TheFUN! is out of Tablet Beta Testing! W7 / W10
J. Michael T.
Greetings! I'm J. Michael Thrasher, a NC-based IT Professional. My primary focus is on private projects, but I also accept select freelance. I can help aquire domain names on your behalf. Contact me: (919) 771-9661
TheFUN! is out of Tablet beta testing and ready for Windows 7 and 10 tablets!
Many know this is a fun browser, but under the hood, it was designed from the ground up with 2 core missions "1. Prevent abuse To Women and Children" & "2. Prevent Child Abductions & Recover Missing Children".
Once partnered with good companies who want to reach customers with the ultimate reward program - Lifetime Sponsored Free Child & Family Safety System, it will help end 70% of all missing children in the US.
But wait there's more! TheFUN also has a reward card built in to use when shopping. PowerMembership TM 10% Plus off. Also, TheFUN! can compete with the likes of Ebay, Match, Craigslist, Facebook, GoDaddy, Twitter, YouTube, Bing, Google, Yahoo, Gmail, Amazon and a few others, unless a sponsor provides that type of service, then we shut ours off and promote them.
This a new approach to saving our children & I need you to join TheFUN! "Together, We Win!" - JMThrasher
(Look, Function and Feel Copyright 2008-2016 JMThrasher)