitude, going back billions of years into the past and expanding billions of kilometers as we speak, confusion in understanding how this has come together is a normal part of this journey.

At the time of writing this article, I have noticed a confusion building up among theoretical physicist regarding whether the so-called "Inflation" happened before the "Big Bang" in opposition to what was the belief among the scientists before.

Let me use a simplified example again:

Imagine when a Balloon is pressed against the surface of the water, what comes first is a curvature of the surface of water - as I call it the initial "Bulge" - before the surface is broken - The "Big Bang" - and Balloon entering the water which now creates the "Inflation" effect that can be measure afterwards.

In this example two 3D universes collided.

Now in the case of our universe a more enhanced occurrence happened. 

When an Hyper-dimensional universe came in contact with our "originally 3D universe" initially it created the "Bulge" which then led to the tear into our world, called the "Big Bang" and super-imposed a new dimension into our universe, called "Time" which caused the creation at the point of the ever growing tangency between the two universes. 

It seems that our confused scientists are now finding leads to that initial "Bulge" which happened before the "Big Bang" and since they are now confusing that with the "Inflation", they are trying to pull it before the "Big Bang", instead of understanding it as a separate phenomena.

Black Holes

Up until recently, scientists knew very little about the Black Holes. Main reason for it being is that in order to survive their superior gravitational pull, your solar system has to be significantly far away from the closest of them, which in turn inhibits your ability to properly observe their interaction with their surrounding.

Scientists now believe that there is a Super Black Hole at the center of every galaxy in our universe.

The Milky Way, our galaxy, also has its own Super Back Hole and it is dubbed as Sagittarius A which to our great fortune, is over 250 million light years away from us.

While this is fascinating to know, we should also notice that everything we think we know about Black Holes is through observing the image we see which started travelling towards Earth when early dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and we would have no way of telling what is their status now, using our current technology.

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I am sure many of you have seen the movie, Interstellar, in which the main actor volunteered to travel to a Black Hole with the hope of finding a way to save humans from extinction caused by famine on Earth, and there he found out he could travel back in time to several touch points to his own past and used that to communicate to his daughter to tell her how to save humans.

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I for one would not bet on travelling through a Black Hole and expect to experience a Time Machine effect that would let me connect the the past and the future.

Even if we somehow manage to survive the super gravitational pull of that phenomena, (which would most likely just pulverize us into our molecules and vacuum clean us in), at the other side of that portal, we would need to be translated to their hyper-dimensional world and turn into an impression from our world to theirs which would no longer be us anymore.

(That would make a good plot for future Sci-Fi movies if the writers and directors manage to bridge the severe gap between our brains' maximum rendering capacity and the ultra-complexity of the dynamics of a hyper-dimensional universe).


Arman Kamran


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